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Глава 4. Кайвалья (Свобода) - разбор в плане подготовки к семинару

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Кайвалья переводят еще и как изоляция. Но если понимать изоляцию по типу "бах, и вйожился, то есть временно устранился от мира" - ни к чему тогда было Патанджали писать, а нам читать, весь огород Четвертой главы. Посмотрим, можно ли понять для себя нечто более глубокое и прекрасное.

kaivalya n. (fr. %{ke4vala}) , isolation Va1m. ; absolute unity Veda7ntas. BhP. ; perfect isolation , abstraction , detachment from all other connections , detachment of the soul from matter or further transmigrations , beatitude MBh. KapS. Sa1m2khyak. &c. ; for %{vaikalya} Ra1jat. vii , 1149 ; (mf(%{A})n.) leading to eternal happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii , 1101.

Впрочем, если понимать кайвалью как изоляцию (частичную или полную) от ограничений нашего мира, то до свободы рукой подать. Ну, и раз глава о свободе, я буду пересказывать и толковать сутры тоже максимально свободно и в то же время максимально строго )))

4-1 сиддхи (сила, дополнительная энергия, та же свобода) даются врожденно, с помощью растительных препаратов, пением мантр (силой звука, голоса, речью), тапасом (силовыми упражнениями) и практикой самадхи (встреча с самим собой, пребывание в покое)

4-2 причем переход к другому уровню существования (с сиддхами, с более широкой коммуникацией) дается благодаря притоку пракрити (стало быть надо этот приток снискать ==> см 4-1), притоку "изначальной силы, праматерии" (есть ли он? можно выяснить только в личной практике... впрочем о нем знает любой выздоравливающий или наконец-то выспавшийся)

4-3 для организации притока пракрити конкретные методы (вроде перечисленных в 4-1) призваны лишь для устранения препятствий, они подобны рыхлению почвы, на которой САМ вырастает плод большей свободы

4-4 все эти методы выливаются в долгие процессы, обслуживаемые и контролируемые самоизучающим (свадхйайа) сознанием - это проекты сознания, которые сами подконтрольны некоторой форме Я - сначала эгоистичной (асмита), а потом атмический (атман)

4-5 итак, в йоге всегда есть центр того или иного рода, а значит и одна ответственность за происходящее - твоя собственная (даже если применяешь растительные препараты )))

4-6 самые удачные проекты-процессы порождаются в медитативном состоянии (вне раги (привязанности) и двеши (отторжения)) и потому идеально вписываются в ткань мира, в ткань того, что должно, в линию наименьшего сопротивления (подобно текущей по пересеченной местности воде)

4-7 наряду с удачными медитативными попаданиями совершаем также деяния, мотивируемые рагой-двешей и прочими клешами, которые цепляют, коммуницируют меня не с пракрити, а лишь с ее временными формами

4-8 прицепленности (васаны) к этим формам с одной стороны создают трение для медитативного движения, с другой стороны являются обучающими (дрова-бхога для костра-йоги), то есть позволяющими сознанию со временем проникнуть глубже к пракрити и ближе к пуруше

4-9 при всей хаотичности и многообразии этих взаимодействий есть возможность для роста и укрепления некой (атмической) формы сознания, обреченной на свободу, являющейся свободой, то есть подобием парящего-пуруши

4-10 изначальный импульс желания такой свободы не принадлежит этому миру

4-11 погруженный когда-то в глубины пракрити, он (импульс желания) движется по причинно-следственным связям и вызревает в (атмическую) форму, достойную свободы и покидает этот мир

4-12 при этом он может обрастать различными дхармами (структурами), создающими настоящее и имеющими (согласно причинно-следственности) прошлые корни и будущее развитие (которое может нарушаться вторжением медитативного (свободного) сознания)



Вернемся к 4-1. В чем собственно сила мантры? она воплощает некий символ веры, смысл некоего проекта (типа "мне надо переехать в москву!" или "верую в хатха-йогу прадипику и ее методы" или "эзотерика это шизотерика" и т.д.). Повторение мантры (использование магии слова) открывает шлюзы для притока пракрити на этот проект. Трудно сказать почему, это устройство человека, суть структуры того импульса желания жить и быть свободным. В каком-то смысле без мантры (викальпы, разговора из сутры 1-8) человеку вообще нельзя.

Мантра "верую в антибиотики" наверно лучше сочетается с другим мощным средством для притока силы - применением растительных (химических) препаратов, чем неверие в эти препараты. Препараты действуют мощнее, но кратковременно, мантра же более тонкое, но стратегическое средство.

Осознание того, что влюбился (пошла внутренняя химия), тоже требует в итоге словесного (викальпа) вердикта и постоянного подтверждения-проверки "люблю-не люблю? любит-не любит?". Для чего? чтобы предпринимать действия, связанные с любовным проектом (интригой).

Даже для подхода к практике самадхи нужна мантра типа 1-2 "читта-вритти-ниродхаХ", когда же человек въехал, то можно и без мантры.

Итак, в целом "вначале было Слово". А дальше рождение, химия, усердие и самадхи.



4-13 по сути дхармы (структуры и процессы) всегда содержат гуны: два крайних, "борющихся" полюса активности и инерции, и центральный медитативный элемент, позволяющий оптимизировать проявление дхармы

4-14 но так или иначе суть дхарм - бесконечный кругооборот перемен, это механизмы, шаблоны, обучающие и одновременно порабощающие, пленяющие

4-15 причем одна и та же дхарма или объект может по-разному восприниматься и использоваться разными людьми, разными уровнями сознания

4-16 или не использоваться вообще! (не обязательно лезть в любую ситуацию)

4-17 всегда есть выбор - лезть в ситуацию или нет, потому что я - хозяин (см. сутры 4-4, 4-5)

4-18 знание пуруши позволяет касаться его невозмутимости и свободы в любой ситуации (отсюда важность практики самадхи, см. 4-1)

4-19 сознание же (читта) в итоге сознает себя как "престол раджи" (пуруши), и только, оно - инструмент

4-20 одно из двух (поочередно): читта либо познает свои возможности в процесс активности дхарм (бхога), либо пребывает в самадхи, ананде, предоставляя себя как канал для проявления большего (пракрити, коллективного Я, подсознания, либо пуруши, духа)



4-21 читта, если пытается досконально понять себя, может запутываться в отражениях своих знаний о себе и мире (в противоречивых вербализациях, описаниях)

4-22 но успокаиваясь в читта-вритти-ниродха, читта обретает естественную форму созерцания

4-23 и тогда зрящий (либо пуруша, либо большее, коллективное сознание) видит через незамутненный "глаз" читты все формы мира (зримое) (наслаждаясь ими)

4-24 он видит бесчисленные формы как находящиеся во всеобщей связи и служащие цели, которая вне их

4-25 восприятие чего-то большего, чем чувство-я, (то есть восприятие сознания пуруши или пракрити), является решающим, поворотным переживанием для садханы - чувство-я перестает расти и развиваться в больший эгоизм

4-26 параллельно чувству я начинает жить и развиваться спокойное осознание всеобщей связи вещей, и это осознание тянет читту в сторону кайвальи, свободы

4-27 поскольку суета вритти уходит все чаще, возникают свободные зоны сознания, куда поднимаются самскары

4-28 их следует пережить и исчерпать, так же как и клеши (то есть в медитации и созерцании)

4-29 восприятие перестает быть жестким и зависящим от шаблонных установок вритти, восприятие становится мягким как облако и формуется под ситуацию (дхарма-мегха-самадхи)

4-30 клеши и карма, не встречая сопротивления восприятия, все быстрее исчерпывают свой боевой потенциал



4-31 соответственно - исчерпываются и завесы ограничений, созданные когда-то в процессе адаптации к миру и ставшие препятствиями для свободного творчества, горизонты которого движутся в сторону бесконечности

4-32 все избыточные трансформации (целеполагания) уходят, уходит и борьба с гунами, они становятся подобными волнам, с которыми становится все легче синхронизировать свой "серфинг"

4-33 непрерывная борьба за свое я и его становление уступает место видению более глубоких тенденций развития всеобщей связи вещей

4-34 пуруша вместо далекой цели становится живым присутствием, гуны видятся в изначальной простоте, а не в многочисленных формах, свобода сама становится формой существования, увенчанной полнотой сознания, равного по чистоте пуруше и созвучного ему

*   *   *



Что говорит наука по 4 главе.

устный комментарий А.Парибка ч 40 сутра 4-1 и далее до 4-4
устный комментарий А.Парибка ч 41 сутра 4-4 и далее до 4-12
устный комментарий А.Парибка ч 42 сутра 4-13 и далее до 4-18
устный комментарий А.Парибка ч 43 сутра 4-19 и далее до 4-33
устный комментарий А.Парибка ч 43 сутра 4-34 -- собственно без комментария, совсем коротко

На вскидку пока запомнилось: 4 глава - это ненужная в практике дописка (так сказать, чистая философия не самого блестящего толка, буддизм покруче) и полемика с буддизмом )) к тому же глава незавершена, так как в остальных главах больше 50 сутр, а в этой - только 34. В первой сутре опять пятерка - задание нарисовать ее как и предыдущие кресты.
                                                                   самадхи (божественное)

По кресту моя версия: рождение            мантра                           трава (природное)
                                                                      тапас (человеческое)

Мантра в центре по аналогии с викальпой (разговором), мантра - нейтральный, трансовый элемент на переходе от усилия тапаса к блаженству самадхи, или как элемент знания (врачевания), какую траву употреблять.

