सत्त्वपुरुषान्यताख्यातिमात्रस्य सर्वभावाधिष्ठातृत्वं सर्वज्ञातृत्वं च ॥3-50॥
саттва-пуруша-анйатаа-кхйаати-маатрасйа сарва-бхаава-адхишТхаа-тРитваМ сарва-джньаа-тРитваМ ча (3-50)
без сандхи:
саттва-пуруша-анйатаа-кхйаати-маатрасйа сарва-бхаава-адхишТхаа-тРитвам сарва-джньаа-тРитвам ча
только от знания различия между саттвой и пурушей (возникает) переход к состоянию возвышения над всем сущим и переход к всезнанию
многосоставное слово смешанного типа саттва-пуруша-анйатаа-кхйаати-маатрам – с.р. в р.п. …маатрасйа, р.п.относится к обоим …тРитвам (переходам)
в нем составное слово (типа двандва) саттва-пурушаХа – м.р. «саттва и пуруша» в р.п.дв.ч.: саттва-пурушайоХо, т.к. объектов два, р.п. относится к «шьуддхиХи»
саттвам – с.р. «читта, сознание» в контексте данной главы Сутр
sattva n. (ifc. f. %{A}) being , existence , entity , reality (%{Izvara-s-} , `" the existence of a Supreme Being "') , TS &c. &c. ; true essence , nature , disposition of mind , character Pan5cavBr. MBh. &c. ; spiritual essence , spirit , mind Mun2d2Up. Ya1jn5. MBh. BhP. ; vital breath , life , consciousness, strength of character , strength , firmness , energy , resolution , courage , selfcommand , good sense , wisdom , magnanimity MBh. R. &c. ; the quality of purity or goodness (regarded in the Sa1m2khya phil. as the highest of the three Gun2as [q.v.] or constituents of Prakr2iti because it renders a person true , honest , wise &c. , and a thing pure , clean &c.) MaitrUp. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. MBh. R. ; material or elementary substance , entity , matter , a thing Nir. Pra1t. ; a substantive , noun W. ; m. n. a living or sentient being , creature , animal Mn. MBh. &c. ; embryo , fetus , rudiment of life (see %{-lakSaNA}) ; a ghost , demon , goblin , monster R. VarBr2S. Katha1s. ; m. N. of a son of Dhr2ita-ra1sht2ra MBh.
пурушаХа – м.р. «пуруша»
puruSa m. (m. c. also %{pU4r-} ; prob. fr. %{pRR} and connected with %{puru} , %{pUru} ifc. f. %{A} , rarely %{I} ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-i , 24) a man , male , human being (pl. people , mankind) RV. &c. &c. ; a person , (%{pumAn@puruSaH} , a male person S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. ; %{daNDaHp-} , punishment personified Mn. ; esp. grammatical pers. ; with %{prathama} , %{madhyama} , %{uttama} = the 3rd , 2nd , 1st pers. Nir. Pa1n2.) , an officer , functionary , attendant , servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{tat-p-}) ; a friend L. ; a follower of the Sa1m2khya Philosophy (?) L. ; a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c. ; the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 An3gulas) S3Br. S3ulbas. Var. ; the pupil of the eye S3Br. ; (also with %{nArAyaNa}) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusba-su7kta q.v.) RV. S3Br. &c. ; the personal and animating principle in men and other beings , the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c. ; the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with %{para} , %{parama} , or %{uttama} ; also identified with Brahma1 , Vishn2u , S3iva and Durga1) VS. S3Br. &c. &c. ; (in Sa1m2kbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakr2iti or creative force IW. 82 &c. ; the , `" spirit "' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x , 51 , 8 ; (with %{sapta}) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Mn. i , 19 ; N. of a Pa1da in the Mahsna1mni1 verses La1t2y. ; of the Ist , 3rd , 5th , 7th , 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Jyot. ; of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha BhP. ; of one of the 18 attendants of the sun L. ; pl. men , people (cf. above) ; N. of the Bra1hmans of Kraun5ca-dvipa BhP. ; (with %{paJca}) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations , Var ; Rottleria Tinctoria L. ; Clerodendrum Phlomoides L. ; (%{I}) f. a woman , female RV. &c. &c. ; m. or n. = %{puruSaka} m. n. S3is3. v , 56 Sch. ; n. (!) N. of mount Meru L.
