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yoga m. (1. %{yuj} ; ifc. f. %{A}) the act of yoking , joining , attaching , harnessing , putting to (of horses) RV. MBh. ; a yoke , team , vehicle , conveyance S3Br. Kaus3. MBh. ; employment , use , application , performance RV. &c. &c. ; equipping or arraying (of an army) MBh. ; fixing (of an arrow on the bow-string) ib. ; putting on (of armour) L. ; a remedy , cure Sus3r. ; a means , expedient , device , way , manner , method MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a supernatural means , charm , incantation , magical art ib. ; a trick , stratagem , fraud , deceit Mn. Katha1s. (cf. %{yoga-nanda}) ; undertaking , business , work RV. AV. TS. ; acquisition , gain , profit , wealth , property ib. Kaus3. MBh. ; occasion , opportunity Ka1m. Ma1rkP. ; any junction , union , combination , contact with (instr. with or without %{saha} , or comp.). MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{yogam} %{i} , to agree , consent , acquiesce in anything R.) ; mixing of various materials , mixture MBh. R. VarBr2S. ; partaking of , possessing (instr. or comp.) Mn. R. Hariv. ; connection , relation (%{yogAt} , %{yogena} and %{yoga-tas} ifc. in consequence of , on account of , by reason of , according to , through) Ka1tyS3r. S3vetUp. Mn. &c. ; putting together , arrangement , disposition , regular succession Ka1t2h. [856,3] S3rS. ; fitting together , fitness , propriety , suitability (%{yogena} and %{yoga-tas} ind. suitably , fitly , duly , in the right manner) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; exertion , endeavour , zeal , diligence , industry , care , attention (%{yoga-tas} ind. strenuously , assiduously ; %{pUrNena@yogena} , with all one's powers , with overflowing zeal) Mn. MBh. &c. ; application or concentration of the thoughts , abstract contemplation , meditation , (esp.) self-concentration , abstract meditation and mental abstraction practised as a system (as taught by Patan5jali and called the Yoga philosophy ; it is the second of the two Sa1m2khya systems , its chief aim being to teach the means by which the human spirit may attain complete union with I7s3vara or the Supreme Spirit ; in the practice of self-concentration it is closely connected with Buddhism) Up. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (IW. 92) ; any simple act or rite conducive to Yoga or abstract meditation Sarvad. ; Yoga personified (as the son of Dharma and Kriya1) BhP. ; a follower of the Yoga system MBh. S3am2k. ; (in Sa1m2khya) the union of soul with matter (one of the 10 Mu1lika7rtha1s or radical facts) Tattvas. ; (with Pa1s3upatas) the union of the individual soul with the universal soul Kula7rn2. ; (with Pa1n5cara1tras) devotion , pious seeking after God Sarvad. ; (with Jainas) contact or mixing with the outer world ib. ; (in astron.) conjunction , lucky conjuncture La1t2y. VarBr2S. MBh. &c. ; a constellation , asterism (these , with the moon , are called %{cAndra-yogAH} and are 13 in number ; without the moon they are called %{kha-yogAH} , or %{nAbhasa-yogAH}) VarBr2S. ; the leading or principal star of a lunar asterism W. ; N. of a variable division of time (during which the joint motion in longitude of the sun and moon amounts to 13 degrees 20 minutes ; there are 27 such Yogas beginning with Vishkambha and ending with Vaidhr2iti) ib. ; (in arithm.) addition , sum , total Su1ryas. MBh. ; (in gram.) the connection of words together , syntactical dependence of a word , construction Nir. Sus3r. (ifc. = dependent on , ruled by Pa1n2. 2-2 , 8 Va1rtt. 1) ; a combined or concentrated grammatical rule or aphorism Pa1n2. Sch. Siddh. (cf. %{yoga-vibhAga}) ; the connection of a word with its root , original or etymological meaning (as opp. to %{rUDhi} q.v.) Nir. Prata1p. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; a violator of confidence , spy L. ; N. of a Sch. on the Parama7rthasa1ra ; (%{A}) f. N. of a S3akti Pan5car. ; of Pi1vari1 (daughter of the Pitr2is called Barhishads) Hariv.

