पुरुषार्थशून्यानां गुणानां प्रतिप्रसवः कैवल्यं स्वरूपप्रतिष्ठा वा चितिशक्तिरिति ॥4-34॥
пуруша-артха-шьуунйаанааМ гуНаанааМ пратипрасаваХа кайвалйаМ сваруупа-пратишТхаа ваа чити-шьактир-ити (4-34)
без сандхи:
пуруша-артха-шьуунйаанаам гуНаанаам пратипрасаваХа кайвалйам сваруупа-пратишТхаа ваа чити-шьактир-ити
при исчерпании всех целей существования гун возвращение в исходное состояние, кайвалья, или утверждение в собственной форме, в этом (такова) сила ума
читишьактиити – в этом сила ума, в чем «в этом»? пройти путь и достичь всех целей
составное слово типа «татпуруша» пуруша-артхаХа – м.р. «цель человека» --
в составном слове типа «кармадхаарайа» только наоборот (прилагательное после существительного) пуруша-артха-шьуунйаанам – мн.ч.р.п. «целей-человека-исчерпанных», р.п. относится к гунам - гуНааХа – «при всех целях человека исчерпанных всех гун возвращение в исх.состояние»: пурушаартха-шьуунйаанаам гуНаанам пратипрасаваХа
пурушаартхаХа – м.р. «4 цели существования (человека)»
puruSArtha m. any object of human pursuit ; any one of the four objects or aims of existence (viz. %{kAma} , the gratification of desire ; %{artha} , acquirement of wealth ; %{dharma} , discharge of duty ; %{mokSa} , final emancipation) Mn. Prab. Kap. (%{-tva} n.) Sa1m2khyak. &c. ; human effort or exertion MBh. R. &c. ; (%{am}) ind. for the sake of the soul Kap. ; for or on account of man W. ; %{-kAra} m. %{-kaumudI} f. %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of wks. ; %{-trayImaya} mf(%{I})n. intent only upon the 3 objects of man (%{kAma} , %{artha} and %{dharma}) Sin6ha7s. ; %{-prabodha} m. %{-prabodhiNI} f. %{-ratnA7kara} m. %{-siddhy-upa4ya} m. %{-sudhA-nidhi} m. %{-sUtra-vRtti} f. %{-rthA7nuzAsana} n. N. of wks.
пурушаХа – м.р. «пуруша»
puruSa m. (m. c. also %{pU4r-} ; prob. fr. %{pRR} and connected with %{puru} , %{pUru} ifc. f. %{A} , rarely %{I} ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-i , 24) a man , male , human being (pl. people , mankind) RV. &c. &c. ; a person , (%{pumAn@puruSaH} , a male person S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. ; %{daNDaHp-} , punishment personified Mn. ; esp. grammatical pers. ; with %{prathama} , %{madhyama} , %{uttama} = the 3rd , 2nd , 1st pers. Nir. Pa1n2.) , an officer , functionary , attendant , servant Mn. MBh. &c. (cf. %{tat-p-}) ; a friend L. ; a follower of the Sa1m2khya Philosophy (?) L. ; a member or representative of a race or generation TS. Br. Mn. &c. ; the height or measure of a man (= 5 Aratnis = 120 An3gulas) S3Br. S3ulbas. Var. ; the pupil of the eye S3Br. ; (also with %{nArAyaNa}) the primaeval man as the soul and original source of the universe (described in the Purusba-su7kta q.v.) RV. S3Br. &c. ; the personal and animating principle in men and other beings , the soul or spirit AV. &c. &c. ; the Supreme Being or Soul of the universe (sometimes with %{para} , %{parama} , or %{uttama} ; also identified with Brahma1 , Vishn2u , S3iva and Durga1) VS. S3Br. &c. &c. ; (in Sa1m2kbya) the Spirit as passive and a spectator of the Prakr2iti or creative force IW. 82 &c. ; the , `" spirit "' or fragrant exhalation of plants RV. x , 51 , 8 ; (with %{sapta}) N. of the divine or active principles from the minute portions of which the universe was formed Mn. i , 19 ; N. of a Pa1da in the Mahsna1mni1 verses La1t2y. ; of the Ist , 3rd , 5th , 7th , 9th and 11th signs of the zodiac Jyot. ; of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha BhP. ; of one of the 18 attendants of the sun L. ; pl. men , people (cf. above) ; N. of the Bra1hmans of Kraun5ca-dvipa BhP. ; (with %{paJca}) N. of 5 princely personages or miraculous persons born under partic. constellations , Var ; Rottleria Tinctoria L. ; Clerodendrum Phlomoides L. ; (%{I}) f. a woman , female RV. &c. &c. ; m. or n. = %{puruSaka} m. n. S3is3. v , 56 Sch. ; n. (!) N. of mount Meru L.