анйатаа – ж.р. «различие»
anyatA f. difference.
кхйаатиХи – ж.р. «восприятие, знание»
khyAti f. `" declaration "' , opinion , view , idea , assertion BhP. xi , 16 , 24 Sarvad. xv , 201 ; perception , knowledge Yogas. Tattvas. (= %{buddhi}) Sarvad. ; renown , fame , celebrity Mn. xii , 36 MBh. iii , 8273 R. &c. ; a name , denomination , title MBh. i ; xiv R. iii , 4 , 17 ; Celebrity (personified as daughter of Daksha VP. i , 7 , 23 ; 8 , 14 f. ; 9 f. ; or of Kardama BhP. iii , 24 , 23) Hariv. 7740 ; N. of a river in Kraun5ca-dvi1pa VP. ii , 4 , 55 ; m. N. of a son of U1ru by A1gneyi1 (v.l. %{svAti}) Hariv. 73 VP. i ; of a son of the 4th Manu BhP. viii , 1 , 27.
маатрам – (суффикс) «только, лишь»
mAtra m. a Bra1hman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat. ; (%{A}) f. see s.v. ; n. an element , elementary matter BhP. ; (ifc.) measure , quantity , sum , size , duration , measure of any kind (whether of height , depth , breadth , length , distance , time or number e.g. %{aGgula-mAtram} , a finger's breadth Pan5cat. ; %{artha-mAtram} , a certain sum of money ib. ; %{kroza}. %{mAtre} , at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804,3] ; %{mAsa-mAtre} , in a month La1t2y. ; %{zata-mAtram} , a hundred in number Katha1s.) ; the full or simple measure of anything , the whole or totality , the one thing and no more , often = nothing but , entirely , only (e.g. %{rAja-mAtram} , the whole class of kings S3a1n3khSr. ; %{bhaya-m-} , all that may be called danger , any danger VarBr2S. ; %{rati-m-} , nothing but sensuality Mn. ; %{zabda-mAtreNa} , only by a sound S3ak.) ; mf(%{A} and %{I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. %{aGguSTha-} , %{tAla-} , %{bAhu-} , %{yava-} , %{tavan-} , %{etavan} mсmany) ; Possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. %{prA7Na-yAsrika-m-}) ; amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals ; cf. %{tri-m-}) ; being nothing but , simply or merely (cf. %{padAti-} , %{manuSya-m-} ; after a pp. = scarcely , as soon as , merely , just e.g. %{jAta-m-} , scarcely or just born Mn. ; %{kRSTa-m-} , merely ploughed Ka1tyS3r. ; %{bhukta-mAtre} , immediately after eating Mn.)