1-1, 1-2



anuzAsana n. instruction , direction , command , precept RV. x , 32 , 7 , &c.




citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.




vRtti f. rolling , rolling down (of tears) S3ak. iv , 5 ; 14 ; mode of life or conduct , course of action , behaviour , (esp.) moral conduct , kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for %{vRtta}) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; general usage , common practice , rule Pra1t. ; mode of being , nature , kind , character , disposition ib. Ka1v. ; state , condition Tattvas. ; being , existing , occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.) La1t2y. Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; practice , business , devotion or addiction to , occupation with (often ifc. `" employed about "' , `" engaged in "' , `" practising "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; profession , maintenance , subsistence , livelihood (often ifc. ; cf. %{uJcha-v-} ; %{vRttiM-kR} or %{klRp} [Caus.] with instr. , `" to live on or by "' ; with gen. , `" to get or procure a maintenance for "' ; only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Bra1hman see Mn. iv , 4-6) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; wages , hire , Pan5cav. ; working , activity , function MaitrUp. Kap. Veda7ntas. &c. ; mood (of the mind) Veda7ntas. ; the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.) , its function or force Pa1n2. Sa1h. Sch. on Ka1tyS3r. &c. ; mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold , viz. %{vilambitA} , %{madhyamA} , and %{drutA} q.v.) Pra1t. ; (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form e.g. any word formed with Kr2it or Taddhita affixes , any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds , of which only one member is left , and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.) ; style of composition (esp. dram. style , said to be of four kinds , viz. 1. Kais3iki1 , 2. Bha1rati1 3. Sa1tvati1 , 4. A1rabhat2i1 , qq.vv. ; the first three are described as suited to the S3r2in3ga1ra , Vi1ra , and Raudra Rasas respectively , the last as common to all) Bhar. Das3ar. &c. ; (in rhet.) alliteration , frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated , scil. %{madhurA} , %{prau9DhA} , %{puruSA} , %{lalitA} , and %{bhadrA}) Das3ar. , Introd. ; final rhythm of a verse (= or v.l. for %{vRtta} q.v.) ; a commentary , comment , gloss , explanation (esp. on a Su1tra) ; N. of the wife of a Rudra BhP.

1-2, 1-4



tadA ind. (Pa1n2. 5-3 , 15 and 19 ff.) at that time , then , in that case (often used redundantly , esp. after %{tatas} or %{purA} or before %{atha} MBh. &c. ; correlative of %{ya4d} [AV. xi , 4 , 4] , %{yatra} [ChUp.vi , 8 , 1] , %{yadA} [Mn. MBh. &c.] , %{yadi} [Gi1t. Vet. Hit.] , %{yarhi} [BhP. i , 18 , 6] , %{yatas} , `" since "' , [MBh. xiii , 2231] , %{ce7d} [S3ak. v (v.l.) Katha1s. xi S3rut.])




draSTri m. one who sees AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. (also as 2nd sg. fut. MBh. i , 1685) ; one who sees well R. ii , 80 , 3 ; one who examines or decides in a court of law , a judge Ya1jn5. Mr2icch




avasthAna n. standing , taking up one's place R. v , 5 , 18 ; situation , condition Pan5cat. Hit. ; residing , abiding , dwelling Veda1ntas. Sa1h. ; stability Ra1jat. (cf. %{an-av-}.)




sArUpya n. (fr. %{sa-rUpa}) sameness or similarity of form , identity of appearance , resemblance , likeness , conformity with (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c. ; assimilation to or conformity with the deity (one of the grades of Mukti or beatitude = %{sarUpa-tA} , %{sAlokya}) BhP. ; (in dram.) a mistake caused by the mutual resemblance of two persons (as in Ven2is. vs Yudhi-sht2hira takes Bhi1ma for Duryodhana and injures him) Bhar. Sa1h. ; mf(%{A})n. seasonable , fit , proper , suitable Lalit.




