एकदा चण्डकापालिर्गत्वा घेरण्डकुट्टिरम् ।
प्रणम्य विनयाद्भक्त्या घेरण्डं परिपृच्छति ॥
экадаа чаНДа-каапаалир-гатваа гхэраНДа-куТТирам /
праНамйа винайаад-бхактйаа гхэраНДаМ парипРиччхати // (1-01)
без сандхи:
экадаа чаНДа-каапаалир-гатваа гхэраНДа-куТТирам /
праНамйа винайаат-бхактйаа гхэраНДаМ парипРиччхати // (1-01)
однажды Чанда Капали, придя в Гхеранды обитель,
склоняясь от скромности и преданности, Гхеранду вопрошает
Однажды пришёл Чанда Капали в место отшельничества мудреца Гхеранды
и склонился перед ним с почтением. Чанда сказал:
Однажды Канда Капали пришел в обитель Гхеранды
и, склонившись перед ним скромно и преданно, так вопрошал его:
однажды Чанда Капали в обитель Гхеранды пришел
и, низко голову склонив, того смиренно вопросил: (1)
экадаа – (неизм.) «однажды»
ekadA ind. at the same time , at once Sa1h. ; sometimes , once , one time , some time ago MBh. Pan5cat. Hit. &c.
чаНда – (прил.) «яростный»
caNDa mf(%{A} VarBr2S. lxviii , 92 ; %{I} R. ii Vikr. Ragh. &c.)n. (probably fr. %{candra4} , `" glowing "' with passion) fierce , violent , cruel , impetuous , hot , ardent with passion , passionate , angry MBh. R. &c. ; circumcised L. ; m. N. of a mythical being (%{ca4NDasya@naptya4s} , `" daughters of Can2d2a "' , a class of female demons AV. ii , 14 , 1) , Agp. xlii , 20 ; S3iva or Bhairava MBh. xii , 10358 S3am2kar. xxiii (= %{sUrya}) SkandaP. MBh. iii , 14631 ; N. of a demon causing diseases Hariv. 9563 ; of a Daitya , 12937 ; of an attendant of Yama or of S3iva L. ; of one of the 7 clouds enveloping the earth at the deluge MatsyaP. ; = %{-cukrA} L. ; n. heat L. ; passion , wrath L. ; (%{am}) ind. violently , in anger Ma1lav. iii , 21 ; (%{A}) f. (g. %{bahv-Adi})N. of Durga1 (esp. as incarnation for the purpose of destroying the Asura Mahisha , this exploit forming the subject of the Devi1m. and being particularly celebrated in Benga1l at the Durga1pu1ja1 about Oct. Nov.) MBh. vi , 797 Hariv. 10245 ; N. of one of the 8 Na1yika1s or Saktis of Durga1 BrahmaP. Devi1P. ; N. of an attendant of the 12th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1 L. ; of a river L. ; of a plant (Andropogon aciculatus L. ; Mucuna pruritus L. ; Salvinia cucullata L. ; white Du1rva1 grass L. ; %{liGginI} L.) Sus3r. i , iv ; vi , 51 ; a kind of perfume (commonly Chor) L. ; (%{I}) f. (g. %{bahv-Adi}) a passionate woman , vixen W. ; a term of endearment applied to a mistress W. ; N. of Durga1 MBh. vi , 797 Hariv. 10233 Katha1s. xi ; of a female attendant of Durga1 ; of Udda1laka's wife , JaimBha1r. xxiv , 1 ; a short N. of the Devi1m. ; a metre of 4 x 13 syllables (cf. %{uc-} , %{pra-} ; %{a-caNDI} , %{cANDa}.)
каапаалин – м.р. «украшенный черепами»
kApAlin %{I} m. `" adorned with skulls "'N. of S3iva MBh. xiii , 1217 (cf. %{kapAlin}) ; N. of a mixed caste BrahmaP. ; N. of a son of Kr2ishn2a and Yaudhisht2hiri1 Hariv. 9196.