сарва – (прилаг.) «все, любой»
sarva mf(%{A})n. (perhaps connected with %{sAra} q.v. ; inflected as a pronoun except nom. acc. sg. n. %{sarvam} , and serving as a model for a series of pronominals cf. %{sarva-nAman}) whole , entire , all , every ( `" every one "' ; pl. `" all "' ; n. sg. `" everything "' ; sometimes strengthened by %{vizva} [which if alone in RV. appears in the meaning `" all "' , every "' , `" every one "'] and %{nikhila} ; %{sarve} "' %{pi} , `" all together "' ; %{sarvaH@ko} "' %{pi} "' , every one so ever "' ; %{gavAM@sarvam} , `" all that comes from cows "' ; %{sarva} with a negation = `" not any "' , `" no "' , `" none "' or `" not every one "' , `" not everything "') RV. &c. &c. ; of all sorts , manifold , various , different MBh. &c. ; (with another adjective or in comp. ; cf. below) altogether , wholly , completely , in all parts , everywhere RV. ChUp. &c. ; (%{am}) ind. (with %{sarveNa}) completely DivyA7v. ; m. (declined like a subst.) N. of S3iva MBh. ; of Kr2ishn2a Bhag. ; of a Muni Cat. ; pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP. ; n. water Naigh. i , 12. [Cf. Gk. $ &358256[1184 ,3] for $ Lat. {salvus}.] [1185,1]
бхааваХа – м.р. «становление, бытие, существование, состояние»
bhAva m. ( %{bhU}) becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance S3vetUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c. [754,2] ; turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) MBh. RPra1t. ; continuance (opp. to cessation ; %{eko7ti-bhAva} , continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh. , wrongly translated under %{eko7ti-bh-}) MBh. ; state , condition , rank (with %{sthAvira} , old age ; %{anyam@bhAvam@Apadyate} , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything , esp. ifc. e.g. %{bAlabhAva} , the state of being a child , childhood = %{bAlatA} , or %{tva} ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. %{tanutA-bhAva} , the state of thinness) Up. S3rS. MBh. &c. ; true condition or state , truth , reality (ibc. and %{bhAvena} ind. really , truly) MBh. Hariv. ; manner of being , nature , temperament , character (%{eko@bhAvaH} or %{eka-bh-} , a simple or artless nature ; %{bhAvo@bhAvaM@nigacchati} = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; manner of acting , conduct , behaviour Ka1v. Sa1h. ; any state of mind or body , way of thinking or feeling , sentiment , opinion , disposition , intention (%{yAdRzena@bhAvena} , with whatever disposition of mind ; %{bhAvam@amaGgalaM-kR} , with loc. , to be ill disposed against ; %{bhAvaM@dRDhaM-kR} , to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c. ; (in rhet.) passion , emotion (2 kinds of Bha1vas are enumerated , the %{sthAyin} or primary , and %{vyabhicArin} or subordinate ; the former are 8 or 9 according as the Rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9 ; the latter 33 or 34) Ka1v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c. ; conjecture , supposition Mn. Pan5cat. ; purport , meaning , sense (%{iti@bhAvaH} , `" such is the sense "' = %{ity@arthaH} or %{ity@abhiprA7yaH} , constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations) ; love , affection , attachment (%{bhAvaM-kR} , with loc. , to feel an affection for) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the seat of the feelings or affections , heart , soul , mind (%{parituSTena@bhAvena} , with a pleased mind) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c. ; that which is or exists , thing or substance , being or living creature (%{sarva-bhAvAH} , all earthly objects ; %{bhAvAH@sthAvara-jaGgamAH} , plants and animals) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c. ; (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mr2icch. Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m. ; (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L. ; an astrological house or lunar mansion ib. ; N. of the 27th Kalpa (s.v.) ib. ; of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S. ; (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb , the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. %{pacyate} , `" there is cooking "' or `" cooking is going on "') Pa1n2. 3-1 , 66 ; 107 &c. ; N. of the author of the Bha1vapra1kas3a (= %{mizra-bhAva}) Cat. ; wanton sport , dalliance L. ; birth L. ; place of birth , the womb L. ; the world , universe L. ; an organ of sense L. ; superhuman power L. ; the Supreme Being L. ; advice , instruction L. ; contemplation , meditation L. (cf. %{-samanvita}).
адхишТхаа-тРитвам – букв. "переход в состояние стояния "над" – мастерство, владение чем-л., достижение чего-л.
adhiSThA ( %{sthA}) , to stand upon , depend upon to inhabit abide to stand over ; to superintend , govern ; to step over or across ; to overcome to ascend , mount ; to attain , arrive at.