itaratra ind. elsewhere BhP. ; on the other hand , else Yogas.




paJcataya mf(%{I})n. fivefold , having five parts or limbs Kap. ; Yog. (cf. Pa1n2. 5-2 , 42).




kleza m. pain , affliction , distress , pain from disease , anguish S3vetUp. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; (in Yoga phil. five Kles3as are named , viz. %{a-vidyA} , `" ignorance "' , %{asmi-tA} , egotism "' , %{rAga} , `" desire "' , %{dveSa} , `" aversion "' , and %{abhiniveza} , tenacity of mundane existence "' Yogas. Prab. Sarvad. ; the Buddhists reckon ten , viz. three of the body [murder , theft , adultery] , four of speech [lying , slander , abuse , unprofitable conversation] , three of the mind [covetousness , malice , scepticism] Buddh. Sarvad.) ; wrath , anger L. ; worldly occupation , care , trouble (= %{vyavasAya}) L.




pramANa n. (ifc. f. %{A}) measure , scale , standard ; measure of any kind (as size , extent , circumference , length , distance , weight , multitude , quantity , duration) Ka1tyS3r. Kat2hUp. Mn. &c. (instr. `" on an average "' Jyot.) ; prosodical length (of a vowel) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 50 Sch. ; measure in music MBh. (Ni1lak.) ; accordance of the movements in dancing with music and song Sam2gi1t. ; measure of physical strength S3ak. (cf. comp. below) ; the first term in a rule of three sum Col. ; the measure of a square i.e. a side of it S3ulbas. ; principal , capital (opp. to interest) Col. ; right measure , standard , authority Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. (%{pramANam@bhavatI} , `" your ladyship is the authority or must judge "' Nal. ; in this sense also m. and f. sg. and pl. e.g. %{vedAH@pramANAH} , `" the Vedas are authorities "' MBh. ; %{strI@pramANI@yeSAm} , `" they whose authority is a woman Pa1n2. Sch.) ; a means of acquiring Prama1 or certain knowledge (6 in the Veda7nta , viz. %{pratyakSa} , perception by the senses ; %{anumAna} , inference ; %{upamAna} , analogy or comparison ; %{zabda} or %{Apta-vacana} , verbal authority , revelation ; %{an-upalabdhi} or %{abhAva-pratyakSa} , non-perception or negative proof ; %{arthA7patti} , inference from circumstances ; the Nya1ya admits only 4 , excluding the last two ; the Sa1m2khya only 3 , viz. %{pratyakSa} , %{anumAna} and %{zabda} ; other schools increase the number to 9 by adding %{sambhava} , equivalence ; %{aitihya} , tradition or fallible testimony ; and %{ceSTA} , gesture IW. 60 &c. &c.) ; any proof or testimony or evidence Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a correct notion , right perception (= %{pramA}) Tarkas. ; oneness , unity L. ; = %{nitya} L. ; m. (cf. n.) N. of a large fig-tree on the bank of the Ganges MBh. ; (%{I}) f. (cf. n.) N. of a metre Col.

1-6, 1-7



viparyaya mfn. reversed , inverted , perverse , contrary to (gen.) BhP. ; m. turning round , revolution Jyot. ; running off , coming to an end R. ; transposition , change , alteration , inverted order or succession , opposite of. A1s3vS3r. Nir. MBh. &c. (e.g. %{buddhi-v-} , the opposite opinion ; %{svapna-v-} , the opp of sleep , state of being awake ; %{saMdhi-viparyayau} , peace and its opposite i.e. war ; %{viparyaye} , %{-yena} and %{-yAt} ind. in the oppсopposite case , other wise) ; exchange , barter (e.g. %{dravya-v-} , exchange of goods , buying and selling , trade) MW. ; change for the worse , reverse of fortune , calamity , misfortune Mn. MBh. &c. ; perverseness R. Katha1s. BhP. ; overthrow , min , loss , destruction (esp. of the world) Ka1v. ; change of opinion Sa1h. ; change of purpose or conduct , enmity , hostility W. ; misapprehension , error , mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad. ; mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW. ; shunning , avoiding R. vii , 63 , 31 (Sch.) ; N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus3r.