артхам – с.р.м.р. «цель, значение»
artha %{as} , %{am} m. n. [in RV. i-ix only n. [90,3] ; in RV. x six times n. and thrice m. ; in later Sanskr2it only m.] aim , purpose (very often %{artham} , %{arthena} , %{arthAya} , and %{arthe} ifc. or with gen. , for the sake of. on account of. in behalf of. for "') ; cause , motive , reason Mn. ii , 213 , &c. ; advantage , use , utility (generally named with ka1ma and dharma see %{tri-varga} ; used in wishing well to another dat. or gen. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73) ; thing , object (said of the membrum virile S3Br. xiv) ; object of the senses VarBr2S. ; (hence) the number , five "' , Seiryas. ; substance , wealth , property , opulence , money ; (hence in astron.) N. of the second mansion , the mansion of wealth (cf , %{dhana}) VarBr2S. ; personified as the son of Dharma arid Buddhi BhP. ; affair , concern (Ved. often acc. a4rtham with %{i} , or gam , to go to one's business , take up one's work RV. &c.) ; (in law) lawsuit , action ; having to do with (instr.) , wanting , needing anything (instr.) , SBr , &c. ; %{sense} , meaning , notion (cf. %{artha-zabdau} and %{arthAt} s.v. below and %{vedatattvA7rtha-vid}) ; manner , kind L. , prohibition , prevention L. ; price (for %{argha} q.v.) L. ; (%{At}) abl. ind. see s.v. below ; (%{e}) loc. ind. with 1. %{kR} (g. %{sakSAd-Adi} q.v.)
шьуунйа – (прилаг.) «пустой»
zUnya mf(%{A}) n. empty , void (with %{vAjin} = `" a riderless horse "' ; with %{rAjya} = `" a kingless kingdom "') , hollow , barren , desolate , deserted Br. &c. &c. [1085,2] ; empty i.e. vacant (as a look or stare) , absent , absentminded , having no certain object or aim , distracted MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; empty i.e. possessing nothing , wholly destitute MBh. Katha1s. ; wholly alone or solitary , having no friends or companions R. BhP. ; void of , free from , destitute of (instr. or comp.) , wanting , lacking Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Sarvad. non-existent , absent , missing Ka1v. Pan5cat. ; vain , idle , unreal , nonsensical R. Ra1jat. Sarvad. ; void of results , ineffectual (%{a-zUnyaM-kR} , `" to effect "' , accomplish "') S3ak. Ratna7v. ; free from sensitiveness or sensation (said of the skin) , insensible Bhpr. ; bare , naked MW. ; guileless , innocent ib. ; indifferent ib. ; (%{A}) f. a hollow reed L. ; a barren woman L. ; Cactus Indicus = %{malI} (for %{nalI}?) L. ; n. a void , vacuum , empty or deserted place , desert (%{zUnye} , in a lonely place) MBh. R. &c. ; (in phil.)vacuity , nonentity , absolute non-existence (esp. with Buddhists) IW. 83 n. 3 ; 105 , n.4 MWB.7 n. 1 ; 142 ; N. of Brahma MW. ; (in arithm.) nought , a cypher VarBr2S. Gan2it. (cf. IW. 183) ; space , heaven , atmosphere L. ; a partic. phenomenon in the sky. L. ; an earring (see next). [Cf. Gk. $ , $ ; $. &328360[1085 ,2] $.]