тРитвам – абстрактное существительное от корня тРии «перейти; покорить; достичь» + суффикс твам
tRR cl. 1. P. (rarely A1.) %{ta4rati} (Subj. %{ta4rat} impf. %{a4tarat} , p. %{ta4rat} inf. %{tara4dhyai} , %{-rISa4ni} RV.) cl. 5. %{tarute} (x , 76 , 2 ; Pot. 1. pl. %{turyAma} , v f.) cl. 3. %{titarti} (BhP. ; p. nom. pl. %{ti4tratas} RV. ii , 31 , 2 ; Pot. %{tuturyA4t} , v f. viii) , with prepositions Ved. chiefly cl. 6. P. A1. (%{tira4te} Subj. %{tirAti} impf. %{a4tirat} , p. %{tira4t} inf. %{ti4ram} , %{ti4re} RV. ; -aor. %{a4tArIt} , i , vii ; 1. pl. %{-riSma} i , vii , %{-rima} viii , 13 , 21 ; %{ta4ruSante} v , %{-ta} i , %{-Sema} vii [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 85 Ka1s3.] ; A1. and Pass. %{-tAri} RV. ; P. %{atArSIt} BhP. ; %{-Sam} MBh. Das3. ; pf. %{tatAra} RV. &c. ; 3. pl. %{titirur} , i f. ; %{teritha} , %{-ratur} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 122 ; p. %{titirva4s} gen. %{tataru4Sas} RV. ; fut. %{tariSyati} , %{-rIS-} , %{taritA} , %{-rItA} [cf. %{pra-ta4r-}] Pa1n2. 7-2 , 38 ; %{ta4rutA} RV. i ; Prec. %{tIryAt} , %{tariSISTa} Vop. ; inf. %{tartum} MBh. R. ; %{-rIt-} iv f. %{-rit-} MBh. i Hariv. R. v ; ind. p. %{tIrtvA4} AV. ; %{-tU4rya} see %{vi-}) to pass across or over , cross over (a river) , sail across RV. &c. ; to float , swim VarBr2S. lxxx , 14 Bhat2t2. xii Ca1n2. ; to get through , attain an end or aim , live through (a definite period) , study to the end RV. &c. ; to fulfil , accomplish , perform R. i f. ; to surpass , overcome , subdue , escape RV. &c. ; to acquire , gain , viii , 100 , 8 MBh. xii R. ; A1. to contend , compete RV. i , 132 , 5 ; to carry through or over , save , vii , 18 , 6 MBh. i , iii: Caus. %{tArayati} (p. %{-ra4yat}) to carry or lead over or across Kaus3. MBh. &c. ; to cause to arrive at AV. xviii Pras3nUp. vi , 8 ; to rescue , save , liberate from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Desid. %{titIrSati} (also %{titariSati} , %{-rIS-} Pa1n2. 7-2 , 41 ; p. A1. %{titIrSamANa} MBh. xiii , 2598) to wish to cross or reach by crossing Kat2hUp. MBh. BhP. iv: Intens. %{tartarIti} (2. du. %{-rIthas} ; p. gen. %{ta4rilratas} [Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65] ; see also %{vi-} ; %{tAtarti} , 92 Sch.) to reach the end by passing or running or living through RV. ; [cf. %{ta4ra} , %{tira4s} , %{tIrNa4} ; Lat. {termo} , {trans} ; Goth. {thairh}.]