гам (гаххчати) – 1П «идти», гатваа – (дееприч) «придя»
gam 1 Ved. cl. 1. P. %{ga4mati} (Naigh. ; Subj. %{gamam} , %{ga4mat} [%{gamAtas} , %{gamAtha} AV.] , %{gamAma} , %{gaman} RV. ; Pot. %{game4ma} RV. ; inf. %{ga4madhyai} RV. i , 154 , 6): cl. 2. P. %{ga4nti} (Naigh. ; Impv. 3. sg. %{gantu} , [2. sg. %{gadhi} see %{A-} , or %{gahi} see %{adhi-} , %{abhy-A-} , %{A-} , %{upA7-}] , 2. pl. %{ga4ntA} or %{gantana} RV. ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. %{a4gan} [RV. AV.] , 1. pl. %{a4ganma} [RV. AV. ; cf. Pa1n2. 8-2 , 65] , 3. pl. %{a4gman} RV. ; Subj. [or aor. Subj. cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 80 Ka1s3.] 1. pl. %{ganma} , 3. pl. %{gma4n} RV. ; Pot. 2. sg. %{gamyAs} RV. i , 187 , 7 ; Prec. 3. sg. %{gamyA4s} RV. ; pr. p. %{gma4t} , x , 22 , 6): cl. 3. P. %{jaganti} (Naigh. ii , 14 ; Pot. %{jagamyAm} , %{-yAt} RV. ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. %{ajagan} , 2. pl. %{ajaganta} or %{-tana} RV.): Ved. and Class. cl. 1. P. (also A1. MBh. &c.) , with substitution of %{gacch} [= $] for %{gam} , %{ga4cchati} (cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 77 ; Subj. %{gA7cchAti} RV. x , 16 , 2 ; 2. sg. %{gacchAs} [RV. vi , 35 , 3] or %{gacchAsi} [AV. v , 5 , 6] ; 2. pl. %{gacchAta} RV. viii , 7 , 30 ; 3. pl. %{ga4cchAn} RV. viii , 79 , 5 ; impf. %{a4gacchat} ; Pot. %{gacchet} ; pr. p. %{ga4cchat} RV. &c. ; aor. %{agamat} Pa1n2. 3-1 , 55 ; vi , 4 , 98 Ka1s3. ; for A1. with prepositions cf. Pa1n2. 1-2 , 13 ; 2nd fut. %{gamiSyati} AV. &c. ; 1st fut. %{ga4ntA} [Pa1n2. 7-2 , 58] RV. &c. ; perf. 1. sg. %{jagamA} [RV.] , 3. sg. %{jagAma} , 2. du. %{jagmathur} , 3. pl. %{jagmu4r} RV. &c. ; p. %{jaganva4s} [RV. &c.] or %{jagmivas} Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 f. %{jagmu4SI} RV. &c. [347,1] ; Ved. inf. %{ga4ntave} , %{ga4ntavai4} ; Class. inf. %{gantum}: Ved. ind. p. %{gatvAya} , %{gatvI4} ; Class. ind. p. %{gatvA4} [AV. &c.] , with prepositions %{-gamya} or %{-gatya} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 38) to go , move , go away , set out , come RV. &c. ; to go to or towards , approach (with acc. or loc. or dat. [MBh. Ragh. ii , 15 ; xii , 7 ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 12] or %{prati} [MBh. R.]) RV. &c. ; to go or pass (as time e.g. %{kAle@gacchati} , time going on , in the course of time) R. Ragh. Megh. Naish. Hit. ; to fall to the share of (acc.) Mn. &c. ; to go against with hostile intentions , attack L. ; to decease , die Ca1n2. ; to approach carnally , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) A1s3vGr2. iii , 6 Mn. &c. ; to go to any state or condition , undergo , partake of , participate in , receive , obtain (e.g. %{mitratAM@gacchati} , `" he goes to friendship "' i.e. he becomes friendly) RV. AV. &c. ; %{jAnubhyAm@avanIM-gam} , `" to