гуНаХа – мн.ч. йогический, философский термин «гуна», включающий 3 модификации пракрити: саттва, раджас и тамас, в р.п.мн.ч. гуНаанам, р.п. относится к пратипрасаваХа – «целей пуруши пустых и гун возвращение в исх.состояние»
guNa m. ( %{grah} Un2.) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. %{tri-g-} q.v.) , string or thread , rope TS. vii Mr2icch. Kum. Ragh. ; a garland W. ; a bow-string R. iii , 33 , 16 (%{cApa-}) Ragh. ix , 54 R2itus. Hit. ; (in geom.) a sinew ; the string of a musical instrument , chord S3is3. iv , 57: ifc. (f. %{A}) with numerals `" fold , times "' (see %{ca4tur-} , %{tri-} , %{daza-} , %{dvi4-} , %{paJca-} ; rarely the numeral stands by itself along with %{guNa4} [e.g. %{viziSTo@dazabhir@guNaiH} , `" of ten times higher value "' Mn. ii , 85] AV. x , 8 , 43 MBh. iii , 15649 Hariv. 509 ; [%{guNa} = %{bhAga}] Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Ka1s3.) ; a multiplier , co-efficient (in alg.) ; subdivision , species , kind (e.g. %{gandhasya@guNAH} , the different kinds of smell MBh. xii , 6847) ; the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace , war , march , halt , stratagem , and recourse to the protection of a mightier king) Mn. vii , 160 Ya1jn5. i , 346 MBh. ii , 155 ; = %{upA7ya} (q.v. , denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. v , 81 , 41 ; `" requisite "' see %{-No7pe7ta} ; a secondary element , subordinate or unessential part of any action (e.g. %{sarva-g-} mfn. `" reaching to all subordinate parts "' , hence `" valid throughout "' Ka1tyS3r.) S3a1n3khS3r. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. R. v , 1 , 71 ; an auxiliary act S3a1n3khBr. xxvi , 4 ; a secondary dish (opposed to %{anna} i.e. rice or the chief dish) , side-dish Mn. iii , 224 ff. ; (= %{-karman} , in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51 Sch. ; a quality , peculiarity , attribute or property La1t2y. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. iii , ix , &c. ; an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense ; thus 1. ether has %{zabda} , or sound for its Gun2a and the ear for its organ ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its Gun2as and the skin for its organ ; 3. fire or light has shape or colour , tangibility , and sound for its Gun2as , and the eye for its organs ; 4. water has flavour , shape , tangibility , and sound for its Gun2as , and the tongue for its organ ; 5. earth has the preceding Gun2as , with the addition of its own peculiar Gun2a of smell , and the nose for its organ) Mn. i , 20 and 76-78 MBh. xii , 6846 ff. S3ak. i , 1 BhP. iii , 5 , 35 ; (in S3a1m2khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of Prakr2iti , chief quality of all existing beings (viz. %{sattva} , %{rajas} , and %{tamas} i.e. goodness , passion , and darkness , or virtue , foulness , and ignorance ; cf. RTL. pp. 31 ; 36 ; 163) Mn. i ; iii , 40 ; xii , 24 ff. Sa1m2khyak. Bhag. xiii f. ; (hence) the number `" three "' VarBr2S. iic , 1 ; a property or characteristic of all created things (in Nya1ya phil. twenty-four Gun2as are enumerated , viz. 1. %{rUpa} , shape , colour ; 2. %{rasa} , savour ; 3. %{gandha} , odour ; 4. %{sparza} , tangibility ; 5. %{saMkhyA} , number ; 6. %{parimANa} , dimension ; 7. %{pRthaktva} , severalty ; 8. %{saMyoga} , conjunction ; 9. %{vibhAga} , disjunction ; 10. %{paratva} , remoteness ; 11. %{aparatva} , proximity ; 12. %{gurutva} , weight ; 13. %{dravatva} , fluidity ; 14. %{sneha} , viscidity ; 15. %{zabda} , sound ; 16. %{buddhi} or %{jJAna} , understanding or knowledge ; 17. %{sukha} , pleasure ; 18. %{duHkha} , pain ; 19. %{icchA} , desire ; 20. %{dveSa} , aversion ; 21. %{prayatna} , effort ; 22. %{dharma} , merit or virtue ; 23. %{adharma} , demerit ; 24. %{saMskAra} , the self-reproductive quality) ; an epithet Ka1tyS3r. ; good quality , virtue , merit , excellence Mn. MBh. &c. ; the merit of composition (consistency , elegance of expression , &c.) Ka1vya7d. i , 41 f. Kpr. viii Sa1h. viii ; the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number , viz. the 8 %{bAhya-prayatnAs} [q.v.] and the 3 accents) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 9 and 50 (cf. %{-mAtra}) ; the first gradation of a vowel , the vowels %{a} (with %{ar} , %{al} Pa1n2. 1-1 , 51) , %{e} , %{o} Nir. x , 17 RPra1t. xi , 6 Pa1n2. ; an organ of sense L. ; a cook (cf. %{-kAra}) L. ; Bhi1ma-sena (cf. %{-kAra}) L. ; (%{A}) f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L. ; the plant %{mAMsarohiNI} L. ; N. of a princess Ra1jat. iv , 695 (cf. %{nir-} , %{vi-} , %{sa-} ; %{gauNa}.)