сарва-джньаа-тРитвам – букв. "переход в состояние знания, понимания всего"
джньаа – 9П «воспринимать, понимать, знать»
jJA 1 cl. 9. P. A1. %{jAnA4ti} , %{-nite4} (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 76 ; Subj. %{-nat} ; Impv. %{-nItat} , 2. sg. %{-nIhi4} , once irr. %{jJa} BhP. x , 89 , 46 ; [fr. cl. 3.] %{jijAhi} MBh. xiii , 4493 ; 2. pl. irr. %{-nata}. ii , 2397 ; 2. sg. A1. irr. %{-nase} DivyA7v. xviii ; p. %{-na4t} , %{-nAna4} irr. %{-namAna} [MBh.] ; pf. %{jajJau} , %{-jJe} [Pass. Ra1jat. v , 481] , 3. pl. %{-jJu4r} RV. vii , 79 , 4 S3Br. xi ; p. %{-jJAna4} RV. x , 14 , 2 ; fut. %{jJAsyati} , %{-te} ; aor. %{ajJAsIt} , %{-sta} Pass. %{a4jJAyi} , vi , 65 , 1 &c. ; Pot. %{jJAyAt} or %{jJey-} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 68 [425,3] ; 2. sg. %{jJeyas} = %{$} RV. ii , 10 , 6 ; inf. %{jJAtum}) to know , have knowledge , become acquainted with (acc. ; rarely gen. MBh. iii , 2154 Hariv. 7095) , perceive , apprehend , understand (also with inf. [Pa1n2. 3-4 , 65] MBh. ii , v Das3.) , experience , recognise , ascertain , investigate RV. &c. ; to know as , know or perceive that , regard or consider as (with double acc. e.g. %{tasya@mAM@tanayAM@jAnIta} "' , know me to be his daughter "' MBh. iii , 2476 ; with %{mRSA} , `" to consider as untrue "' Ratna7v. ii , 18) Mn. &c. ; `" to acknowledge , approve , allow VS. xviii , 59 f. AV. ix , 5 , 19 S3Br. i , xi , xiv ; to recognise as one's own , take possession of SaddhP. ; to visit as a friend AV. x , 1 , 25 ; to remember (with gen.) MBh. xii , 5169 ; A1. to engage in (gen. e.g. %{sarpiSo} , `" to make an oblation with clarified butter "') Pa1n2. 1-3 , 45 ; ii , 3 , 51: Caus. %{jJapayati} , to teach any one (acc.) Sa1n3khS3r.xv ; %{jJAp-} (Pass. %{jJApyate}) to make known , announce , teach anything MBh. ii , xii Ka1ty. and Pat. ; to inform any one (gen.) that (double acc.) MBh. i , 5864 ; A1. to request , ask ChUp. ii , 13 , 1 (%{jJap-}) MBh. iii , 8762 (%{jJAp-}): Desid. %{jijJAsate} (Pa1n2. 1-3 , 57 ; ep. also P.) to wish to know or become acquainted with or learn , investigate , examine Mn. ii , 13 MBh. &c. ; to wish for information about (acc.) Katha1s. xxii , 84 ; to conjecture AV. xiv , 1 , 56: Caus. Desid. %{jijJapayiSati} (also %{-jJAp-} Siddh.) and %{jJIpsati} (cf. %{-psyamAna}) , to wish to make known or inform Pa1n2. 7-2 , 49 & 4 , 5 ; [cf. $ &c.]