go to the earth with the knees "' , kneel down MBh. xiii , 935 Pan5cat. v , 1 , 10/11 ; %{dharaNIM@mUrdhnA-gam} , `" to go to the earth with the head "' , make a bow R. iii , 11 , 6 ; %{ma4nasA-gam} , to go with the mind , observe , perceive RV. iii , 38 , 6 VS. Nal. R. ; (without %{ma4nasA}) to observe , understand , guess MBh. iii , 2108 ; (especially Pass. %{gamyate} , `" to be understood or meant "') Pa1n2. Ka1s3. and L. Sch. ; %{doSeNa} or %{doSato-gam} , to approach with an accusation , ascribe guilt to a person (acc.) MBh. i , 4322 and 7455 R. iv , 21 , 3: Caus. %{gamayati} (Pa1n2. 2-4 , 46 ; Impv. 2. sg. Ved. %{gamayA} or %{gAmaya} [RV. v , 5 , 10] , 3. sg. %{gamayatAt} AitBr. ii , 6 ; perf. %{gamayA4M@cakAra} AV. &c.) to cause to go (Pa1n2. 8-1 , 60 Ka1s3.) or come , lead or conduct towards , send to (dat. AV.) , bring to a place (acc. [Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52] or loc.) RV. &c. ; to cause to go to any condition , cause to become TS. S3Br. &c. ; to impart , grant MBh. xiv , 179 ; to send away Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Ka1s3. ; `" to let go "' , not care about Ba1lar. v , 10 ; to excel Prasannar. i , 14 ; to spend time S3ak. Megh. Ragh. &c. ; to cause to understand , make clear or intelligible , explain MBh. iii , 11290 VarBr2S. L. Sch. ; to convey an idea or meaning , denote Pa1n2. 3-2 , 10 Ka1s3. ; (causal of the causal) to cause a person (acc.) to go by means of {jigamiSati} another Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Ka1s3.: Desid. %{ji4gamiSati} Pa1n2. , or %{jigAMsate} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 16 Siddh. ; impf. %{ajigAMsat} S3Br. x) to wish to go , be going La1t2y. MBh. xvi , 63 ; to strive to obtain S3Br. x ChUp. ; to wish to bring (to light , %{prakA4zam}) TS. i: Intens. %{ja4Gganti} (Naigh.) , %{jaGgamIti} or %{jaGgamyate} (Pa1n2. 7-4 , 85 Ka1s3.) , to visit RV. x , 41 , 1 (p. %{ga4nigmat}) VS. xxiii , 7 (impf. %{aganIgan}) ; [cf. $ ; Goth. {qvam} ; Eng. {come} ; Lat. {venio} for {gvemio}.]
куТТиираХа – м.р. «гора», куТТиирам – в.п.ед.ч. (в т.ч. адресность) «придя к горе»
kuTTIra m. a mountain L.
kuTT cl. 10. %{kuTTayati} (Dha1tup. xxxii , 23) , to crush , bruise Bhpr. AV. Paris3. ; to grind or pound , paw (the ground) VarBr2S. ; to strike slightly Ba1lar. Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. ; to multiply ; to censure , abuse Dha1tup. ; to fill ib.
праНам – 1П «склоняться перед», праНамйа – (неизм.) «склонившись перед»
praNam ( %{nam}) P. A1. %{-Namati} , %{-te} (ind. p. %{-Namya}) , to bend or bow down before (often with %{mUrdhnA} , %{zirasA} &c.) , make obeisance to (dat gen. loc. or acc.) Mn. MBh. &c.: Caus. %{-nA8mayati} , (ind. p. %{-namayya}) , to cause a person (acc.) to bow before (dat.) Ka1lid. ; to bow , incline ib.