Буду стаскивать сюда более дословный перевод 4 главы из нижеследующего Грамматического разбора.

4-1 врожденными (или) растениями, мантрами (или) самадхи порожденными (бывают) сиддхи

4-2 к другому рождению переход (происходит) от притока пракрити

4-3 искусственно не вызвать притока природных сил, но (можно создавать) для них различные каналы, то есть уподобляться земледельцу (быть как земледелец)

4-4 созданные сознания (воплощения) - от одного принципа Эго (души)

4-5 среди различных начинаний (ведущим является) одно сознание, а не множество 

4-6 из них (сознание,) рожденное в медитации, вне кармы

4-7 карма не белая и не черная для йога, тройная для остальных

4-8 таким образом, ее (кармы) плоды – только соответствующие проявлению (его) васан (личных особенностей вроде почерка)

4-9 даже при разделенности рождением, местом и временем (сохраняется) непрерывная последовательность от (пребывания) памяти и самскар в одной форме

4-10 а их безначальность – от вечности жажды бытия

4-11 в силу захваченности привязанностями к причинно-следственным цепочкам при отсутствии первых (причин) нет и других (следствий)

4-12 прошлое и будущее по своей природе (одни и те же) дхармы, которые существуют раздельно (лишь) во времени

4-13 они (дхармы) – проявленные, тонкие, гуны по сущности

4-14 от универсальности перемен сущность объекта или: изменчивость согласно (трем) общим тенденциям – вот сущность любого объекта

4-15 для одного и того же объекта из-за различия (любых) двух сознаний - различные пути (восприятия)

4-16 но (если также) не от одного ума не зависим объект (и) ему нет меры (он не познается), что тогда может быть?

4-17 от его неизбежного отражения (правильного или искаженного) объект ума (становится) познанным или непознанным

4-18 всегда постижимы изменения читты в силу ее господина – пуруши - неизменности

4-19 не сияет она (читта) сама по себе, ибо видима (воспринимается)

4-20 одновременно к тому же оба непостижимы

4-21 при рефлексии другим сознанием – излишнее сцепление интеллектов и путаница в памяти

4-22 от мышления беспримесного (состояния) в его форму вхождение (дает) своего разума постижение или: (от состояния,) не впечатленного мышлением, от вхождения в его форму (возникает) своего разума постижение

4-23 зрящим и зримым окрашенное сознание - всесторонне

4-24 хоть и поразительно многообразие (созданное) бесчисленными васанами, от совместного движения к высшей цели (всё это)

4-25 прекращение как видения различий, так и порождения чувства Я

4-26 тогда сила различения (дает) читте близость к кайвалье

4-27 в их промежутках от самскар (возникают) другие содержания ума

4-28 их устранение подобно (устранению) клеш и объяснено (ранее)

4-29 даже при высших восприятиях (сохраняется) полностью бесстрастное, ясное осознание облака дхарм – (таково) самадхи или: даже при высших состояниях (в восприятии сохраняется лишь) ясно и полностью бесстрастно осознанное облако дхарм – таково самадхи

4-30 таким образом (достигается) клеш и кармы исчезновение

4-31 тогда, при всех исчезнувших покровах и загрязнениях, от бесконечности (открывшегося) знания могущее быть познанным (здесь) (видится как) ничтожное

4-32 таким образом, у достигших (приходит) конец паринамам и крамам гун (тактическим и стратегическим переменам)

4-33 неразрывная цепь мгновений, обнаруженное окончание изменений, тенденция или: в неразрывной цепи мгновений обнаруживается окончание изменений, таков исход

4-34 при исчерпании всех целей существования гун возвращение в исходное состояние, кайвалья, или утверждение в собственной форме, в этом (такова) сила ума



А.Смит написал(а):

Что говорит наука по 4 главе.

Только собрался, а уже готово))
Тогда продолжу вторую главу.



Дословный перевод 4 главы с грамматическим разбором.


जन्मौषधिमन्त्रतपःसमाधिजाः सिद्धयः 4-1

джанм-аушадхи-мантра-тапаХа-самаадхи-джааХа сиддхайаХа (4-01)
без сандхи:
джанма-аушадхи-мантра-тапас-самаадхи-джааХа сиддхайаХа

врожденными (или) растениями, мантрами (или) самадхи порожденными (бывают) сиддхи 

составное слово типа «двандва» джанм-аушадхи-мантра-тапаХа-самаадхиХи

джанмам – ср.р. «рождение»
janma in comp. for %{-nman} ; n. birth L. Sch

аушадхам – с.р. «растение, лекарство, наркотик»
auSadha mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{oSadhi}) , consisting of herbs S3Br. vii ; (%{I}) f. N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1 MatsyaP. ; (%{am}) n. herbs collectively , a herb S3Br. AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. &c. ; herbs used in medicine , simples , a medicament , drug , medicine in general Mn. MBh. Ragh. &c. ; a mineral W. ; a vessel for herbs.
auSadhi %{is} or %{I} f. = %{oSadhi} q.v.

склонение аушадхи

мантраХа – м.р.с.р. «мантра»
mantra m. (rarely n. ; ifc. f. %{A}) , `" instrument of thought "' , speech , sacred text or speech , a prayer or song of praise RV. AV. TS. ; a Vedic hymn or sacrificial formula , that portion of the Veda which contains the texts called %{Rc} or %{yajus} or %{sAman} (q.v.) as opp. to the Bra1hmana and Upanishad portion (see IW. 5 &c.) Br. Gr2S3rS. &c. [786,1] ; a sacred formula addressed to any individual deity (e.g. %{om} %{zivAya} %{namaH}) RTL. 61 ; a mystical verse or magical formula (sometimes personified) , incantation , charm , spell (esp. in modern times employed by the S3a1ktas to acquire superhuman powers ; the primary Mantras being held to be 70 millions in number and the secondary innumerable RTL. 197-202) RV. (i , 147 , 4) A1s3vS3r. Mn. Katha1s. Sus3r. ; cousultation , resolution , counsel , advice , plan , design , secret RV. &c. &c. ; N. of Vishn2u Vishn2. ; of S3iva MBh. ; (in astrol.) the fifth mansion VarYogay.

тапас – с.р. «жар, рвение»
tapas n. warmth , heat (%{paJca@tapAMsi} , the 5 fires to which a devotee exposes himself in the hot season , viz. 4 fires lighted in the four quarters and the sun burning from above Mn. vi , 23 R. BhP. iv BrahmaP. ; cf. Ragh. xiii , 41) RV. AV. VS. Sa1n3khS3r. ; pain , suffering RV. vii , 82 , 7 ; religious austerity , bodily mortification , penance , severe meditation , special observance (e.g. `" sacred learning "' with Bra1hmans , `" protection of subjects "' with Kshatriyas , `" giving alms to Bra1hmans "' with Vais3yas , `" service "' with S3u1dras , and `" feeding upon herbs and roots "' with R2ishis Mn. xi , 236) RV. ix , 113 , 2 ; x (personified , 83 , 2 f. & 101 , 1 , `" father of Manyu "' RAnukr.) AV. &c. ; (m. L.) N. of a month intervening between winter and spring VS. TS. i S3Br.iv Sus3r. Pa1n2. 4-4 , 128 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. S3is3. vi , 63 ; the hot season L. Sch. ; = %{-po-loka} Veda7ntas. 120 ; the 9th lunar mansion (%{dharma}) VarBr2. i , 19 ; ix , 1 and 4 ; N. of a Kalpa period , Va1vuP. i , 21 , 27.

Конечные s переходят в висаргу (ḥ) перед глухими k, kh, p, ph, а также ś, s, ṣ

prathamas sargas ("первая часть") = prathamaḥ sargaḥ
punar punar ("снова и снова") = punaḥ punaḥ
nir +śeṣa ("без остатка") = niḥśeṣa

