तद् एवार्थमात्रनिर्भासं स्वरूपशून्यम् इव समाधिः ॥3-3॥
тад эва-артха-маатра-нирбхаасаМ сваруупа-шьуунйам ива самаадхиХи (3-03)
без сандхи (то же самое):
тад эва-артха-маатра-нирбхаасам сваруупа-шьуунйам ива самаадхиХи
он (объект, дэшьа) и только он является единственной целью (сосредоточения), а своя форма как бы пустеет – это самадхи
(сплошная тавтология, но как тут по-другому… короче, «объект остается, а Я исчезает – это самадхи»)
тад – (местоим.) «он, она, оно, то»
tad (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{ta4} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{sa4s} or %{sa4} & f. %{sA4} ; instr. pl. %{tai4s} AV. &c. ; Ved. %{te4bhis} RV. AV. &c.) m. he f. she n. it , that , this (often correlative of %{ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya@buddhiH@sa@balavAn} , `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "' ; sometimes , for the sake of emphasis , connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns , with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{so@'ham} , `" I that very person , I myself "' [%{tasya} = %{mama} Nal. xv , 10] ; %{tAv@imau} , `" those very two "' ; %{tad@etad@AkhyAnam} , `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii , 18 ; %{yat@tat@kAraNam} , `" that very reason which "' Mn. i , 11 ; %{yA@sA@zrI} , `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii , 427) RV. &c. ; (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi , 102 , 25 ; = Brahma see %{tat-tva} ; (%{ta4d}) ind. there , in that place , thither , to that spot (correlative of %{ya4tra} or %{ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii , 11 S3Br. i , x , xiv ChUp. ; then , at that time , in that case (correlative of %{yadA4} , %{ya4d} AV. ; of %{ya4tra} S3Br. xiv ; of %{yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c. ; of %{ce7d} S3ak. &c.) RV. iv , 28 , 1 AV. &c. ; thus , in this manner , with regard to that , ix , xiii S3Br. AitBr. ; (%{tad@etau@zlokau@bhavataH} , `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras3nUp. ; on that account , for that reason , therefore , consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas} , %{yad} , %{yena} , `" because "' Das3. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.) Mn. ix , 41 MBh. &c. ; now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S3Br. AitBr. ; so also , equally , and AV. xi , xv
эва – (неизм.) «только»
eva 1 (in the Sam2hita1 also %{evA4}) ind. (%{i} Un2. i , 152 ; fr. pronom. base %{e} BRD. , probably connected with 2. %{e4va}) , so , just so , exactly so (in the sense of the later %{evam}) RV. AV. ; indeed , truly , really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles , as %{id} , %{hi}) RV. ; (in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word , %{eva} must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just , exactly , very , same , only , even , alone , merely , immediately on , still , already , &c. (e.g. %{tvam@eva@yantA@nA7nyo@'sti@pRthivyAm} , thou alone art a charioteer , no other is on earth , i. e. thou art the best charioteer MBh. iii , 2825 ; %{tAvatIm@eva@rAtrim} , just so long as a night ; %{evam} %{eva} or %{tathai9va} , exactly so , in this manner only ; in the same manner as above ; %{tenai9va@mantreNa} , with the same Mantra as above ; %{apaH@spRSTvai9va} , by merely touching water ; %{tAn@eva} , these very persons ; %{na@cirAd@eva} , in no long time at all ; %{japyenai9va} , by sole repetition ; %{abhuktvai9va} , even without having eaten ; %{iti@vadann@eva} , at the very moment of saying so ; %{sa@jIvann@eva} , he while still living , &c.) RV. &c. MBh. &c. ; (sometimes , esp. in connection with other adverbs , %{eva} is a mere expletive without any exact meaning and not translatable e.g. %{tv@eva} , %{cai9va} , %{eva@ca} , &c. ; according to native authorities %{eva} implies emphasis , affirmation , detraction , diminution , command , restrainment) ; [cf. Zd. {aeva} ; Goth. {aiv} ; Old Germ. {eo} , {io} ; Mod. Germ. {je}.]
составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» артхамаатра-нирбхаасам – с.р. «единственно важное явление»
артхамаатра – (прилаг.) «единственно важное»
arthamAtra %{A} , %{am} fn. property , money Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; (mfn.) being only the matter itself. Yogas.
артхам – с.р.м.р. «цель, значение»
artha %{as} , %{am} m. n. [in RV. i-ix only n. [90,3] ; in RV. x six times n. and thrice m. ; in later Sanskr2it only m.] aim , purpose (very often %{artham} , %{arthena} , %{arthAya} , and %{arthe} ifc. or with gen. , for the sake of. on account of. in behalf of. for "') ; cause , motive , reason Mn. ii , 213 , &c. ; advantage , use , utility (generally named with ka1ma and dharma see %{tri-varga} ; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73) ; thing , object (said of the membrum virile S3Br. xiv) ; object of the senses VarBr2S. ; (hence) the number , five "' , Seiryas. ; substance , wealth , property , opulence , money ; (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion , the mansion of wealth (cf , %{dhana}) VarBr2S. ; personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi BhP. ; affair , concern (Ved. often acc. a4rtham with %{i} , or gam , to go to one's business , take up one's work RV. &c.) ; (in law) lawsuit , action ; having to do with (instr.) , wanting , needing anything (instr.) , SBr , &c. ; %{sense} , meaning , notion (cf. %{artha-zabdau} and %{arthAt} s.v. below and %{vedatattvA7rtha-vid}) ; manner , kind L. , prohibition , prevention L. ; price (for %{argha} q.v.) L. ; (%{At}) abl. ind. see s.v. below ; (%{e}) loc. ind. with 1. %{kR} (g. %{sakSAd-Adi} q.v.)
маатрам – (суффикс) «только, лишь»
mAtra m. a Bra1hman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat. ; (%{A}) f. see s.v. ; n. an element , elementary matter BhP. ; (ifc.) measure , quantity , sum , size , duration , measure of any kind (whether of height , depth , breadth , length , distance , time or number e.g. %{aGgula-mAtram} , a finger's breadth Pan5cat. ; %{artha-mAtram} , a certain sum of money ib. ; %{kroza}. %{mAtre} , at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804,3] ; %{mAsa-mAtre} , in a month La1t2y. ; %{zata-mAtram} , a hundred in number Katha1s.) ; the full or simple measure of anything , the whole or totality , the one thing and no more , often = nothing but , entirely , only (e.g. %{rAja-mAtram} , the whole class of kings S3a1n3khSr. ; %{bhaya-m-} , all that may be called danger , any danger VarBr2S. ; %{rati-m-} , nothing but sensuality Mn. ; %{zabda-mAtreNa} , only by a sound S3ak.) ; mf(%{A} and %{I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. %{aGguSTha-} , %{tAla-} , %{bAhu-} , %{yava-} , %{tavan-} , %{etavan} mсmany) ; Possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. %{prA7Na-yAsrika-m-}) ; amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals ; cf. %{tri-m-}) ; being nothing but , simply or merely (cf. %{padAti-} , %{manuSya-m-} ; after a pp. = scarcely , as soon as , merely , just e.g. %{jAta-m-} , scarcely or just born Mn. ; %{kRSTa-m-} , merely ploughed Ka1tyS3r. ; %{bhukta-mAtre} , immediately after eating Mn.)
нирбхаасаХа – м.р. (с.р. в сутрах - ??) «явление»
nirbhAsa m. appearance Sarvad. (ifc. f. %{A} = %{nibha} , similar , like Ka1ran2d2. , printed %{-bhASa}).
составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» только наоборот (прилагательное после существительного) сваруупа-шьуунйам – с.р. «своя форма пустая», с.р. прилагательного (шьуунйам) согласуется со сваруупам (с.р.)