винайаХа – м.р. «скромность», винайаат – отл.п.ед.ч. «от скромности»
vinaya 2 mfn. (for 1. see p. 969) leading away or asunder , separating RV. ii , 24 , 9 ; cast , thrown L. ; secret L. ; m. taking away , removal , withdrawal S3is3. x , 42 ; leading , guidance , training (esp. moral trсtraining) , education , discipline , control MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (with Buddhists) the rules of discipline for monks MWB. 55 &c. ; good breeding , propriety of conduct , decency , modesty , mildness ib. (in the Pura1n2as sometimes personified as son of Kriya1 or of Lajja1) ; an office , business S3is3. xi , 36 ; N. of a son of Sudyumna Ma1rkP. ; a man of subdued senses L. ; a merchant , trader L. ; (%{A}) f. Sida Cordifolia L. ; %{-karman} n. instruction Ragh. ; %{-kSudraka} or %{-ka-vastu} n. N. of a Buddhist wk. ; %{-grAhin} mfn. conforming to rules of discipline , compliant , tractable L. ; m. an elephant which obeys orders L. ; %{-jyotis} (?) m. N. of a Muni Katha1s. ; %{-tA} f. good behaviour ; modesty Ca1n2. ; %{-datta} m. N. of a man Mr2icch. ; %{-deva} m. N. of a teacher Buddh. ; of a poet Sadukt. ; %{-nandin} m. N. of the leader of a Jaina sect Inscr. ; %{-M-dhara} m. N. of a chamberlain Ven2is. ; %{-pattra} n. = %{-sUtra} (below) Buddh. ; %{-piTaka} , `" basket of discipline "' , (with Buddhists) the collection of treatises on discipline (cf: above) ; %{-pradhAna} mfn. having humility pre-eminent , of which modesty is chief. MW. ; %{-pramAthin} mfn. violating propriety , behaving ill or improperly W. ; %{-bhAj} mfn. possessing propriety or modesty ib. ; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. consisting of propriety Ka1d. ; %{-yogin} mfn. possessing humility MW. ; %{-rAma} m. = %{-sundara} Cat. ; %{-vat} mfn. well-behaved (in %{a-vin-}) Vet. ; (%{atI}) f. N. of a woman Katha1s. Das3. Pan5cat. ; %{-vallI} f. N. of wk. ; %{-vastu} n. (with Buddhists) N. of a section of the works which treat of Vinaya (q.v.) [972,1] ; %{-vAc} mfn. speaking modestly W. ; f. modest speech ib. ; %{-vijaya} m. N. of an author Cat. ; %{-vibhaGga} m. N. of wk. ; %{-vibhASA-zAstra} n. N. of a Buddhist wk. ; %{-zrI} f. N. of a woman HParis3. ; %{-sAgara} , %{-sundara} m. N. of authors Cat. ; %{-sUtra} n. (with Buddhists) the Su1tra treating of discipline (cf. above) ; %{-stha} mfn. conforming to discipline , compliant , tractable L. ; %{-svAminI} f. N. of a woman Katha1s. ; %{-yA7ditya} m. N. of Jaya7pid2a , Rajat. ; of a king of the race of the Ca1lukyas Inscr. ; (%{-pura} n. N. of a town built by Jaya7pid2a Ra1jat.) ; %{-yA7didhara} (i.e. %{vinaya-dh-}) m. N. of a man Ka1v. ; %{-yA7nvita} mfn. endowed with modesty , humble L. ; %{-yA7vanata} mfn. bending down modestly , bowing low with modesty MBh. Katha1s. ; %{-yo7kti} f. pl. modest speech Ba1lar.
бхактиХи – ж.р. «преданность», бхактйааХа – отл.п.ед.ч. «от преданности»
bhakti f. distribution , partition , separation RV. Ta1n2d2Br. &c. (cf. %{kSetra-} , %{bhaGgI-bh-}) ; a division , portion , share AitBr. ; a division of a Sa1man (also called %{vidhi} , of which 7 or 5 are enumerated) La1t2y. [743,2] Sam2k. ; division by streaks or lines Ragh. ; a streak , line , variegated decoration Hariv. Ka1v. ; a row , series , succession , order (%{-tyA} and %{-ti-tas} ind. in succession) RPra1t. ; (ifc.) the being a part of (%{ajbhakteH} , `" on the part of the vowels "') , belonging to Siddh. &c. ; that which belongs to or is contained in anything else , an attribute Nir. Pra1t. ; predisposition (of body to any disease) Car. ; attachment , devotion , fondness for , devotion to (with loc. , gen. or ifc.) , trust , homage , worship , piety , faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation , together with %{karman} , `" works "' , and %{jJAna} , `" spiritual knowledge "' ; cf. IW. 326 RTL. 97) S3vetUp. Bhag. Ka1v. Pur. &c. ; (ifc.) assumption of the form of Megh. 61 ; often w.r. for %{bhaGgi} or %{bhukti} ; (%{-tyA}) ind. not in the regular sense , figuratively S3am2k.
парипрачх – 1П «спрашивать кого-то о чем-то», парипРиччхати – наст.вр., 3 лицо ед.ч. «спрашивает»
pariprach P. A1. %{-pRcchati} , %{-te} (pf. %{-papraccha} ; fut. %{-prakSyati} ; ind. p. %{-pRcchya} ; inf. %{-praSTum}) , to interrogate or ask a person about anything , to inquire about (with 2 acc. or with acc. of pers. and acc. with %{prati} loc. or gen. of thing) MBh. Ka1v. &c.