1-6, 1-8



pratyakSa mf(%{A})n. present before the eyes , visible , perceptible (opp. to %{paro'kSa} q.v.) Up. MBh. &c. ; clear , distinct , manifest , direct , immediate , actual , real S3Br. &c. &c. ; keeping in view , discerning (with gen.) MBh. ; n. ocular evidence , direct perception , apprehension by the senses (in Nya1ya one of the 4 Prama1n2as or modes of proof. cf. %{pramANa}) ; superintendence of , care for (gen.) Mn. ix , 27 ; (in rhet.) a kind of style descriptive of impressions derived from the senses Kuval. ; (%{pratya4kSam}) ind. (also %{-kSa} ibc.) before the eyes , in the sight or presence of (gen. or comp.) , clearly , explicitly , directly , personally AV. &c. &c. [674,3] ; (%{At}) ind. explicitly , actually , really Br. ; (%{eNa}) ind. before the eyes , visibly , publicly , expressly , directly La1t2y. MBh. Ma1rkP. ; (%{e}) ind. before one's face , publicly Pan5cat.




Agama mf(%{A})n. coming near , approaching AV. vi , 81 , 2 ; xix , 35 , 3 ; m. (ifc. f. %{A}) arrival , coming , approach R. &c. ; origin Mn. viii , 401 R. &c. ; appearance or reappearance MBh. ii , 547 ; course (of a fluid) , issue (e.g. of blood) Mn. viii , 252 Sus3r. ; income , lawful acquisition (of property , %{artha} , %{dhana} , %{vitta} , %{draviNa}) Mn. MBh. &c. ; reading , studying Pat. ; acquisition of knowledge , science MBh. Ya1jn5. &c. ; a traditional doctrine or precept , collection of such doctrines , sacred work , Bra1hmana Mn. xii , 105 MBh. &c. ; anything handed down and fixed by tradition (as the reading of a text or a record , title-deed , &c.) ; addition Nir. i , 4 ; a grammatical augment , a meaningless syllable or letter inserted in any part of the radical word Pra1t. Pa1n2. Comm. ; N. of a rhetorical figure ; (%{am}) n. a Tantra or work inculcating the mystical worship of S3iva and S3akti.




jJAna n. knowing , becoming acquainted with , knowledge , (esp.) the higher knowledge (derived from meditation on the one Universal Spirit) S3a1n3khS3r.xiii Gobh. Mn. &c. ; knowledge about anything cognizance "' see %{-tas} and %{a-jJAnAd} %{a-jJAnAd} %{vA} , knowingly or ignorantly , xi , 233) ; conscience MBh. ; = %{-ne7ndriya} Kat2hUp. vi , 10 ; engaging in (gen. e.g. %{sarpiSas} "' , in sacrifice with clarified butter "') Pa1n2. 2-2 , 10 Va1rtt. Pat. ; N. of a S3akti Rasik.xiv , 36 Ra1matUp. i , 90 Sch. ; (%{A}) f. id. Pan5car. iii , 2 , 30 Ra1mapu1ja1s3.

