जातिदेशकालसमयानवच्छिन्नाः सार्वभौमा महाव्रतम् ॥2-31॥
джаати-дэшьа-каала-самайа-анаваччхиннааХа саарва-бхаумаа махаа-вратам (2-31)
без сандхи:
джаати-дэшьа-каала-самайа-анаваччхиннааХа саарва-бхаумааХа махаа-вратам
неограниченные рождением, местом, временем и обстоятельствами, общие для всей земли, (составляющие) великий обет
составное слово типа «двандва» джаати-дэшьа-каала-самайааХа – м.р.мн.ч. «рождение, место, время, обстоятельства»
составное слово типа «татпуруша» джаати-дэшьа-каала-самайа-анаваччхиннааХа – (прилаг.) «неограниченные рождением, местом, временем и обстоятельствами»
джаатиХи – ж.р. «рождение»
jAti f. birth , production AitBr. ii , 39 Mn. MBh. (also %{-tI} , xiii f.) &c. ; re-birth R. i , 62 , 17 Ka1ran2d2. xxiii , 193 ; the form of existence (as man , animal , &c.) fixed by birth Mn. iv , 148 f. Yogas. ii , 13 ; (ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 98 ; position assigned by birth , rank , caste , family , race , lineage Ka1tyS3r. xv Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (%{-tI} MBh. xiv , 2549) ; kind , genus (opposed to species) , species (opposed to individual) , class La1t2y. Ka1tySr. Pa1n2. &c. , (once %{-tI} ifc. MBh. vi , 456) ; the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) Sarvad. ; natural disposition to Car. ii , 1 ; the character of a species , genuine or true state of anything Ya1jn5. ii , 246 MBh. xii , 5334 ; reduction of fractions to a common denominator ; a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity) Nya1yad. v , 1 ff. Sarvad. xi , 10 and 34 Prab. Sch. ; (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii , 1 ; a class of metres R. i , 4 , 6 Ka1vya7d. i , 11 ; a manner of singing Hariv. ; a fire-place L. ; (= %{-tI}) mace , nutmeg Sus3r. ; Jasminum grandiflorum L. ; = %{-tI-phalA} L. ; = %{kampilla} L. cf. %{antya-} , %{eka-} , %{dvi-} - [cf. Lat. {gens} ; Lith. {pri-gentis}]
дэшьаХа – м.р. «место, местность»
deza m. (1. %{diz}) point , region , spot , place , part , portion VS. AitBr. S3r. & Gr2S. Mn. &c. ; province , country , kingdom R. Hit. Katha1s. Vet. ; institute , ordinance W. (%{dezam} %{A} %{vas} , or %{ni-viz} , to settle in a place Mn. ; %{-ze} , in the proper place [esp. with %{kAle}] MBh. Hit. Often ifc. [f. %{A} Ragh. vii , 47 R2it. i , 27] esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body e.g. %{kAmboja-} , %{magadha-} ; %{aMsa-} , %{kaNTha-} , %{skandha-} ; %{AtmIya-} , one's own country or home) ; (%{I}) f. see %{dezI}.
каалаХа – м.р. «время»
kAla 2 m. (3. %{kal} , `" to calculate or enumerate "') , [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.] , a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time (in general) AV. xix , 53 & 54 S3Br. &c. ; the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc. , in comp. , inf. , or Pot. with %{yad} e.g. %{kAlaH@prasthAnasya} or %{-nAya} or %{-ne} , time for departure ; %{kriyA-kAla} , time for action Sus3r. ; %{nA7yaM@kAlo@vilambitum} , this is not the time to delay Nal. ; %{kAlo@yad@bhuJjIta@bhavAn} , it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 168 Ka1s3.) S3Br. MBh. &c. ; occasion , circumstance MBh. xii , 2950 Mr2icch. ; season R. &c. ; meal-time (twice a day , hence %{ubhau@kAlau} , `" in the morning and in the evening "' MBh. i , 4623 ; %{SaSThe@kAle} , `" in the evening of the third day "' MBh. ; %{SaSThA7nna-kAla} , `" one who eats only at the sixth meal-time , i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day "' Mn. xi , 200 ; or without %{anna} e.g. %{caturtha-kAlam} , `" at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day "' Mn. xi , 109) ; hour (hence %{SaSThe@kAle@'hnaH} , `" at the sixth hour of the day , i.e. at noon "' Vikr.) ; a period of time , time of the world (= %{yuga}) Ra1jat. ; measure of time , prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2. ; a section , part VPra1t. ; the end ChUp. ; death by age Sus3r. ; time (as leading to events , the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man) , destiny , fate MBh. R. &c. ; time (as destroying all things) , death , time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama , regent of the dead , or even identified with him: hence %{kAlam-i} or %{kAlaM-kR} , `" to die "' MBh. &c. ; %{kAla} in this sense is frequently connected with %{antaka} , %{mRtyu} e.g. %{abhy-adhAvata@prajAH@kAla@ivA7ntakaH} , `" he attacked the people like Time the destroyer "' R. iii , 7 , 9 ; cf. %{kAlA7ntaka} ; %{kAla} personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court , and a son of Dhruva MBh. i , 2585 Hariv. VP.) ; (%{am}) acc. ind. for a certain time (e.g. %{mahAntaM@kAlam} , for a long time Pan5cat.) [278,2] ; %{nitya-k-} , constantly , always Mn. ii , 58 and 73 ; %{dIrgha-k-} , during a long time Mn. viii , 145 ; (%{ena}) instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix , 246 MBh. &c. ; with %{gacchatA} id. VP. ; %{dIrgheNa@kAlena} , during a long time MBh. ; after a long time R. i , 45 , 40 ; %{kAlena@mahatA} or %{bahunA} id. ; (%{At}) abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii , 251 ; %{kAlasya@dIrghasya} or %{mahataH} id. Mn. MBh. &c. ; %{kasya-cit@kAlasya} , after some time MBh. i , 5299 Hariv. ; (%{e4}) loc. ind. in time , seasonably RV. x , 42 , 9 S3Br. (cf. %{a-kAle}) ; %{kAle@gacchati} , in the course of time ; %{kAle@yAte} , after some time ; %{kAle@kAle} , always in time MBh. i , 1680 Ragh. iv , 6 ; [cf. $ ; Lat. {calen-doe}: Hib. {ceal} , `" death and everything terrible. "']
самайаХа - м.р. «обстоятельство»
samaya m. (ifc. f. %{A}) coming together , meeting or a place of meeting AV. S3Br. ; intercourse with (instr.) Mn. x , 53 ; coming to a mutual understanding , agreement , compact , covenant , treaty , contract , arrangement , engagement , stipulation , conditions of agreement , terms (%{ena} or %{At} or %{-tas} , according to agreement , conditionally "' ; %{tena@samayena} , `" in consequence of this agreement "' ; %{samayaM} acc. with %{kR} , `" to make an agreement or engagement "' , `" agree with any one [instr. with or without %{saha}] "' , `" settle "' , stipulate "' ; with %{samvad} id. ; with %{dA} , to propose an agreement , offer terms "' ; with %{brU} or %{vac} or %{abhi-dhA} , to state the terms of an agrсagreement , `" make a promise ; with %{grah} or %{prati-pad} , `" to enter into an agrсagreement "' , `" make or accept conditions of an agrсagreement "' ; with %{pAl} , or %{rakS} or %{pari-rahS} &c. , `" to keep an agrсagreement "' , `" keep one's word "' ; with %{tyaj} or %{bhid} or %{vy-abhi-car} &c. , `" to break an agrсagreement "' ; abl. with %{bhraMz} id. ; loc. with %{sthA} , `" to keep an engagement , `" keep one's word "' ; acc. with Caus. of %{sthA} or of %{ni-viz} `" to fix or settle terms "' , `" impose conditions "') TS. &c. &c. ; convention , conventional rule or usage , established custom , law , rule , practice , observance MBh. R. BhP. ; order , direction , precept , doctrine Nir. MBh. S3am2k. Sarvad. ; (in rhet.) the conventional meaning or scope of a word , Kusum. ; appointed or proper time , right moment for doing anything (gen. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 68) , opportunity , occasion , time , season (ifc. or ibe. or %{e} ind. , `" at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for "' , or `" at the time of "' , `" when there is "' ; %{tena@samayena} , `" at that time "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; juncture , circumstances , case (%{iha@samaye} , under these circumstances "' , `" in this case "') Pan5cat. Hit. ; an ordeal Vishn2. ; sign , hint , indication W. ; demonstrated conclusion ib. ; limit , boundary ib. ; solemn address , harangue , speech , declaration Vishn2. ; (in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one RPra1t. ; (in dram.) end of trouble or distress Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. ; N. of a son of Dharma VP. ; (with S3a1ktas) N. of the author of a Mantra Cat.
анаваччхинна – (прилаг.) «неограниченный»
anavacchinna Mfn. not intersected , uninterrupted ; not marked off , unbounded , immoderate ; undiscriminated.
саарвабхаумаа – (прилаг.) «всеобщий», дословно: «для всей земли», сарвабхаумааХа – мн.ч. «всеобщие»
sArvabhaumA mfn. (fr. %{sarva-bhUmi}) relating to or consisting of or ruling over the whole earth , comprising the whole world , known throughout the world S3Br. &c. &c. [1210,2] ; relating to all conditions of the mind Yogas. Sch. ; m. an emperor , universal monarch AitBr. &c. &c. ; N. of a son of Aham2-ya1ti MBh. ; of a son of Su-dharman Hariv. ; of a son of Vidu1ratha Pur. ; of various authors (also with %{bhaTTA7cArya} , and %{mizra}) Cat. ; of the elephant of Kubera (regent of the north) R. Va1s. ; (%{am}) n. sovereignty over the whole earth , universal empire BhP. ; %{-gRha} n. an imperial palace L. ; %{-bhavana} n. id. , S3a1ntis3. ; %{-vrata} n. a partic. religious observance Cat. ; %{-sarvasve@rAma-sU7kta} n. %{-siddhA7nta} m. N. of wks.