самаадхиХи – м.р. йогич. термин «самадхи» (см. также 3-03, 3-11, 3-38)
samAdhi m. putting together , joining or combining with (instr.) La1t2y. ; a joint or a partic. position of the neck Kir. ; union , a whole , aggregate , set R. Hariv. Ragh. ; completion , accomplishment , conclusion Kum. ; setting to rights , adjustment , settlement MBh. ; justification of a statement , proof Sarvad. ; bringing into harmony , agreement , assent W. RPra1t. ; intense application or fixing the mind on , intentness , attention (%{-dhiM-kR} , `" to attend "') MBh. R. &c. ; concentration of the thoughts , profound or abstract meditation , intense contemplation of any particular object (so as to identify the contemplator with the object meditated upon ; this is the eighth and last stage of Yoga [lW. 93] ; with Buddhists Sama1dhi is the fourth and last stage of Dhya1na or intense abstract meditation [MWB. 209] ; in the Ka1ran2d2a-vyu1ha several SсSama1dhi are enumerated) Up. Buddh. MBh. &c. ; intense absorption or a kind of trance MBh. Ka1v.&c. ; a sanctuary or tomb of a saint W. RTL. 261 ; (in rhet.) N. of various figures of speech (defined as %{ArohA7varohakrama} , %{artha-dRSTi} , %{anya-dharmANAm@anyatrA7dhirohaNa} &c) , Ka1vya7d Va1m. Kpr. &c. ; N. of the 17th Kalpa (q.v.) , of the 17th Arhat of the future Utsarpin2i1 L. ; of a Vais3ya Cat. (accord. to L. also `" silence ; a religious vow of intense devotion or self-imposed abstraction ; support , upholding ; continuance ; perseverance in difficulties ; attempting impossibilities ; collecting or laying up grain in times of dearth "') ; %{-garbha} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. ; %{-tva} n. the state of profound meditation or devotion Sarvad. ; %{-niSTha} mfn. devoted to mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-parihANi} f. diminution of mсmeditation Dharmas. 59 ; %{-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk. ; %{-bala} n. the force of mсmeditation Dharmas. 75 ; %{-bhaGga} m. the disturbing or interruption of mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-bhRt} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation S3is3. ; %{-bheda} m. (= %{-bhaGga}) Kum. ; %{-bhedin} mfn. one who interrupts mсmeditation Ragh. ; %{-mat} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation Kum. ; attentive R. ; making a promise or assent or permission W. ; %{-matikA} f. N. of a woman Ma1lav. (v.l. for %{samAhitikA} in B.) ; %{-yoga} m. employment of meditation , the efficacy of contemplation MW. [1160,1] ; %{-yoga-rddhi-tapo-vidyAvirakti-mat} mfn. possessing or accompanied with mсmeditation and self-abstraction and supernatural power and mortification and knowledge and indifference BhP. ; %{-rAja} m. N. of wk. ; %{-vigraha} m. embodiment of mсmeditation ; %{-vidhi} m. N. of wk. ; %{-samAnatA} f. N. of a Sama1dhi Buddh. ; %{-stha} mfn. absorbed in mсmeditation Pan5cat. ; %{-sthala} n. N. of a place in Brahma1's world Katha1s.

джа – (прилаг.) «рожденный», джааХа – им.п.мн.ч. «порожденные» – относится к двандве джанм-аушадхи-мантра-тапаХа-самаадхиХи
ja 2 mf(%{A})n. (%{jan}) ifc. born or descended from , produced or caused by , born or produced in or at or upon , growing in , living at Mn. MBh. &c. ; (after an adv. or adverbial word) born or produced (e.g. %{agra-} , %{avara-} ; %{eka-} , %{dvi-} , %{ni-} , %{pUrva-} , %{prathama-} , %{saha-} and %{sAkaM-ja4}) , Mn x , 25 ; prepared from , made of or with , v , 25 Sus3r. Hcat. ; `" belonging to , connected with , peculiar to "' see %{anUpa} , %{anna} , %{zahra-} , %{sA7rtha-}. m. a son of (in comp.) Mn. &c. ; a father L. ; birth L. ; (%{A4}) f. a race , tribe AV. v , 11 , 10 ; ifc. a daughter MBh. &c. ; cf. %{jA}.

сиддхиХи – ж.р. «способность, успех», мн.ч. сиддхайаХа
siddhi 2 f. (for 1. see p. 1215 , col. 1) accomplishment , performance , fulfilment , complete attainment (of any object) , success MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; the hitting of a mark (loc.) Ka1m. ; healing (of a disease) , cure by (comp.) Ya1jn5. ; coming into force , validity ib. ; settlement , payment , liquidation (of a debt) Mn. viii , 47 ; establishment , substantiation , settlement , demonstration , proof. indisputable conclusion , result , issue RPra1t. Up. Sarvad. ; decision , adjudication , determination (of a lawsuit) W. ; solution of a problem ib. ; preparation , cooking , maturing , maturity ib. ; readiness W. ; prosperity , personal success , fortune , good luck , advantage Mn. MBh. &c. ; supreme felicity , bliss , beatitude , complete sanctification (by penance &c.) , final emancipation , perfection L. ; vanishing , making one's self invisible W. ; a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes) ib. ; the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the supсsupposed faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following S3loka , %{aNimA} %{laghimA@prA7ptiH@prAkAmyam@mahimA@tathA@IzitvaM@ca@vazitvaM@ca@tathA@kAmA7vasAyitA} [1216,3] ; sometimes 26 are added e.g. %{dUra-zravaNa} , %{sarvajJa-tva} , %{agni-stambha} &c.) Sa1m2khyak. Tattvas. Sarvad. ; any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.) Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; skill in general , dexterity , art Car. ; efficacy , efficiency Ka1v. Pan5cat. ; understanding , intellect W. ; becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words) BhP. ; (in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united) Sa1h. ; (prob.) a work of art Ra1jat. iii , 381 ; a kind of medicinal root (= %{Rddhi} or %{vRddhi}) L. ; (in music) a partic. S3ruti Sam2gi1t. ; a partic. Yoga (either the 16th or 19th) Col. ; Success or Perfection personified MBh. VarBr2S. ; N. of Durga1 Katha1s. ; of a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma Pur. ; of the wife of Bhaga and mother of Mahiman BhP. ; of a friend of Danu Katha1s. ; of one of the wives of Gan2e7s3a RTL. 215 , 2 ; N. of S3iva (in this sense m.) MBh.




जात्यन्तरपरिणामः प्रकृत्यापूरात् ॥4-02॥ 4-2

джаатй-антара-париНаамаХа пракРитй-апуураат (4-02)
без сандхи:
джаати-антара-париНаамаХа пракРити-аапуураат

к другому рождению переход от притока пракрити 

составное слово типа «татпуруша» джаати-антара-париНаамаХа – м.р. «переход к другому рождению, другой жизни»

джаатиХи – ж.р. «рождение»
jAti f. birth , production AitBr. ii , 39 Mn. MBh. (also %{-tI} , xiii f.) &c. ; re-birth R. i , 62 , 17 Ka1ran2d2. xxiii , 193 ; the form of existence (as man , animal , &c.) fixed by birth Mn. iv , 148 f. Yogas. ii , 13 ; (ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 98 ; position assigned by birth , rank , caste , family , race , lineage Ka1tyS3r. xv Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (%{-tI} MBh. xiv , 2549) ; kind , genus (opposed to species) , species (opposed to individual) , class La1t2y. Ka1tySr. Pa1n2. &c. , (once %{-tI} ifc. MBh. vi , 456) ; the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) Sarvad. ; natural disposition to Car. ii , 1 ; the character of a species , genuine or true state of anything Ya1jn5. ii , 246 MBh. xii , 5334 ; reduction of fractions to a common denominator ; a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity) Nya1yad. v , 1 ff. Sarvad. xi , 10 and 34 Prab. Sch. ; (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii , 1 ; a class of metres R. i , 4 , 6 Ka1vya7d. i , 11 ; a manner of singing Hariv. ; a fire-place L. ; (= %{-tI}) mace , nutmeg Sus3r. ; Jasminum grandiflorum L. ; = %{-tI-phalA} L. ; = %{kampilla} L. cf. %{antya-} , %{eka-} , %{dvi-} - [cf. Lat. {gens} ; Lith. {pri-gentis}]

антара – суффикс «другой», джаати-антара-Ха (??) «другое рождение»
antara mf(%{A}) n. being in the interior , interior ; near , proximate , related , intimate ; lying adjacent to ; distant ; different from ; exterior ; (%{am}) n. the interior ; a hole , opening ; the interior part of a thing , the contents ; soul , heart , supreme soul ; interval , intermediate space or time ; period ; term ; opportunity , occasion ; place ; distance , absence ; difference , remainder ; property , peculiarity ; weakness , weak side ; representation ; surety , guaranty ; respect , regard ; (ifc.) , different , other , another e.g. %{dezA7ntaram} , another country ; (%{am}) , or %{-ta4s} ind. in the interior , within [cf. Goth. {anthar} , Theme {anthara} ; Lith. {antra-s} , `" the second "' ; Lat. {alter}].