1-8, 1-9



rUpa n. (perhaps connected with %{varpa} , %{varpas} ; ifc. f. %{A} , rarely %{I}) any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour (often pl.) , form , shape , figure RV. &c. &c. (%{rUpeNa} ifc. in the form of [886,1] ; %{rUpam-kR} or %{bhU} , to assume a form ; often ifc. = `" having the form or appearance or colour of "' , `" formed or composed of "' , `" consisting of "' , `" like to "' ; sometimes used after an adj. or p.p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly cf. %{ghora-r-} ; or connected with a verb e.g. %{pacati-rUpam} , he cooks very well cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 57) ; dreamy or phantom shapes (pl.) VS. S3Br. ; handsome form , loveliness , grace , beauty , splendour RV. &c. &c. ; nature , character , peculiarity , feature , mark , sign , symptom VS. &c. &c. ; likeness , image , reflection Mn. Katha1s. ; circumstances (opp. to `" time "' and `" place "') Mn. viii , 45 ; sort , kind R. Sus3r. ; mode , manner , way Kap. ; (ifc.) trace of. R. ; a single specimen or exemplar (and therefore a term for the number `" one "') VarBr2S. Gan2it. ; a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) VarBr2S. ; a show , play , drama Das3ar. ; (in alg.) the arithmetical unit ; (pl.) integer number ; known or absolute number , a known quantity as having specific form (and expressed by %{rU} i.e. first syllable of %{rUpa}) IW. 182 ; (in gram.) any form of a noun or verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 68 &c. ; (in phil.) the quality of colour (one of the 17 or 24 Gun2as of the Vais3eshikas) IW. 68 ; (with Buddhists) material form i.e. the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 MWB. 109 ; (in dram.) a reflection or remark made under partic. circumstances when the action is at its height (%{garbhe}) Bhar. Das3ar. &c. ; (only L.) cattle ; a beast ; a sound , word ; rereading a book (= %{granthA7vRtti}) ; m. a word of unknown meaning AV. xviii , 3 , 40 ; (pl.) N. of a people MBh. ; m. or n. N. of a place (v.l. %{rUma}) Cat. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a river VP.




mithyA ind. (contracted from %{mithUyA4}) invertedly , contrarily , incorrectly , wrongly , improperly S3Br. &c. &c. (with Caus , of %{kR} , to pronounce a word wrongly `" once "' [P.] or `" repeatedly "' [A1.] Pa1n2. 1-3 , 71 ; with %{pra-car} , to act wrongly Mn. ix , 284 ; with %{pra-vRt} , to behave improperly MBh. iii , 2414) ; falsely , deceitfully , untruly Mn. MBh. &c. (often with %{brU} , %{vac} or %{vad} , to speak falsely , utter a lie ; with %{kR} , to deny MBh. ; to break one's word , with %{na-kR} , to keep it) R. ; with %{bhU} , to turn out or prove false MBh. ; not in reality , only apparently Madhus. ; to no purpose , fruitlessly , in vain MaitrUp. MBh. &c. (ibc. often = false , untrue , sham ; Mithya1 is personified as the wife of A-dharma KalkiP.)




vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931 , col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-} , %{vraNa-v-}) ; any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7/8) ; (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-} , `" that which does not really exist , the unreal "' ; %{a-dvitIya-v-} , `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c. ; the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (comp.) Ka1v. ; goods , wealth , property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{-hAni}) ; the thing in question matter , affair , circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech &c.) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. ; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. ; natural disposition , essential property W. ; the pith or substance of anything W.




anupAtin mfn. following as a consequence or result.




saMskAra m. (ifc. f. %{A}) putting together , forming well , making perfect , accomplishment , embellishment adornment , purification , cleansing , making ready , preparation , dressing (of food) , refining (of metals) , polishing (of gems) , rearing (of animals or plants) Gr2S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. , &c. ; cleansing the body , toilet , attire Hariv. ; forming the mind , training , education R. Ragh. ; correction (also in an astronomical sense Su1ryas.) , correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad. ; correctness , purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c. ; making sacred , hallowing , consecration Mn. MBh. &c. ; a sacred or sanctifying ceremony , one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the , womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii , 27 , viz. 1. %{garbhA7dhAna} , 2. %{puM-savana} , 3. %{sImanto7nnayana} , 4. %{jAta-karman} , 5. %{nAmakarman} , 6. %{niSkramaNa} , 7. %{anna-prA7zana} , 8. %{cUDA-karman} , 9. %{upanayana} , 10. %{kezA7nta} , 11. %{samAvartana} , 12. %{vivAha} , qq. vv. ; accord. to Gaut. viii , 8 &c. there are 40 Sam2ska1ras) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW.188 ; 192 &c. RTL. 353) [1120,3] ; the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R. ; any purificatory ceremony W. ; the faculty of memory , mental impression or recollection , impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vais3eshikas , including %{bhAvanA} , the faculty of reproductive imagination "') Kan2. Sarvad. (IW. 69) ; (pl. , with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world , regarded by it as real , though actually non-existent , and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 ; a polishing stone MW.