пратипрасаваХа – м.р. «возвращение в исходное состояние»
pratiprasava m. counter-order , suspension of a general prohibition in a particular case S3am2k. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. Kull. ; an exception to an exception TPra1t. Sch. ; return to the original state Yogas.
кайвалйам – с.р. «освобождение, отстраненность души от материи и перерождений»
kaivalya n. (fr. %{ke4vala}) , isolation Va1m. ; absolute unity Veda7ntas. BhP. ; perfect isolation , abstraction , detachment from all other connections , detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations , beatitude MBh. KapS. Sa1m2khyak. &c. ; for %{vaikalya} Ra1jat. vii , 1149 ; (mf(%{A})n.) leading to eternal happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii , 1101
составное слово типа «татпуруша» сваруупа-пратишТхаа – ж.р. «утверждение собственной (естественной) формы»
сваруупам – с.р. «своя форма, своя природа»
svarUpa n. (ifc. f. %{A}) oсone's own form or shape , the fсfrom or shсshape of (gen. or comp. ; with or without %{zabdasya} or %{zabda-sva-r-} , `" a word itself or in its own form "' [opp. to its synonyms or varieties] ; with %{nAmnAm} = `" names themselves "') MBh. Pan5cat. BhP. &c. [1276,3] ; own condition , peculiarity , character , nature (%{eNa} or ibc. , `" by nature "' , `" in reality "' `" by itself "') RPra1t. Nr2isUp. Mn. &c. ; peculiar aim W. ; kind , sort ib. ; a partic. relation (in phil. see under %{sambandha}) MW. ; occurrence , event Campak. Uttamac. Sin6ha7s. ; mfn. having oсone's own peculiar form or character MW. ; having a like nature or charсcharacter , similar , like , S3a1m2khyak. (w.r. for %{sa-r-}) ; pleasing , handsome (for %{sa-r-}) L. ; wise , learned L. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ; of a son of Su-nanda1 Ma1rkP. ; of a pupil of Caitanya W. ; m. or n. N. of a place Cat. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a place MW. ; %{-gata} mfn. endowed with oсone's own form or nature , having a like character W. ; %{-tas} ind. in oсone's own form BhP. ; according to oсone's own fсform , analogously , similarly , identically MW. ; by nature , in reality , by itself Ma1rkP. ; (%{-to} , %{godAna-prayogaH}N. of wk.) ; %{-tA} f. (or %{-tva} n.) the state of oсone's own form or nature (%{-tayA} , `" literally "' , `" in reality "') MBh. BhP. S3ak. Sch. Sa1h. ; the having a natural form , identity of form or nature W. ; w.r. for %{su-rUpa-tA} Ra1jat. ; %{-dhArin} mfn. having one's own form MBh. ; %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-nirNaya} m. %{-prakAza} m. N. of wks. ; %{-bhAva} m. (a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii , 124 ; %{-vat} mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh. ; %{-sambandha-rUpa} n. %{-sambodhana} n. %{-sambodhana-paJca-viMzati-vRtti} f. %{--rUpA7khya-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat. ; %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna} n. %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7siddhi} f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas. ; %{--rUpo7tpre7kSA} f. a kind of simile Sa1h. Kuval. ; %{--rUpo7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad.