сваруупам – с.р. «своя форма, своя природа»
svarUpa n. (ifc. f. %{A}) oсone's own form or shape , the fсfrom or shсshape of (gen. or comp. ; with or without %{zabdasya} or %{zabda-sva-r-} , `" a word itself or in its own form "' [opp. to its synonyms or varieties] ; with %{nAmnAm} = `" names themselves "') MBh. Pan5cat. BhP. &c. [1276,3] ; own condition , peculiarity , character , nature (%{eNa} or ibc. , `" by nature "' , `" in reality "' `" by itself "') RPra1t. Nr2isUp. Mn. &c. ; peculiar aim W. ; kind , sort ib. ; a partic. relation (in phil. see under %{sambandha}) MW. ; occurrence , event Campak. Uttamac. Sin6ha7s. ; mfn. having oсone's own peculiar form or character MW. ; having a like nature or charсcharacter , similar , like , S3a1m2khyak. (w.r. for %{sa-r-}) ; pleasing , handsome (for %{sa-r-}) L. ; wise , learned L. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ; of a son of Su-nanda1 Ma1rkP. ; of a pupil of Caitanya W. ; m. or n. N. of a place Cat. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a place MW. ; %{-gata} mfn. endowed with oсone's own form or nature , having a like character W. ; %{-tas} ind. in oсone's own form BhP. ; according to oсone's own fсform , analogously , similarly , identically MW. ; by nature , in reality , by itself Ma1rkP. ; (%{-to} , %{godAna-prayogaH}N. of wk.) ; %{-tA} f. (or %{-tva} n.) the state of oсone's own form or nature (%{-tayA} , `" literally "' , `" in reality "') MBh. BhP. S3ak. Sch. Sa1h. ; the having a natural form , identity of form or nature W. ; w.r. for %{su-rUpa-tA} Ra1jat. ; %{-dhArin} mfn. having one's own form MBh. ; %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-nirNaya} m. %{-prakAza} m. N. of wks. ; %{-bhAva} m. (a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii , 124 ; %{-vat} mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh. ; %{-sambandha-rUpa} n. %{-sambodhana} n. %{-sambodhana-paJca-viMzati-vRtti} f. %{--rUpA7khya-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat. ; %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna} n. %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7siddhi} f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas. ; %{--rUpo7tpre7kSA} f. a kind of simile Sa1h. Kuval. ; %{--rUpo7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad.
шьуунйа – (прилаг.) «пустой»
zUnya mf(%{A}) n. empty , void (with %{vAjin} = `" a riderless horse "' ; with %{rAjya} = `" a kingless kingdom "') , hollow , barren , desolate , deserted Br. &c. &c. [1085,2] ; empty i.e. vacant (as a look or stare) , absent , absentminded , having no certain object or aim , distracted MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; empty i.e. possessing nothing , wholly destitute MBh. Katha1s. ; wholly alone or solitary , having no friends or companions R. BhP. ; void of , free from , destitute of (instr. or comp.) , wanting , lacking Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Sarvad. non-existent , absent , missing Ka1v. Pan5cat. ; vain , idle , unreal , nonsensical R. Ra1jat. Sarvad. ; void of results , ineffectual (%{a-zUnyaM-kR} , `" to effect "' , accomplish "') S3ak. Ratna7v. ; free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin) , insensible Bhpr. ; bare , naked MW. ; guileless , innocent ib. ; indifferent ib. ; (%{A}) f. a hollow reed L. ; a barren woman L. ; Cactus Indicus = %{malI} (for %{nalI}?) L. ; n. a void , vacuum , empty or deserted place , desert (%{zUnye} , in a lonely place) MBh. R. &c. ; (in phil.)vacuity , nonentity , absolute non-existence (esp. with Buddhists) IW. 83 n. 3 ; 105 , n.4 MWB.7 n. 1 ; 142 ; N. of Brahma MW. ; (in arithm.) nought , a cypher VarBr2S. Gan2it. (cf. IW. 183) ; space , heaven , atmosphere L. ; a partic. phenomenon in the sky. L. ; an earring (see next). [Cf. Gk. $ , $ ; $. &328360[1085 ,2] $.]