svapna m. (once in R. n. ifc. f. %{A} ; for %{sv-apna} see p. 1281 , col. 1) sleep , sleeping RV. &c. &c. ; sleepiness , drowsiness Caurap. ; sleeping too much , sloth , indolence Mn. ix , 13 ; xii , 33 ; dreaming , a dream (acc. with %{dRz} , `" to see a vision , dream "' RV. &c. &c.




tatpara mf(%{A})n. following that or thereupon Megh. ; having that as one's highest object or aim , totally devoted or addicted to , attending closely to , eagerly engaged in (loc. [Pa1n2. 6-2 , 66 Ka1s3. Pa1rs3van.] or generally in comp.) S3vetUp. i , 7 Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; m. 1/30 of an eye's twinkle W. ; (%{A}) f. 1/60 of a second of a circle A1ryabh. iii , 2 Sch. ; %{-tA} f. scope , design , intention W. ; entire devotion or addiction to (loc.) Hit. ; %{-tva} n. id. W. ; aiming at , tending to Das3ar. iv , 38 (%{a-} neg.) ; `" the state of following behind "' , inferiority Ka1tyS3r. i , 4 , 16 and 5 , 5.




1 abhava m. non-existence ; destruction , end of the world.
2 abhAva m. non-existence , nullity , absence ; non-entity , negation (the seventh category in Kana1da's system) ; proof from non-existence (one of the six prama1n2as in Veda1nta phil. [`" since there are no mice , therefore there must be cats here "'] see %{pramANa}) ; annihilation , death. [61,1]




pratyaya m. belief firm conviction , trust , faith , assurance or certainty of (gen. loc. or comp.) ; proof , ascertainment Mn. MBh. &c. (%{pratyayaM-gam} , to acquire confidence , repose cсconfidence in MBh. ; %{asty@atra@pratyayo@mama} , that is my conviction Katha1s. ; %{kah@pratyayo@'tra} , what assurance is there of that? ib.) ; conception , assumption , notion , idea Ka1tyS3r. Nir. S3am2k. &c. ; (with Buddhists and Jainas) fundamental notion or idea (%{-tva} n.) Sarvad. ; consciousness , understanding , intelligence , intellect (in Sa1m2khya = %{buddhi}) ; analysis , solution , explanation , definition L. ; ground , basis , motive or cause of anything MBh. Ka1v. &c. (in med.) = %{nimitta} , %{hetu} &c. Cat. ; (with Buddhists) a co-operating cause ; the concurrent occasion of an event as distinguished from its approximate cause ; an ordeal Ka1ty. ; want , need Ka1ran2d2. ; fame , notoriety Pa1n2. 8-2 , 58 ; a subsequent sound or letter Pra1t. ; an affix or suffix to roots (forming verbs , substantives , adjectives and all derivatives) Pra1t. Pa1n2. ; an oath L. ; usage , custom L. ; religious meditation L. ; a dependant or subject L. ; a householder who keeps a sacred fire L. ; %{-kara} (R.) , %{-kAraka} (Pan5cat.) , %{kAraNa} (S3ak.) mfn. one who awakens confidence , trustworthy ; %{-kArin} mfn. id. L. ; (%{iNI}) f. a seal , signet L. ; %{-tattva-prakAzikA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-tva} n. (cf. above) the being a cause , causality Sarvad. ; %{-dhAtu} m. the stem of a nominal verb Pat. ; %{-prativacana} n. a certain or distinct answer , Sak. ; %{-mauktika-mAlA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-lopa} m. (in gram.) elision of an affix ; %{-sarga} m. (in Sa1m2khya) the creation which proceeds from Buddha ; %{-svara} m. (in gram.) an accent on an affix ; %{-ayA7tma} mfn. causing confidence R. (v.l. %{pratyag-Atma}) ; %{-ayA7dhi} m. a pledge which causes confidence in regard to a debt L. ; %{--ayA7nta-zabda-kRd-anta-vyUha} m. N. of wk.