пратишТхаа – ж.р. «пребывание, устойчивость»
pratiSThA f. (ifc. f. %{A}) standing still , resting , remaining , steadfastness , stability , perseverance in (comp.) VS. &c. &c. ; a standpoint , resting-place , ground , base , foundation , prop , stay , support RV. &c. &c. ; a receptacle , homestead , dwelling , house AV. &c. &c. (ifc. abiding or dwelling in Ragh. Pur.) ; a pedestal , the foot (of men or amimals) AV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r. ; limit , boundary W. ; state of rest , quiet , tranquillity , comfort , ease MBh. Ka1v. ; setting up (as of an idol &c. RTL. 70) ; pre-eminence , superiority , high rank or position , fame , celebrity Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; establishment on or accession to (the throne &c.) Hariv. S3ak. Var. Ra1jat. ; the performance of any ceremony or of any solemn act , consecration or dedication (of a monument or of an idol or of a temple &c. ; cf. %{prA7Na-pr-}) , settling or endowment of a daughter , completion of a vow , any ceremony for obtaining supernatural and magical powers Var. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Pur. ; a mystical N. of the letter %{A} L. ; N. of one of the Ma1tr2is attending on Skanda MBh. ; of sev. metres RPra1t. ; (with %{prajA-pateH}) N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. ; = %{hrasva} Naigh. iii , 2 ; = %{yoga-siddhi} or %{-niSpatti} L. ; %{-kamalA7kara} m. %{-kalpalatA} f. %{-kalpA7di} , N. of wks. ; %{-kAma} (%{-SThA4-}) mfn. desirous of a firm basis or a fixed abode or a high position TS. Ta1n2d2Br. Gr2S3rS. BhP. ; %{-kaumudI} f. %{-kaustubha} m. or n. %{-cintAmaNi} m. %{-tattva} n. %{-tantra} n. %{-tilaka} n. N. of wks. ; %{-tva} n. the being a basis or foundation S3am2k. ; %{-darpaNa} m. %{-darza} m. %{-dIdhiti} f. %{-dyota} m. %{-nirNaya} m. N. of wks. [671,3] ; %{--nvita} (%{-SThA7nv-}) mfn. possessed of fame , celebrated MW. ; %{-paddhati} f. %{-mayUkha} m. %{-ratna} n. %{-rahasya} n. %{-lakSaNa} n. N. of wks. ; %{-vat} mfn. having a foundation or support TUp. ; %{-vidhi} m. %{-viveka} m. %{-saMgraha} m. %{-samuccaya} m. %{-sAra} m. %{-sAra-saMgraha} m. %{-hemA7dri} m. %{-STho7ddyota} , m. N. of wks.
ваа – (неизм.) «или»
vA 1 ind. or (excluded , like the Lat. {ve} , from the first place in a sentence , and generally immediately following , rarely and only m.c. preceding , the word to which it refers) RV. &c. &c. (often used in disjunctive sentences ; %{vA-vA} , `" either'- `" or "' , `" on the one side `" - `" on the other "' ; %{na@vA} - %{vA} or %{na} - %{vA} , `" neither'- `" nor "' ; %{vA@na-vA} , `" either not'-`" or "' ; %{yadi@vA-vA} , `" whether'-`" or "' ; in a sentence containing more than two members %{vA} is nearly always repeated , although if a negative is in the first clause it need not be so repeated ; %{vA} is sometimes interchangeable with %{ca} and %{api} , and is frequently combined with other particles , esp. with %{atha} , %{atho7} , %{uta} , %{kim} , %{yad} , %{yadi} q.v. [e.g. %{atha@vA} , `" or else "'] ; it is also sometimes used as an expletive) ; either-or not , optionally Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c. (in gram. %{vA} is used in a rule to denote its being optional e.g. Pa1n2. 1-2 , 13 ; 35 &c.) ; as , like (= %{iva}) Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c. ; just , even , indeed , very (= %{eva} , laying stress on the preceding word) Ka1tyS3r. Ka1v. ; but even if , even supposing (followed by a future) Pan5c. v , 36/37 ; however , nevertheless Ba1dar. Ba1lar. ; (after a rel. or interr.) possibly , perhaps , I dare say MBh. Ka1v. &c. (e.g. %{kiM@vA@zakuntale7ty@asya@mAtur@AkhyA} , `" is his mother's name perhaps S3akuntala1? "' S3ak. vii , 20/21 ; %{ko@vA} or %{ke@vA} followed by a negative may in such cases be translated by `" every one , all "' e.g. %{ke@vA@na@syuH@paribhava-padaM@niSphalA7ram-bha-yatnAH} , `" everybody whose efforts are fruitless is an object of contempt "' Megh. 55).