париНаамаХа – м.р. «перемена»
pariNAma m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) , development , evolution Sa1m2khyak. Yogas. Pur. Sus3r. ; ripeness , maturity Kir. Uttarar. Ma1lati1m. ; alteration of food , digestion Sus3r. Tarkas. ; withering , fading S3a1rn3gP. ; lapse (of time) MBh. R. ; decline (of age) , growing old ib. Sus3r. ; result , consequence , issue , end (ibc. and %{-me} ind. finally , at last , in the end) Ka1v. ; (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval. ; N. of a holy man RTL. 269 ; %{-darzin} mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event) , prudent , fore-sighted MBh. ; %{-dRSTi} f. foresight , providence MW. ; %{-nirodha} m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth , growth , death &c.) W. ; %{-pathya} mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib. ; %{-mukha} mfn. tending or verging towards the end , about to terminate S3ak. ; %{-ramaNIya} mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib. ; %{-vat} mfn. having a natural development (%{-ttva} n.) S3am2k. ; %{-vAda} m. the `" doctrine of evolution "' , the Sa1m2khya doctrine Sarvad. ; %{-zUla} n. violent and painful indigestion Cat.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» пракРити-аапуураХа – м.р. «приток пракрити», в отл.п.ед.ч. пракрити-аапураат «от притока пракрити»

пракРитиХи – ж.р. «пассивная сила творения всего материального»
prakRti f. `" making or placing before or at first "' , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to %{vi-kRti} q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh. ; cause original source Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c. ; origin , extraction Mr2icch. ; nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c. (ibc. and %{-tyA} ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c.) ; fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (esp. in ritual) S3rS. ; (in the Sa1m2khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Gun2as called %{sattva} , %{rajas} and %{tamas}) , Nature (distinguished from %{puruSa} , Spirit as Ma1ya1 is dсdistinguished from Brahman in the Veda7ntas) ; pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. %{a-vyakta} , %{buddhi} or %{mahat} , %{ahaM-kAra} , and the 5 %{tan-mAtras} or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c. ; (in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the S3akti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as Lakshmi1 , Durga1 &c. ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223 ; (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv. ; (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c. ; the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans &c. ib. ; the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , alies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses Mn. ix , 294 ; 295) ; the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the %{madhyama} , %{vijigISu} , %{udAsIna} and %{zatru} ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the %{mitra} , %{arimitra} , %{mitra-mitra} , %{arimitra-mitra} , %{pArSNi-graha} , %{Akranda} , %{pArSNigrAhA7sAra} , %{AkrandA7sAsa} ; each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakr2itis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of Prakr2itis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull. ; (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop. ; N. of 2 classes of metres Col. ; (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib. ; (in anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W. ; (with %{tritIyA}) the third nature , a eunuch MBh. ; matter , affair Lalit. ; the male or female organ of generation L. ; a woman or womankind L. ; a mother L. ; an animal L. ; N. of a woman Buddh. ; N. of wk.

аапуураХа – м.р. «приток»
ApUra m. flood , flooding , excess , abundance Katha1s. S3is3. &c. ; filling up , making full L. ; filling a little T.




निमित्तम् अप्रयोजकं प्रकृतीनां वरणभेदस्तु ततः क्षेत्रिकवत् ॥4-03॥ 4-3

нимиттам апрайоджакаМ пракРитиинааМ вараНа-бхэдас-ту татаХа кшэтрика-ват (4-03)
без сандхи:
нимиттам апрайоджакам пракРитиинаам вараНа-бхэдаХа-ту татаХа кшэтрика-ват

искусственно не вызвать притока природных сил, но (можно создавать) для них различные каналы, то есть уподобляться земледельцу (быть как земледелец) 

дословно: инструментальная причина (для) природных сил бесполезна...

нимиттам – с.р. «инструментальная причина»
nimitta n. (possibly connected with %{ni-mA} above) a butt , mark , target MBh. ; sign , omen Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. (cf. %{dur-n-}) ; cause , motive , ground , reason Up. Kap. Var. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (in all oblique cases = because of , on account of cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 23 Pat. ; mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by ; %{-ttaMyA} , to be the cause of anything Ka1d.) ; (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to %{upA7dAna} , the operative or material cause) Veda7ntas. Bha1sha1p. ; = %{Agantu} ; %{deha} ; %{Adeza} ; %{parvan} L.

апрайоджакам – прилагательное с.р. «бесполезный», относится к нимиттам
aprayojaka mf(%{ikA})n. not causing or effecting , aimless.

пракРитиХи – ж.р. «пассивная сила творения всего материального», мн.ч. пракРитайаХа – «потоки природных сил», пракРитиинаам – р.п.мн.ч. «(для) потоков природных сил»
prakRti f. `" making or placing before or at first "' , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to %{vi-kRti} q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh. ; cause original source Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c. ; origin , extraction Mr2icch. ; nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c. (ibc. and %{-tyA} ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c.) ; fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (esp. in ritual) S3rS. ; (in the Sa1m2khya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or Gun2as called %{sattva} , %{rajas} and %{tamas}) , Nature (distinguished from %{puruSa} , Spirit as Ma1ya1 is dсdistinguished from Brahman in the Veda7ntas) ; pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. %{a-vyakta} , %{buddhi} or %{mahat} , %{ahaM-kAra} , and the 5 %{tan-mAtras} or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c. ; (in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the S3akti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as Lakshmi1 , Durga1 &c. ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223 ; (pl.) N. of a class of deities under Manu Raibhya Hariv. ; (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c. ; the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans &c. ib. ; the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , alies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses Mn. ix , 294 ; 295) ; the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the %{madhyama} , %{vijigISu} , %{udAsIna} and %{zatru} ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the %{mitra} , %{arimitra} , %{mitra-mitra} , %{arimitra-mitra} , %{pArSNi-graha} , %{Akranda} , %{pArSNigrAhA7sAra} , %{AkrandA7sAsa} ; each of these 12 kings has 5 Prakr2itis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of Prakr2itis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull. ; (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop. ; N. of 2 classes of metres Col. ; (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib. ; (in anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W. ; (with %{tritIyA}) the third nature , a eunuch MBh. ; matter , affair Lalit. ; the male or female organ of generation L. ; a woman or womankind L. ; a mother L. ; an animal L. ; N. of a woman Buddh. ; N. of wk.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» вараНа-бхэдаХа – «разделение преград»

вараНаХа – м.р. «вал, насыпь»
varaNa 1 m. a rampart , mound L. ; a causeway , bridge L. ; the tree Crataeva Roxburghii (also called %{varuNa} and %{setu} ; it is used it , is medicine and supposed to possess magical virtnes) MaitrS. &c. &c. ; any tree W. ; a camel L. ; a kind of ornament or decoration on a bow MBh. ; a partic. magical formula recited over weapons R. (%{varuNa} B.) ; N. of Indra L. ; N. of a country Buddh. ; (pl.) of a town Pa1n2. 4-2 , 82 (cf. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-2 , 53) ; (%{A}) f. N. of a small river (running past the north of Benares into the Ganges and now called Barna1) Up. Pur. ; n. surrounding , enclosing L. ; keeping off , prohibiting L.

бхэдаХа – м.р. «раздельность», в п.п.едч. бхэдэ – «в раздельности»
bheda m. ( %{bhid}) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret cf. %{rahasya-bh-}) ; bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder BhP. Sus3r. ; bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting Ka1lid. Ba1lar. ; a cleft , fissure , chasm (cf. %{zilA-bh-} ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV. ; rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s. ; shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (cf. %{ardhabh-}) Sus3r. ; separation , division , partition , part , portion Ka1v. Pur. ; distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety S3rS. Up. MBh. &c. ; disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h. ; disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. %{upA7ya}) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; disunion , schism , dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat. ; change , alteration , modification MBh. S3ak. ; contraction (cf. %{bhrUbh-}) [766,2] ; evacuation (of the bowels) S3a1rn3gS. ; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets ; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. %{kukSi-bh-}) ; (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; (in dram.) = %{saMhati-bhedana} , or = %{pro7tsAhana} , Sa1h2 ; (in phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.) ; N. of a man AV. ; pl. N. of a people RV.

ту – «но»
tu 2 (never found at the beginning of a sentence or verse ; metrically also %{tU4} RV. ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 133) pray! I beg , do , now , then , Lat. {dum} used (esp. with the Imper.) RV. ; but (also with %{eva4} or %{vai4} following) AV. iv , 18 , 6 TS. S3Br. &c. ; and Mn. ii , 22 ; or , i , 68 ; xi , 202 ; often incorrectly written for %{nu} MBh. (i , 6151 B and C) ; sometimes used as a mere expletive

татаХа – (неизм.) «таким образом, отсюда»
tatas ind. (%{tA7-tas} , correlative of %{ya4-tas}) used for the abl. (sg. du. and pl.) of %{ta4d} (q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 7f. "' ; vi , 3 , 35) RV. AV. I1s3Up. Mn. &c. ; from that place , thence RV. AV. &c , ; in that place , there MBh. &c. ; thither Mn. vii , 188 R. i , 44 , 34 Katha1s. ; thereupon , then , after that , afterwards (sometimes corresponding to preceding particles like %{a4gre} , %{puras} , %{purvam} , %{prathamam} , %{prAk} S3Br. xiv Mn. ii , 60 S3ak. Pan5cat. &c. ; corresponding to %{prathama4} RV. i , 83 , 5 ; also correlative of %{ya4d} [x , 85 , 5 and 121 , 7 AV. xii , 4 ,7 ff.] , %{ya4tra} [S3Br.i] , %{yadA} [Nal. xx R.] , %{yadi} [ChUp. Nal. &c.] , %{ce7d} [TUp. ii , 6 S3ak. v , 28/29 v.l.] [432,3] ; often superfluous after an ind. p. or after %{tadA} or %{atha} Mn. &c.) ; from that , in consequence of that , for that reason , consequently AV. MBh. xii , 13626 R. vi Hit.

кшэтрикаХа – м.р. «земледелец»
kSetrika mfn. relating to a field , having a field , agrarian W. ; m. the owner of a field Gaut. Mn. viii , 241 ff. ; ix , 53 f. [332,3] ; a farmer , cultivator W. ; a husband Na1r. Mn. ix , 145.