по А.Парибку - содержание сознания



anubhUta mfn. perceived , understood , apprehended ; resulted , followed as a consequeuce ; that has experienced , tasted , tried or enjoyed.




asaMpramoSa m. `" the not allowing to be carried off "' , not letting drop (as from memory) Yogas.




abhyAsa 2 m. the act of adding anything , S3ulb. ; (in Gr.) `" what is prefixed "' , the first syllable of a reduplicated radical Pa1n2. ; reduplication Nir. ; repetition Mn. xii , 74 , &c. ; (in poetry) repetition of the last verse of a stanza [Nir.] or of the last word of a chapter [Comm. on AitBr.] ; (in arithm.) multiplication ; repeated or permanent exercise , discipline , use , habit , custom [77,1] ; repeated reading , study ; military practice L. ; (in later Veda1nta phil.) inculcation of a truth conveyed in sacred writings by means of repeating the same word or the same passage ; (in Yoga phil.) the effort of the mind to remain in its unmodified condition of purity (sattva).




vairAgya n. change or loss of colour , growing pale Sus3r. Ka1m. ; disgust , aversion , distaste for or loathing of (loc. abl. , or comp.) Bhag. Ragh. &c. ; freedom from all worldly desires , indifference to worldly objects and to life , asceticism Up. MBh. &c.




sthiti f. standing upright or firmly , not falling Ka1vya7d. ; standing , staying , remaining , abiding , stay , residence , sojourn in or on or at (loc. or comp. ; %{sthitiM-kR} or %{vi-} 1. %{dhA} or %{grah} or %{bhaj} , `" to make a stay "' , `" take up one's abode "') Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. ; staying or remaining or being in any state or condition (see %{rAjya-sth-}) ; continuance in being , maintenance of life , continued existence (the 2nd of the three states of all created things , the 1st being %{utpatti} , `" coming into existence "' , and the 3rd %{laya} , `" dissolution "') , permanence , duration S3vetUp. R. Ka1lid. BhP. Sarvad. ; duration of life Ma1rkP. ; (in astron.) duration of an eclipse Su1ryas. ; continued existence in any place MBh. Sa1h. ; that which continually exists , the world , earth BhP. ; any situation or state or position or abode Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; station , high position , rank Mn. Ya1jn5. Bhag. &c. ; maintenance , sustenance Ma1lati1m. ; settled rule , fixed decision , ordinance , decree , axiom , maxim S3Br. &c. &c. ; maintenance of discipline , establishment of good order (in a state &c.) Ragh. ; continuance or steadfastness in the path of duty , virtuous conduct , steadiness , rectitude , propriety MBh. R. Ragh. ; constancy , perseverance Bhag. Sarvad. ; devotion or addiction to , intentness on (loc.) MBh. R. ; firm persuasion or opinion , conviction Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; settled practice , institution , custom , usage Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; settled bountary or bounds (esp. of morality e.g. %{sthitim-bhid} , `" to transgress the bounds of mсmorality "') , term , limit R. Ka1lid. Bhat2t2. ; standing still , stopping , halting (%{sthitim@A-car} , `" to remain standing "') Ragh. Ra1jat. Sus3r. ; standing-place , halting-place , stand or place or fixed abode S3Br. Mn. Ra1jat. ; resistance to motion , inertia (in phil.) ; fixedness , immobility , stability Ragh. BhP. ; depositing , laying down Ra1jat. Katha1s. ; form , shape Ma1rkP. ; manner of acting , procedure , behaviour , conduct Mn. S3is3. Hit. ; occurrence MBh. ; regard or consideration for (loc.) Pan5cat. v.l. ; (in Vedic gram.) the standing of a word by itself (i.e. without the particle %{iti} ; see %{sthita}).



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