читишьактиХи – ж.р. ???
citizakti f. = %{cic-chakti} Sarvad. xv.
чити – ж.р. «понимание», м.р. «мыслящий ум»
citi 2 f. (only dat. %{-ta4ye} , Ved. inf.) understanding VS. ; m. the thinking mind Devi1m. v , 36 Prab
шьактиХи – ж.р. «сила»
zakti or f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (%{zaktyA} or %{Atma-z-} or %{sva-z-} , `" according to ability "'
zakti f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (%{zaktyA} or %{Atma-z-} or %{sva-z-} , `" according to ability "' ; %{paraM@zaktyA} , with all one's might "' ; %{vitta-zaktyA} , `" according to the capability of one's property "' ; %{zaktim@a-hApayitvA} , `" not relaxing one's efforts , exerting all one's strength "') , faculty , skill , capacity for , power over (gen. loc. dat. , or inf.) RV. &c. &c. ; effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) S3a1rn3gS. ; regal power (consisting of three parts , %{prabhutva} , personal pre-eminence ; %{mantra} , good counsel , and %{utsAha} , energy) Ka1m. (cf. Ragh. iii , 13) ; the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the S3a1kta (q.v.) sect of Hindu1s under various names (sometimes only three , sometimes eight S3akti goddesses are enumerated , as follow , Indra1n2i , Vaishn2avi1 , S3a1nta1 , Brahma1n2i1 , Kauma1ri , Na1rasin6hi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , and Ma1hes3vari1 , but some substitute Ca1mun2d2a1 and Ca1n2dika1 for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine , viz. Vaishn2avi1 , Brahma1n2i , Raudri , Ma1hes3vari1 , Na1rasin6hi1 , Va1ra1hi1 , Indran2i1 , Ka1rttiki1 , and Pradha1na1: others reckon fifty different forms of the S3akti of Vishn2u besides Lakshmi1 , some of these are Ki1rtti , Ka1nti , Tusht2i , Pusht2a1 , Dhr2iti. S3a1nti , Kriya1 , Daya1 , Medha1 &c. ; and fifty forms of the S3akti of S3iva or Rudra besides Durga1 "' or Gauri1 , some of whom are Gun2o7dari1 , Viraja1 , Sa1lmali , Lola7kshi , Vartula7kshi1 , Di1rgha-ghon2a1 , Sudirgha-mukhi1 , Go-mukhi1 , Dirgha-jihva1 , Kun2d2o7dari1 , Ardha-kes3i1 , Vikr2ita-mukhi1 , Jva1la1-mukhi , Ulka1mukhi &c. ; Sarasvati is also named as a S3akti , both of Vishn2u and Rudra: according to the Va1yu-Pura1n2a the female nature of Rudra became twofold , one half %{asita} or white , and the other %{sita} or black , each of these again becoming manifold , those of the white or mild nature included Lakshmi1 , Sarasvati , Gauri1 , Uma1 &c. ; those of the dark and fierce nature , Durga1 , Ka1li &c.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c. MWB. 216) ; the female organ (as worshipped by the S3a1kta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140 ; the power or signification of a word (defined in the Nya1ya as %{padasya@padA7rthe} %{sambandhaH} i.e. `" the relation of a word to the thing designated "') Bha1sha1p. Sa1h. ; (in Gram.) case-power , the idea conveyed by a case (= %{kAraka}) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 7 Sch. ; the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula Up. Pan5car. ; the creative power or imagination (of a poet) Ka1vya7d. ; help , aid , assistance , gift , bestowal RV. ; a spear , lance , pike , dart RV. &c. (also %{zaktI} g. %{bahv-Adi}) ; a sword MW. ; (prob.) a flag-staff (see %{ratha-z-}) [1044,3] ; a partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th , 8th , 9th , and 10th astrological house) , VirBr2S. ; m. N. of a Muni or sage (the eldest of Vasisht2ha's hundred sons ; accord. to VP. he was father of Para1s3ara , and was devoured by king Kalma1sha-pa1da , when changed to a man-eating Ra1kshasa , in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage ; he is represented as having overcome Vis3va1mitra at the sacrifice of king Sauda1sa ; he is regarded as the author of RV. vii , 32 , 26 ; ix , 97 , 19-21 ; 108 , 3 ; 14-16 ; S3akti is also identified with one of the Vyla1sas , and with Avalokite7s3vara , and has elsewhere the patr. Ja1tukarna and Sa1m2kr2iti) Pravar. MBh. &c.