суффикс ват – «подобно, как»
vat 1 an affix (technically termed %{vati} ; see Pa1n2. 5-1 , 115 &c.) added to words to imply likeness or resemblance , and generally translatable by `" as "' , `" like "' (e.g. %{brAhmaNa-vat} , like a Bra1hman ; %{pitR-vat} = %{pite7va} , %{pitaram@iva} , %{pitur@iva} and %{pitarI7va}).




निर्माणचित्तान्यस्मितामात्रात् ॥4-04॥ 4-4

нирмааНа-читтаанй-асмитаа-маатраат (4-04)
без сандхи:

созданные сознания (воплощения) - от одного принципа Эго (души) 

составное слово типа «татпуруша» нирмааНа-читтам – с.р. «созданное сознание», мн.ч. нирмааНа-читтаани

нирмааНам – с.р. «создание, формирование»
nirmANa n. measuring , measure , reach , extent (often , mfn. ifc.) Hariv. R. ; forming , making , creating , creation , building , composition , work (ifc. `" made of "' Sus3r.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (with Buddh.) transformation ; pith , the best of anything (= %{sAra}) L. ; = %{asamaJjasa} L. ; %{-kAya} m. the body of transformations Buddh. MWB. 247 ; %{-kAraka} m. creator Vishn2. ; %{-rata} m. pl. `" finding pleasure in creating "'N. of a class of gods MBh. ; %{-rati-deva} m. pl. `" id. "' or `" enjoying pleasures provided by themselves "' , a class of beings inhabiting the fifth heaven VP. Lalit. MWB. 208.

читтам – с.р. «сознание», мн.ч. читтаани
citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

асмита-маатрам – с.р. «только Эго», в отл.п.ед.ч. «только от Эго»

асмитаа – ж.р. «Эго, эгоизм»
asmitA f. egoism Yogas. Comm. on S3is3. iv , 55 , &c.)

маатрам – (суффикс) «только, лишь»
mAtra m. a Bra1hman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat. ; (%{A}) f. see s.v. ; n. an element , elementary matter BhP. ; (ifc.) measure , quantity , sum , size , duration , measure of any kind (whether of height , depth , breadth , length , distance , time or number e.g. %{aGgula-mAtram} , a finger's breadth Pan5cat. ; %{artha-mAtram} , a certain sum of money ib. ; %{kroza}. %{mAtre} , at the distance of a Kos Hit. [804,3] ; %{mAsa-mAtre} , in a month La1t2y. ; %{zata-mAtram} , a hundred in number Katha1s.) ; the full or simple measure of anything , the whole or totality , the one thing and no more , often = nothing but , entirely , only (e.g. %{rAja-mAtram} , the whole class of kings S3a1n3khSr. ; %{bhaya-m-} , all that may be called danger , any danger VarBr2S. ; %{rati-m-} , nothing but sensuality Mn. ; %{zabda-mAtreNa} , only by a sound S3ak.) ; mf(%{A} and %{I})n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. %{aGguSTha-} , %{tAla-} , %{bAhu-} , %{yava-} , %{tavan-} , %{etavan} mсmany) ; Possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. %{prA7Na-yAsrika-m-}) ; amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals ; cf. %{tri-m-}) ; being nothing but , simply or merely (cf. %{padAti-} , %{manuSya-m-} ; after a pp. = scarcely , as soon as , merely , just e.g. %{jAta-m-} , scarcely or just born Mn. ; %{kRSTa-m-} , merely ploughed Ka1tyS3r. ; %{bhukta-mAtre} , immediately after eating Mn.)




प्रवृत्तिभेदे प्रयोजकं चित्तमेकमनेकेषाम् ॥4-05॥ 4-5

правРитти-бхэде прайоджакаМ читтам-экам-анэкэшаам (4-05)
без сандхи:
правРитти-бхэде прайоджакаМ читтам-экам-анэкэшаам

во множестве различных начинаний ведущее одно сознание 

составное слово типа «татпуруша» правритти-бхэдаХа – м.р. «раздельность начинаний»

правРиттиХи – ж.р. «начинание»
pravRtti f. moving onwards , advance , progress Gr2S3rS. MBh. Sus3r. ; coming forth , appearance , manifestation S3vetUp. Ka1lid. Ra1jat. ; rise , source , origin. MBh. ; activity , exertion , efficacy , function Kap. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c. (in the Nya1ya one of the 82 Prameyas IW. 63) ; active life (as opp. to %{ni-vRtti} [q.v.] and to contemplative devotion , and defined as consisting of the wish to act , knowledge of the means , and accomplishment of the object) W. ; giving or devoting one's self to , prosecution of. course or tendency towards , inclination or predilection for (loc. or comp.) Ra1jat. Hit. Sa1h. ; application , use , employment Mn. MBh. Ma1rkP. ; conduct , behaviour , practice Mn. MBh. &c. ; the applicability or validity of a rule Ka1tyS3r. Pa1n2. Sch. ; currency , continuance , prevalence ib. ; fate , lot , destiny R. ; news , tidings , intelligence of (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; cognition (with %{viSaya-vatI} , `" a sensuous cсcognition "') Yogas. ; the exudation from the temples of a rutting elephant L. (cf. Vikr. iv , 47) ; N. of Avanti or Oujein or any holy place L. ; (in arithm.) the multiplier W. (w.r. for %{pra-kRti}?) ; %{-jJa} , m. `" knowing the news "' , an emissary , agent. spy L. ; %{-jJo4na} n. %{-vijJAna} Sarvad. ; %{-nimitta} n. the reason for the use of any term in the particular significations which it bears MW. ; %{-nivRtti-mat} mfn. connected with activity and inactivity BhP. ; %{paro4Gmukha} mf(%{I})n. disinclined to give tidings Vikr. ; %{-pratyaya} m. a belief in or conception of the things relating to the external world Buddh. ; %{-mat} mfn. devoted to anything , Kaiy. ; %{mArga} m. active or worldly life , occupancy about the business and pleasures of the world or with the rites and works of religion MW. ; %{-vacana} mfn. (a word) expressing activity Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 51 ; %{-vijJAna} n. cognition of the things belonging to the external world Buddh. ; %{-tty-aGga} n. N. of wk.

бхэдаХа – м.р. «раздельность», в п.п.едч. бхэдэ – «в раздельности»
bheda m. ( %{bhid}) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret cf. %{rahasya-bh-}) ; bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder BhP. Sus3r. ; bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting Ka1lid. Ba1lar. ; a cleft , fissure , chasm (cf. %{zilA-bh-} ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV. ; rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s. ; shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (cf. %{ardhabh-}) Sus3r. ; separation , division , partition , part , portion Ka1v. Pur. ; distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety S3rS. Up. MBh. &c. ; disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h. ; disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. %{upA7ya}) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; disunion , schism , dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat. ; change , alteration , modification MBh. S3ak. ; contraction (cf. %{bhrUbh-}) [766,2] ; evacuation (of the bowels) S3a1rn3gS. ; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets ; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. %{kukSi-bh-}) ; (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; (in dram.) = %{saMhati-bhedana} , or = %{pro7tsAhana} , Sa1h2 ; (in phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.) ; N. of a man AV. ; pl. N. of a people RV.

прайоджака - (прилаг.) «ведущий»
prayojaka mf(%{ikA})n. causing , effecting , leading to (gen. or comp.) MBh. Ra1jat. Sarvad. ; (ifc.) prompting , instigating , instigator , promoter Pa1n2. 1-4 , 55 ; effective , essential Sa1h. ; deputing , anointing W. ; m. an author , composer Ya1jn5. ; a money-lender , creditor ib. ; a founder or institutor of any ceremony W. ; an employer A. ; %{-kartR-tva} n. the acting as instigator or promoter W. ; %{-tA} f. (Nya1yam. Sch.) , %{-tva} n. (Ka1s3.) agency ; %{-kA7dhyAya-bhASya} n. N. of wk.

читтам – с.р. «сознание», см. сутру 4-04, выше

эка - (прилаг.) «один»
eka mfn. (%{i} Un2. iii , 43 , probably fr. a base %{e} ; cf. Zd. {ae-va} ; Gk. $ , $ ; Goth. {ai-n-s} ; &71169[227 ,3] also Lat. {aequu-s} ; g. %{sarvA7di} Pa1n2. 1-1 , 27 ; see Gr. 200) , one (%{eko'pi} , or %{ekaz-cana} , with %{na} preceding or following , no one , nobody ; the words %{ekayA@na} or %{ekAn@na} are used before decade numerals to lessen them by one e.g. %{ekAn@na@tRMzat} , twentynine) RV. &c. ; (with and without %{eva}) alone , solitary , single , happening only once , that one only (frequently ifc. ; cf. %{dharmai9ka-rakSa} , &c.) RV. &c. ; the same , one and the same , identical S3Br. v Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c. ; one of two or many (%{eka} - %{eka} , %{eka} - %{dvitIya} , the one - the other ; esp. pl. %{eke} , some , %{eke} - %{apare} some - others , &c.) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hit. &c. ; (%{eka} repeated twice , either as a compound [cf. %{ekai9ka}] or uncompounded , may have the sense `" one and one "' , `" one by one "' RV. i , 20 , 7 ; 123 , 8 ; v , 52 , 17 R. BhP. &c.) ; single of its kind , unique , singular , chief , pre-eminent , excellent Ragh. Katha1s. Kum. &c. ; sincere , truthful MW. ; little , small L. ; (sometimes used as an indefinite article) , a , an R. S3ak. Vet. &c. (the fem. of %{eka} before a Taddhita suffix and as first member of a compound is %{eka} not %{ekA} Pa1n2. 6-3 , 62) ; m. N. of a teacher A1p. ; of a son of Raya BhP. ; (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1 ; (%{am}) n. unity , a unit (ifc.) Hcat.