ива – (неизм.) «как бы»
iva ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}) , like , in the same manner as (in this sense = %{yathA} , and used correlatively to %{tathA}) ; as it were , as if (e.g. %{pathe7va} , as if on a path) ; in a certain manner , in some measure , a little , perhaps (in qualification or mitigation of a strong assertion) ; nearly , almost , about (e.g. %{muhUrtam@iva} , almost an hour) ; so , just so , just , exactly , indeed , very (especially after words which involve some restriction e.g. %{ISad@iva} , just a little ; %{kiMcid@iva} , just a little bit: and after a negation e.g. %{na@cirAd@iva} , very soon). %{iva} is connected vaguely , and somewhat pleonastically , with an interrogative pronoun or adverb (e.g. %{kim@iva} , what? %{katham@iva} , how could that possibly be? %{kve7va} , where , I should like to know?). In the Pada texts of the R2ig , Yajur , and Atharva-veda , and by native grammarians , %{iva} is considered to be enclitic , and therefore compounded with the word after which it stands RV. AV. &c. &c.
самаадхиХи – м.р. йогич. термин «самадхи»
samAdhi m. putting together , joining or combining with (instr.) La1t2y. ; a joint or a partic. position of the neck Kir. ; union , a whole , aggregate , set R. Hariv. Ragh. ; completion , accomplishment , conclusion Kum. ; setting to rights , adjustment , settlement MBh. ; justification of a statement , proof Sarvad. ; bringing into harmony , agreement , assent W. RPra1t. ; intense application or fixing the mind on , intentness , attention (%{-dhiM-kR} , `" to attend "') MBh. R. &c. ; concentration of the thoughts , profound or abstract meditation , intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon ; this is the eighth and last stage of Yoga [lW. 93] ; with Buddhists Sama1dhi is the fourth and last stage of Dhya1na or intense abstract meditation [MWB. 209] ; in the Ka1ran2d2a-vyu1ha several SсSama1dhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. &c. ; intense absorption or a kind of trance MBh. Ka1v.&c. ; a sanctuary or tomb of a saint W. RTL. 261 ; (in rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as %{ArohA7varohakrama} , %{artha-dRSTi} , %{anya-dharmANAm@anyatrA7dhirohaNa} &c) , Ka1vya7d Va1m. Kpr. &c. ; N. of the 17th Kalpa (q.v.) , of the 17th Arhat of the future Utsarpin2i1 L. ; of a Vais3ya Cat. (accord. to L. also `" silence ; a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction ; support , upholding ; continuance ; perseverance in difficulties ; attempting impossibilities ; collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth "') ; %{-garbha} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. ; %{-tva} n. the state of profound meditation or devotion Sarvad. ; %{-niSTha} mfn. devoted to mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-parihANi} f. diminution of mсmeditation Dharmas. 59 ; %{-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk. ; %{-bala} n. the force of mсmeditation Dharmas. 75 ; %{-bhaGga} m. the disturbing or interruption of mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-bhRt} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation S3is3. ; %{-bheda} m. (= %{-bhaGga}) Kum. ; %{-bhedin} mfn. one who interrupts mсmeditation Ragh. ; %{-mat} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation Kum. ; attentive R. ; making a promise or assent or permission W. ; %{-matikA} f. N. of a woman Ma1lav. (v.l. for %{samAhitikA} in B.) ; %{-yoga} m. employment of meditation , the efficacy of contemplation MW. [1160,1] ; %{-yoga-rddhi-tapo-vidyAvirakti-mat} mfn. possessing or accompanied with mсmeditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference BhP. ; %{-rAja} m. N. of wk. ; %{-vigraha} m. embodiment of mсmeditation ; %{-vidhi} m. N. of wk. ; %{-samAnatA} f. N. of a Sama1dhi Buddh. ; %{-stha} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-sthala} n. N. of a place in Brahma1's world Katha1s.