ити – (неизм.) «таким образом», «в этом»
iti 2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}) , in this manner , thus (in its original signification %{iti} refers to something that has been said or thought , or lays stress on what precedes ; in the Bra1hman2as it is often equivalent to `" as you know "' , reminding the hearer or reader of certain customs , conditions , &c. supposed to be known to him). In quotations of every kind %{iti} means that the preceding words are the very words which some person has or might have spoken , and placed thus at the end of a speech it serves the purpose of inverted commas (%{ity@uktvA} , having so said ; %{iti@kRtvA} , having so considered , having so decided). It may often have reference merely to what is passing in the mind e.g. %{bAlo@'pi@nA7vamantavyo@manuSya@iti@bhUmipaH} , a king , though a child , is not to be despised , saying to one's self , `" he is a mortal "' , (Gr. 928.) In dram. %{iti@tathA@karoti} means `" after these words he acts thus. "' Sometimes %{iti} is used to include under one head a number of separate objects aggregated together (e.g. %{ijyA7dhyayanadAnAni@tapaH@satyaM@kSamA@damaH} %{alobha@iti@mArgo@'yam} , `" sacrificing , studying , liberality , penance , truth , patience , self-restraint , absence of desire "' , this course of conduct , &c.) %{iti} is sometimes followed by %{evam} , %{iva} , or a demonstrative pronoun pleonastically (e.g. %{tAm@brUyAd@bhavatI7ty@evam} , her he may call `" lady "' , thus). %{iti} may form an adverbial compound with the name of an author (e.g. %{iti-pANini} , thus according to Pa1n2ini). It may also express the act of calling attention (lo! behold!) It may have some other significations e.g. something additional (as in %{ityAdi} , et caetera) , order , arrangement specific or distinctive , and identity. It is used by native commentators after quoting a rule to express `" according to such a rule "' (e.g. %{anudAttaGita@ity@Atmanepadam@bhavati} , according to the rule of Pa1n2ini i , 3 , 12 , the A1tmane-pada takes place). %{kim@iti} = %{kim} , wherefore , why? (In the S3atapatha-bra1hman2a %{ti} occurs for %{iti} ; cf. Pra1kr2it {ti} and %{tti}.)
Комментарий Вьясы:
гуНа-абхикаарактам-апарисамааптау кайвалйам-уктаМ тат-сваруупам-авадхаарйатэ ! кРита-бхога-апаваргаНааМ пуруша-артха-шьуунйаанаМ йаХа пратипрасаваХа каарйа-каараНа-атмакаанаам гуНаанааМ тат-кайвалйаМ сваруупа-пратишТхаа пунар-буддхи-саттваан-абхисамван-дхаат-пурушасйа читишьактир-эва кэвалаа тасйааХа (ж.р.) садаа татхайва-авастхаанаМ кайвалйам-ити !
Перевод Островской-Рудого:
Полное свертывание гун, которые представляют собой [цепь] причин и следствий, выполнивших [свою функцию – служить] опыту и освобождению Пуруши, и [потому более] не существуют для него в качестве объекта, – это и есть абсолютное освобождение. Энергия сознания Пуруши [в этом случае] полностью обособлена, то есть пребывает в самой себе из-за отсутствия связи с саттвой разума. Ее вечное сохранение именно в таком состоянии и есть абсолютное освобождение.
(34.1. В санскритском тексте pratiprasava, что следует понимать как инволюцию, т.е. возвращение гун в состояние первопричины (prakriti). )