ан-экэшаам – (прилаг.) «не-единственный»
ekeSa mfn. furnished with only one pole RV. x , 135 , 3.





तत्र ध्यानजम् अनाशयम् ॥ 4-6॥

татра дхйаана-джам анаашьайам (4-06)
без сандхи:
татра дхйаана-джам анаашьайам

из них (сознание,) рожденное в медитации, вне кармы

татра – (неизм.) «там»
tatra (also %{-trA} RV.) ind. (%{ta4-tra} , correlative of %{ya4-tra} ; g. %{cA7di} , not in Ka1s3.) used for the loc. (sg. du. and pl.) of %{ta4d} (q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 10 ; vi , 3 , 35) RV. AV. Mn. &c. ; in that place , there (in comp. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 46) RV. &c. ; thither , to that place ib. ; in that , therein , in that case , on that occasion , under those circumstances , then , therefore , (also correlative of %{ya4d} [vi , 57 , 4 AV. xii , 1 , 34 Nal. &c.] , %{yadA} [Pan5cat. i , 19 , 8] , %{yadi} [Mn. viii f. Ca1n2. Hit.] , or %{ced} [Mn. viii , 295 ; ix , 205] ; %{tatra@mAsa} , `" that month "' i.e. the month that has been spoken of Katha1s. xviii , 208)

составное слово типа «татпуруша» дхйаана-джа – (прилаг.) «в медитации рожденное», дхйаана-джам – с.р. по согласованию с читтам (с.р.) из 4-05

дхйаанам – с.р. «медитация»
dhyAna n. meditation , thought , reflection , (esp.) profound and abstract religious meditation , (%{-nam@Apad} , %{A-sthA} or %{-naM-gam} , to indulge in rсreligious mсmeditation) ChUp. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. (with Buddhists divided into 4 stages MWB. 209 Dharmas. lxxii ; but also into 3 ib. cix) ; mental representation of the personal attributes of a deity W. ; insensibility , dulness Bhpr. ; (%{-na4}) m. N. of a partic. personification MaitrS. ; of the 11th day of the light half in Brahma's month Pur.

джа - (прилаг.) "рожденный", см. выше 4-1

ан-аашьайаХа прил. «не находящееся в хранилище карм»,
вариант ан-аашьайа – (прилаг.) «не находящееся в хранилище карм», стоит в с.р. по согласованию с читтам (с.р.) из 4-05
Azaya m. resting-place , bed ; seat , place ; an asylum , abode or retreat S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhag. &c. ; a receptacle ; any recipient ; any vessel of the body (e.g. %{raktA7zaya} , `" the receptacle of blood "' i.e. the heart ; %{AmA7zaya} , the stomach &c.) Sus3r. ; the stomach ; the abdomen Sus3r. ; the seat of feelings and thoughts , the mind , heart , soul Ya1jn5. R. Katha1s. &c. ; thought , meaning , intention Prab. Katha1s. Pan5cat. ; disposition of mind , mode of thinking ; (in Yoga phil.) `" stock "' or `" the balance of the fruits of previous works , which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit , until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank , years , and enjoyment (Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168 , 16 ff.) ; the will ; pleasure ; virtue ; vice ; fate ; fortune ; property ; a miser , niggard L. ; N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L.





कर्माशुक्लाकृष्णं योगिनस्तरिविधम् इतरेषाम् ॥4-7

карма-ашьукла-акРишНаМ йогинас-тривидхам итарэшаам (4-07)
без сандхи:
карма ашьукла-акРишНам йогинаХ тривидхам-итарэшаам

карма не белая и не черная для йога, тройная для остальных

составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» карма-ашьукла-акРишНам – (с.р., прилаг.) «кармой не белый, не черный», акРишНам – с.р., согласуется (??) с карман с.р.

карман – с.р. «карма, действие», в им.п.ед.ч. карма (см. также 3-23)
karman %{a} n. (%{A} m. L.) , (%{kR} Un2. iv , 144) , act , action , performance , business RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. ; office , special duty , occupation , obligation (frequently ifc. , the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. %{vaNik-k-}] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. %{rAja-k-} , %{pazu-k-}] or a specification of the action [e.g. %{zaurya-k-} , %{prIti-k-}]) S3Br. Mn. Bhartr2. &c. ; any religious act or rite (as sacrifice , oblation &c. , esp. as originating in the hope of future recompense and as opposed to speculative religion or knowledge of spirit) RV. AV. VS. Ragh. &c. ; work , labour , activity (as opposed to rest , %{prazAnti}) Hit. RPra1t. &c. ; physicking , medical attendance Car. ; action consisting in motion (as the third among the seven categories of the Nya1ya philosophy ; of these motions there are five , viz. %{ut-kSepaNa} , %{ava-kSepaNa} , %{A-kuJcana} , %{prasAraNa} , and %{gamana} , qq. vv.) Bha1sha1p. Tarkas. ; calculation Su1ryas. ; product , result , effect Mn. xii , 98 Sus3r. ; organ of sense S3Br. xiv (or of action see %{karme7ndriya}) ; (in Gr.) the object (it stands either in the acc. [in active construction] , or in the nom. [in passive construction] , or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action] ; opposed to %{kartR} the subject) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 49 ff. (it is of four kinds , viz. a. %{nirvartya} , when anything new is produced e.g. %{kaTaM@karoti} , `" he makes a mat "' [258,3] ; %{putraM@prasUte} , `" she bears a son "' ; b. %{vikArya} , when change is implied either of the substance and form e.g. %{kASThaM@bhasma@karoti} , `" he reduces fuel to ashes "' ; or of the form only e.g. %{suvarNaM@kuNDalaM@karoti} , `" he fashions gold into an ear-ring "' ; c. %{prApya} , when any desired object is attained e.g. %{grAmaM@gacchati} , `" he goes to the village "' ; %{candraM@pazyati} , `" he sees the moon "' ; d. %{anIpsita} , when an undesired object is abandoned e.g. %{pApaM@tyajati} , `" he leaves the wicked "') ; former act as leading to inevitable results , fate (as the certain consequence of acts in a previous life) Pan5cat. Hit. Buddh. , (cf. %{karma-pAka} and %{-vipAka}) ; the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2S. &c.

а-шьукла – (прилаг.) «не белый»
azukla mf(%{A})n. not white S3Br.vii.
zukla mf(%{A})n. (later form of %{zukra} , for which it is sometimes w.r.) bright , light (with %{pakSa} = %{zukla-p-} q.v.) Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c. ; white , whitish AitBr. &c. &c. ; pure , spotless , unsullied MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; m. the bright half of a lunar month or any day in it Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; the month Vais3a1kha BhP. (Sch.) ; white (the colour) L. ; mucus , saliva (%{zukla4M-kR} , to spit at) AV. ; ricinus or white rс L. ; Mimusops Hexandra L. ; the 37th (or 3rd) year of Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S. ; the 24th of the astronomical Yogas. L. ; N. of S3iva MBh. ; of Vishn2u BhP. ; of a son of Havir-dha1na (cf. %{zukra}) Hariv. ; of a Muni Cat. ; of a king Buddh. ; of a mountain BhP. ; (%{A}) f. a white cow Ka1tyS3r. ; white or candied sugar L. ; Euphorbia Antiquorum L. ; = %{kAkOlI} and %{vidArI} L. ; N. of Sarasvati1 L. ; of a daughter of Sin6ha-hanu Buddh. ; of a river BhP. ; n. brightness , light MaitrUp. ; a white spot , white substance , anything white AV. S3Br. ChUp. ; the white of the eye S3Br. R. Sus3r. ; a disease of the cornea or white part of the eye (opacity , albugo ; cf. %{zukra}) L. ; silver L. ; fresh butter L.