саарва – (прилаг.) «общий, универсальный»
sArva mfn. (fr. %{sarva} , of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) relating to all , fit or good for all S3is3. xiv , 4 (cf. Pa1n2. 5-1 , 10) ; general , universal (see comp.) ; m. a Buddha or a Jina L.
бхуумиХи – ж.р. «земля»
bhUmi f. (Ved. also nom. %{bhU4mI} gen. abl. %{-myAs} loc. %{-myAm}) the earth , soil , ground RV. &c. &c. ; (pl. divisions of the world ; cf. %{bhUmi-traya}) ; a territory. country , district ib. ; a place , situation S3Br. &c. &c. ; position , posture , attitude MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the part or personification (played by an actor) Katha1s. ; the , floor of a house , story Megh. Katha1s. ; the area S3ulbas. ; the base of any geometrical figure Col. ; (metaph.) a step , degree , stage Yogas. (with Buddhists there are 10 or 13 stages of existence or perfection Dharmas. 45 ; 46) ; extent , limit Kir. ; (ifc.) a matter , subject , object , receptacle i.e. fit object or person for (cf. %{vizvAsa-} , %{sneha-bh-} &c. , and %{pAtra} , %{bhAjana}) ; the tongue L. ; m. N. of a son or grandson of Yuyudha1na and father of Yugam2dhara Hariv. VP.
махаавратам – с.р. «великий обет»
mahAvrata n. a grсgreat duty , fundamental duty (5 in number accord. to the Jaina system) HYog. Yogas. ; a grсgreat vow Sa1h. ; a grсgreat religious observance R. Pur. ; N. of a Sa1man or Stotra appointed to be sung on the last day but one of the Gava1m-ayana (applied also to the day itself or its ceremonies or accord. to Comm. to the S3astra following the Stotra) AV. Br. TS. &c. ; the religсreligious usages of the Pa1s3upatas Prab. Sch. W. ; mf(%{A})n. one who has undertaken solemn religious duties or vows , performing a grсgreat vow MBh. R. &c. ; observing the rule of the Pa1s3upatas ; also used to explain %{ma4hi-vrata} (q.v.) Nir. Sa1y. ; m. a Pa1s3upata Katha1s. ; N. of a poet Cat. ; %{-dhara} mfn. one who has undertaken grсgreat religious duties or vows BhP. ; %{-paddhati} f. %{-prayoga} m. (and %{-gA7nukrama} , m.) , %{-bhASya} n. N. of wks. ; %{-vat} (%{-vrata4-}) mfn. connected with the Maha1-vrata Sa1man &c. TS. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; %{-veSa-bhRt} mfn. wearing the dress of a Pa1s3upata Katha1s. ; %{-hautra} n. N. of wk.
маха – (прилаг.) «огромный, могучий»
maha 1 mfn. great , mighty , strong , abundant RV. ; m. (cf. %{makha} , %{magha}) a feast , festival MBh. ; the festival of spring S3is3. Hariv. Var. [794,2] ; a partic. Eka7ha S3a1n3khS3r. ; a sacrifice L. ; a buffalo L. ; light , lustre , brilliance L. ; (%{A}) f. a cow L. ; Ichnocarpus Frutescens L. ; n. pl. great deeds RV.
вратам – ср.р. «закон»
vrata n. (ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. 2. %{vR}) will , command , law , ordinance , rule RV. ; obedience , service ib. AV. A1s3vGr2. ; dominion , realm RV. ; sphere of action , function , mode or , manner of life (e.g. %{zuci-vr-} , pure manner of life "' S3ak.) , conduct , manner , usage , custom RV. &c. &c. ; a religious vow or practice , any pious observance , meritorious act of devotion or austerity , solemn vow , rule , holy practice (as fasting , continence &c. ; %{vrata4M-car} , to observe a vow "' , esp. , `" to practise chastity "') ib. ; any vow or firm purpose , resolve to (dat. loc. , or comp. ; %{vratAt} , or %{vrata-vazAt} , `" in consequence of a vow "' ; cf. %{asi-dhArA-vrata} and %{AsidhAraM@vratam}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the practice of always eating the same food (cf. %{madhu-vr-}) L. ; the feeding only on milk (as a fast or observance according to rule ; also the milk itself) VS. Br. Ka1tyS3r. ; any food (in %{a-yAcita-vr-} q.v.) ; = %{mahA-vrata} (i.e. a partic. Stotra , and the day for it) Br. S3rS "' ; (with gen. or ifc.) N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr. (L. also `" month ; season ; year ; fire ; `" = Vishn2u ; `" N. of one of the seven islands of Antara-dvi1pa "') ; (%{vra4ta}) m. (of unknown meaning) AV. v , 1 , 7 A1pS3r. xiii , 16 , 8 ; N. of a son of Manu and Nad2vala1 BhP. ; (pl.) N. of a country belonging to Pra1cya L. ; mfn. = %{veda-vrata} , one who has taken the vow of learning the Veda Gr2ihya1s. ii , 3 (Sch.)