ча – (неизм.) «и»
ca 2 ind. and , both , also , moreover , as well as (= $ , Lat. {que} , placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes ; when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form (e.g. %{ta4va@ca@ma4ma@ca} [not %{te@ca@me@ca}] , `" both of thee and me "') , when used after verbs the first of them is accented Pa1n2. 8-1 , 58 f. ; it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences ; in RV. the double %{ca} occurs more frequently than the single (e.g. %{aha4M@ca@tva4M@ca} , `" I and thou "' , viii , 62 , 11) ; the double %{ca} may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskr2it (e.g. %{kva@hariNakAnAM@jIvitaM@cA7tilolaM@kva@ca@vajra-sArAH@zarAs@te} , `" where is the frail existence , of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows? "' S3ak. i , 10) ; in later literature , however , the first %{ca} is more usually omitted (e.g. %{ahaM@tvaM@ca}) , and when more than two things are enumerated only one %{ca} is often found (e.g. %{tejasA@yazasA@lakSmyA@sthityA@ca@parayA} , `" in glory , in fame , in beauty , and in high position "' Nal. xii , 6) ; elsewhere , when more than two things are enumerated , %{ca} is placed after some and omitted after others (e.g. %{RNa-dAtA@ca@vaidyaz@ca@zrotriyo@nadI} , `" the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Bra1hman [and] a river "' Hit. i , 4 , 55) ; in Ved. and even in class. Sanskr2it [Mn. iii , 20 ; ix , 322 Hit.] , when the double %{ca} would generally be used , the second may occasionally be omitted (e.g. %{indraz@ca@soma} , `" both Indra [and thou] Soma "' RV. vii , 104 , 25 ; %{durbhedyaz@cA7zusaMdheyaH} , `" both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united "' Hit. i) ; with lexicographers %{ca} may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed (e.g. %{kamaNDalau@ca@karakaH} , `" the word %{karaka} has the meaning `" pitcher "' and other meanings "') ; sometimes %{ca} is = %{eva} , even , indeed , certainly , just (e.g. %{su-cintitaM@cau9SadhaM@na@nAma-mAtreNa@karoty@arogam} , `" even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name "' Hit. ; %{yAvanta@eva@te@tAvAMzca@saH} , `" as great as they [were] just so great was he "' Ragh. xii , 45) ; occasionally %{ca} is disjunctive , `" but "' , `" on the contrary "' , `" on the other hand "' , `" yet "' , `" nevertheless "' (%{varam@Adyau@na@cA7ntimaH} , `" better the two first but not the last "' Hit. [380,2] ; %{zAntam@idam@Azrama-padaM@sphurati@ca@bAhuH} , `" this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs "' S3ak. i , 15) ; %{ca-ca} , though-yet Vikr. ii , 9 ; %{ca-na@ca} , though - yet not Pat. ; %{ca} - %{na@tu} (v.l. %{nanu}) id. , Ma1lav-. iv , 8 ; %{na@ca} - %{ca} , though not - yet Pat. ; %{ca} may be used for %{vA} , `" either "' , `" or "' (e.g. %{iha@cA7mutra@vA} , `" either here or hereafter "' Mn. xii , 89 ; %{strI@vA@pumAn@vA@yac@cA7nyat@sattvam} , `" either a woman or a man or any other being "' R.) , and when a neg. particle is joined with %{ca} the two may then be translated by `" neither "' , `" nor "' ; occasionally one %{ca} or one %{na} is omitted (e.g. %{na@ca@paribhoktuM@nai9va@zaknomi@hAtum} , `" I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon "' S3ak. v , 18 ; %{na@pUrvA7hNe@nA@ca@parA7hNe} , `" neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon "') ; %{ca-ca} may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence (e.g. %{mama@ca@muktaM@tamasA@mano@manasijena@dhanuSi@zaraz@ca@nivezitaH} , `" no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god "' , vi , 8) ; %{ca} is sometimes = %{ce7d} , `" if "' (cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 30 ; the verb is accented) RV. AV. MBh. Vikr. ii , 20 Bhartr2. ii , 45 ; %{ca} may be used as an expletive (e.g. %{anyaiz@ca@kratubhiz@ca} , `" and with other sacrifices "') ; %{ca} is often joined to an adv. like %{eva} , %{api} , %{tathA} , %{tathai9va} , &c. , either with or without a neg. particle (e.g. %{vairiNaM@no7paseveta@sahA7yaM@caiva@vairiNaH} , `" one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy "' Mn. iv , 133) ; (see %{eva} , %{api} , &c.) For the meaning of %{ca} after an interrogative see 2. %{ka4} , 2. %{kathA4} , %{ki4m} , %{kva4}) ; [cf. $ , Lat. {que} , {pe} (in {nempe} &c.) ; Goth. {uh} ; Zd. {ca} ; Old Pers. {ca1}.] -2.