а-кРишНа – (прилаг.) «не черный»
akRSNakarman mfn. free from black deeds , guiltless L.
kRSNa 1 mf(%{A4})n. black , dark , dark-blue (opposed to %{zveta4} , %{zukla4} , %{ro4hita} , and %{aruNa4}) RV. AV. &c. ; wicked , evil Vop. vii , 82 ; m. (with or without %{pakSa}) the dark half of the lunar month from full to new moon Mn. Ya1jn5. Bhag. Sus3r. ; the fourth or Kali-yuga L. ; (%{kR4SNas}) m. black (the colour) or dark-blue (which is often confounded with black by the Hindu1s) L. ; the antelope RV. x , 94 , 5 VS. TS. S3Br. BhP. ; a kind of animal feeding on carrion AV. xi , 2 , 2 (%{kRSNa4}) ; the Indian cuckoo or Kokila (cf. R. ii , 52 , 2) L. ; a crow L. ; Carissa Carandas L. ; N. of one of the poets of the RV. (descended from An3giras) RV. viii , 85 , 3 and 4 S3a1n3khBr. xxx , 9 ; (a son of Devaki1 and pupil of Ghora A1n3girasa) ChUp. iii , 17 , 6 ; N. of a celebrated Avata1r of the god Vishn2u , or sometimes identified with Vishn2u himself [MBh. v , 2563 ; xiv , 1589 ff. Hariv. 2359 &c.] as distinct from his ten Avata1rs or incarnations (in the earlier legends he appears as a great hero and teacher [MBh. Bhag.] ; in the more recent he is deified , and is often represented as a young and amorous shepherd with flowing hair and a flute in his hand ; the following are a few particulars of his birth and history as related in Hariv. 3304 ff. and in the Pura1n2as &c.: Vasu-deva , who was a descendant of Yadu and Yaya1ti , had two wives , Rohin2i1 and Devaki1 ; the latter had eight sons of whom the eighth was Kr2ishn2a ; Kan6sa , king of Mathura1 and cousin of Devaki1 , was informed by a prediction that one of these sons would kill him ; he therefore kept Vasu-deva and his wife in confinement , and slew their first six children ; the seventh was Balara1ma who was saved by being abstracted from the womb of Devaki1 and transferred to that of Rohin2i1 ; the eighth was Kr2ishn2a who was born with black skin and a peculiar mark on his breast ; his father Vasu-deva managed to escape from Mathura1 with the child , and favoured by the gods found a herdsman named Nanda whose wife Yas3o-da1 had just been delivered of a son which Vasu-deva conveyed to Devaki1 after substituting his own in its place. Nanda with his wife Yas3o-da1 took the infant Kr2ishn2a and settled first in Gokula or Vraja , and afterwards in Vr2inda1vana , where Kr2ishn2a and Bala-ra1ma grew up together , roaming in the woods and joining in the sports of the herdsmen's sons [306,3] ; Kr2ishn2a as a youth contested the sovereignty of Indra , and was victorious over that god , who descended from heaven to praise Kr2ishn2a , and made him lord over the cattle [Hariv. 3787 ff. ; 7456 ff. VP.] ; Kr2ishn2a is described as sporting constantly with the Gopi1s or shepherdesses [Hariv. 4078 ff. ; 8301 ff. VP. Gi1t.] of whom a thousand became his wives , though only eight are specified , Ra1dha1 being the favourite [Hariv. 6694 ff. ; 9177 ff. VP.] ; Kr2ishn2a built and fortified a city called Dva1raka1 in Gujara1t , and thither transported the inhabitants of Mathura1 after killing Kan6sa ; Kr2ishn2a had various wives besides the Gopi1s , and by Rukmin2i1 had a son Pradyumna who is usually identified with Ka1ma-deva ; with Jains , Kr2ishn2a is one of the nine black Vasu-devas ; with Buddhists he is the chief of the black demons , who are the enemies of Buddha and the white demons) ; N. of an attendant in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2559 ; of an Asura Hariv. 12936 Sa1y. on RV. i , 101 , 1 ; of a king of the Na1gas MBh. ii , 360 DivyA7v. ii ; of Arjuna (the most renowned of the Pa1n2d2u princes , so named apparently from his colour as a child) MBh. iv , 1389 ; of Vya1sa MBh. Hariv. 11089 ; of Ha1rita see %{-hArita} ; of a son of S3uka by Pi1vari1 (teacher of the Yoga) Hariv. 980 ff. ; of a pupil of Bharad-va1ja Katha1s. vii , 15 ; of Havir-dha1na Hariv. 83 VP. BhP. iv , 24 , 8 ; of a son of Arjuna Hariv. 1892 ; of an adopted son of A-saman5jas , 2039 ; of a chief of the Andhras VP. ; of the author of a Comm. on the MBh. ; of a poet ; of the author of a Comm. on the Daya1-bha1ga ; of the son of Kes3ava7rka and grandson of Jaya7ditya ; of the father of Ta1na-bhat2t2a and uncle of Ran3ga-na1tha ; of the father of Da1mo7dara and uncle of Malhan2a ; of the father of Prabhu1jika and uncle of Vidya1-dhara ; of the father of Madana ; of the grammarian Ra1ma-candra ; of the son of Va1run2e7ndra and father of Lakshman2a ; of the father of Hi1ra-bhat2t2a (author of the Comm. called Carakabha1shya , and of the work Sa1hitya-sudha1-samudra) ; N. of a hell VP. ; (%{au}) m. du. Kr2ishn2a and Arjuna MBh. i , 8287 ; iii , 8279 ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of the S3u1dras in S3a1lmala-dvi1pa VP. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of leech Sus3r. ; a kind of venomous insect ib. ; N. of several plants (Piper longum L. ; the Indigo plant L. ; a grape L. ; a Punar-nava1 with dark blossoms L. ; Gmelina arborea L. ; Nigella indica L. ; Sinapis ramosa L. ; Vernonia anthelminthica L. ; = %{kAkolI} L. ; a sort of Sa1riva1 L.) Sus3r. ; a kind of perfume (= %{parpaTI}) Bhpr. ; N. of Draupadi1 MBh. ; of Durga1 MBh. iv , 184 ; of one of the seven tongues of fire L. Sch. ; of one of the mothers in Skanda's retinue MBh. ix , 2640 ; of a Yogini1 Hcat. ; (with or without %{gaGgA}) N. of the river Kistna MBh. xiii , 4888 PadmaP. Na1rP. ; (%{I4}) f. night RV. vii , 71 , 1 ; (%{a4m}) n. blackness , darkness , i , 123 , 1 and 9 ; the black part of the eye S3Br. x , xii , xiii , xiv Sus3r. ; the black spots in the moon TBr. i , 2 , 1 , 2 ; a kind of demon or spirit of darkness RV. iv , 16 , 13 ; black pepper L. ; black Agallochum L. ; iron L. ; lead L. ; antimony L. ; blue vitriol L. ; [cf. %{kA4rSNa} , &c. ; cf. also Russ. {c8ernyi} , `" black. "']

йогин – м.р. «йог», йогинаХа – р.п.ед.ч. «у йога»
yogin mfn. joined or connected with , relating to , accompanied by , possessed of (comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hariv. ; being in conjunction with (e.g. %{candra-y-}) Ma1rkP. ; possessed of superhuman powers W. ; m. a follower of the Yoga system , a Yogin (usually called Yogi1) or contemplative saint , devotee , ascetic MaitrUp. Bhag. &c. (cf. RTL. 87) ; a magician , conjurer W. [858,1] ; a partic. mixed caste Cat. (v.l. %{yuGgin}) ; an orange tree L. ; natron , alkali L. ; N. of Ya1jn5avalkya Cat. ; of Arjuna L. ; of Vishn2u MBh. ; of S3iva L. ; of a Buddha L. ; (%{inI}) f. see next.

Падеж Вопрос Единственное
число Двойственное число Множественное число
3. Инструментальный (творительный) Кем? ЙОГИНАА ЙОГИБХЙААМ ЙОГИБХИХИ
7. Местный (предложный) У кого? ЙОГИНИ ЙОГИНОХО ЙОГИШУ

тривидха – (прилаг.) «тройной», тривидхам – согласование с карман (с.р.) «карма»
trividha (%{tri4-}) mfn. of 3 kinds , triple , threefold S3Br. xii S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. &c. ; %{-damatha-vastu-kuzala} m. = %{tri-dam-} DivyA7v. viii , 79.

итарэшаам = итара + эшаам ?? «других этих»
эшаам – «этих» м.р.р.п.мн.ч. от айам – м.р. «это», м.р. указывает на хэтуХу - «причину»
itara mf(%{A})n. (the neuter is %{ad} in classical Sanskr2it , but %{am} [%{ad} S3Br.] in Ved. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 25, 26 ; comparative form of pronom. base 3. %{i} ; cf. Lat. {iterum} ; Hib. {iter}) , the other (of two) , another ; (pl ,) the rest ; (with abl.) different from RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. Mn. Ragh. Hit. &c. ; low , vile Ka1d. ; expelled , rejected L. ; (%{A}) f. said to be a N. of the mother of Aitareya ; (%{ad}) ind. whereas , whilst Subh. ; %{itara} , %{itara} , the one - the other , this - that. (%{itara} connected antithetically with a preceding word often signifies the contrary idea e.g. %{vijayAya@itarAya@vA} [MBh.] , to victory or defeat ; so in Dvandva compounds , %{sukhe7tareSu} [S3vetUp.] , in happiness and distress ; it sometimes , however , forms a Tat-purusha compound with another word to express the one idea implied in the contrary of that word , e.g. %{dakSiNe7tara} , the left hand.)





ततस्तद्विपाकानुगुणानाम् एवाभिव्यक्तिर्वासनानाम् ॥4-8

татас-тад-випаака-анугуНаанаам эва-абхивйактир-ваасананаам (4-08)
без сандхи:
татаХа тад-випаака-анугуНаанаам эва-абхивйактиХи-ваасананаам

таким образом, ее (кармы) плоды – только соответствующие проявлению (его) васан (личных особенностей вроде почерка)
(но не Эго йогина, то есть он не накручивает, ничего лишнего-личного)

татаХа – (неизм.) «таким образом, отсюда»
tatas ind. (%{tA7-tas} , correlative of %{ya4-tas}) used for the abl. (sg. du. and pl.) of %{ta4d} (q.v. Pa1n2. 5-3 , 7f. "' ; vi , 3 , 35) RV. AV. I1s3Up. Mn. &c. ; from that place , thence RV. AV. &c , ; in that place , there MBh. &c. ; thither Mn. vii , 188 R. i , 44 , 34 Katha1s. ; thereupon , then , after that , afterwards (sometimes corresponding to preceding particles like %{a4gre} , %{puras} , %{purvam} , %{prathamam} , %{prAk} S3Br. xiv Mn. ii , 60 S3ak. Pan5cat. &c. ; corresponding to %{prathama4} RV. i , 83 , 5 ; also correlative of %{ya4d} [x , 85 , 5 and 121 , 7 AV. xii , 4 ,7 ff.] , %{ya4tra} [S3Br.i] , %{yadA} [Nal. xx R.] , %{yadi} [ChUp. Nal. &c.] , %{ce7d} [TUp. ii , 6 S3ak. v , 28/29 v.l.] [432,3] ; often superfluous after an ind. p. or after %{tadA} or %{atha} Mn. &c.) ; from that , in consequence of that , for that reason , consequently AV. MBh. xii , 13626 R. vi Hit.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» тад-випаакаХа – м.р. «ее (кармы) плоды»

тад – (местоим.) «он, она, оно, то»
tad (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{ta4} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{sa4s} or %{sa4} & f. %{sA4} ; instr. pl. %{tai4s} AV. &c. ; Ved. %{te4bhis} RV. AV. &c.) m. he f. she n. it , that , this (often correlative of %{ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya@buddhiH@sa@balavAn} , `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "' ; sometimes , for the sake of emphasis , connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns , with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{so@'ham} , `" I that very person , I myself "' [%{tasya} = %{mama} Nal. xv , 10] ; %{tAv@imau} , `" those very two "' ; %{tad@etad@AkhyAnam} , `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii , 18 ; %{yat@tat@kAraNam} , `" that very reason which "' Mn. i , 11 ; %{yA@sA@zrI} , `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii , 427) RV. &c. ; (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi , 102 , 25 ; = Brahma see %{tat-tva} ; (%{ta4d}) ind. there , in that place , thither , to that spot (correlative of %{ya4tra} or %{ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii , 11 S3Br. i , x , xiv ChUp. ; then , at that time , in that case (correlative of %{yadA4} , %{ya4d} AV. ; of %{ya4tra} S3Br. xiv ; of %{yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c. ; of %{ce7d} S3ak. &c.) RV. iv , 28 , 1 AV. &c. ; thus , in this manner , with regard to that , ix , xiii S3Br. AitBr. ; (%{tad@etau@zlokau@bhavataH} , `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras3nUp. ; on that account , for that reason , therefore , consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas} , %{yad} , %{yena} , `" because "' Das3. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.) Mn. ix , 41 MBh. &c. ; now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S3Br. AitBr. ; so also , equally , and AV. xi , xv

випаакаХа – м.р. «созревание, результат»
vipAka mf(%{A})n. ripe , mature RV. ; m. cooking , dressing (= %{pacana}) L. ; ripening , maturing (esp. of the fruit of actions) , effect , result , consequence (of actions in the present or former births pursuing those who commit them through subsequent existences) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; maturing of food (in the stomach) , digestion conversion of food into a state for assimilation MBh. Hariv. Sus3r. ; bad digestion Car. ; any change of form or state Uttarar. ; calamity , distress "' , misfortune Ya1jn5. Uttarar. ; withering , fading S3is3. ; `" sweat "' or `" flavour `" (%{sveda} or %{svAda}) L. ; (ibc.) subsequently , afterwards (see comp.) ; %{-kaTuka} mfn. sharp or bitter in its consequences Katha1s. ; %{-kAla} m. the time of ripening or maturing Ra1jat. ; %{-tIvra} mfn. sharp or terrible in consequence of (comp.) BhP. ; %{-dAruNa} mfn. terrible or dangerous in results Prab. ; %{-doSa} m. morbid affection of the digestive powers Sus3r. ; %{-visphUrjathu} m. the consequences (of sins committed in a former birth) compared to a thunder stroke Ragh. ; %{-zruta} n. N. of a sacred book of the Jainas W.

анугуНа – (прилаг.) «сходный по качествам, подходящий, соответствующий», анугуНаанаам – р.п.мн.ч. «для соответствующих (васанам)»
anuguNa mf(%{A})n. having similar qualities , congenial to ; according or suitable to ; (%{am}) ind. according to one's merits Katha1s. ; m. natural peculiarity.

эва – (неизм.) «только»
eva 1 (in the Sam2hita1 also %{evA4}) ind. (%{i} Un2. i , 152 ; fr. pronom. base %{e} BRD. , probably connected with 2. %{e4va}) , so , just so , exactly so (in the sense of the later %{evam}) RV. AV. ; indeed , truly , really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles , as %{id} , %{hi}) RV. ; (in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word , %{eva} must be variously rendered by such adverbs as) just , exactly , very , same , only , even , alone , merely , immediately on , still , already , &c. (e.g. %{tvam@eva@yantA@nA7nyo@'sti@pRthivyAm} , thou alone art a charioteer , no other is on earth , i. e. thou art the best charioteer MBh. iii , 2825 ; %{tAvatIm@eva@rAtrim} , just so long as a night ; %{evam} %{eva} or %{tathai9va} , exactly so , in this manner only ; in the same manner as above ; %{tenai9va@mantreNa} , with the same Mantra as above ; %{apaH@spRSTvai9va} , by merely touching water ; %{tAn@eva} , these very persons ; %{na@cirAd@eva} , in no long time at all ; %{japyenai9va} , by sole repetition ; %{abhuktvai9va} , even without having eaten ; %{iti@vadann@eva} , at the very moment of saying so ; %{sa@jIvann@eva} , he while still living , &c.) RV. &c. MBh. &c. ; (sometimes , esp. in connection with other adverbs , %{eva} is a mere expletive without any exact meaning and not translatable e.g. %{tv@eva} , %{cai9va} , %{eva@ca} , &c. ; according to native authorities %{eva} implies emphasis , affirmation , detraction , diminution , command , restrainment) ; [cf. Zd. {aeva} ; Goth. {aiv} ; Old Germ. {eo} , {io} ; Mod. Germ. {je}.]

абхивйактиХи – ж.р. «проявление»
abhivyakti f. manifestation , distinction Pa1n2. 8-1 , 15 Sa1h. &c.

ваасанаа – ж.р. йогич.термин «глубокое подсознательное впечатление»
vAsanA f. the impression of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind , the present consciousness of past perceptions , knowledge derived from memory S3am2k. Ka1v. Katha1s. ; fancy , imagination , idea , notion , false notion , mistake (ifc. , e.g. %{bheda-v-} , the mistake that there is a difference) ib. Ra1jat. Sarvad. &c. ; thinking of , longing for , expectation , desire , inclination Katha1s. ; liking , respectful regard Bha1m. ; trust , confidence W. ; (in math.) proof , demonstration (= %{upapatti}) Gol. ; a kind of metre Col. ; N. of Durga1 BhP. ; of the wife of Arka ib. ; of a Comm. on the Siddha7nta-s3iroman2i.





जातिदेशकालव्यवहितानाम् अप्यानन्तर्यं स्मृतिसंस्कारयोरेकरूपत्वात् ॥ 4-9

джаати-дэшьа-каала-вйавахитаанаам апй-аанантарйаМ смРити-саМскаарайор-эка-руупа-тваат  (4-09)
без сандхи:
джаати-дэшьа-каала-вйавахитаанаам апи-аанантарйам смРити-саМскаарайоХо-эка-руупа-тваат

даже при разделенности рождением, местом и временем (сохраняется) непрерывная последовательность от (пребывания) памяти и самскар в одной форме

составное слово типа «двандва» джаати-дэшьа-каалаХа – м.р. «рождение, место и время»

составное слово типа «татпуруша» джаати-дэшьа-каала-вйавахита – (прилаг.) «разделенный рождением, местом и временем», в р.п.мн.ч. …-вйавахитаанаам «(даже) для разделенных рождением, местом и временем», ср.р. вйавахитаанаам согласуется с аанантарйам - с.р. «непрерывная последовательность»

джаатиХи – ж.р. «рождение»
jAti f. birth , production AitBr. ii , 39 Mn. MBh. (also %{-tI} , xiii f.) &c. ; re-birth R. i , 62 , 17 Ka1ran2d2. xxiii , 193 ; the form of existence (as man , animal , &c.) fixed by birth Mn. iv , 148 f. Yogas. ii , 13 ; (ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 98 ; position assigned by birth , rank , caste , family , race , lineage Ka1tyS3r. xv Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. (%{-tI} MBh. xiv , 2549) ; kind , genus (opposed to species) , species (opposed to individual) , class La1t2y. Ka1tySr. Pa1n2. &c. , (once %{-tI} ifc. MBh. vi , 456) ; the generic properties (opposed to the specific ones) Sarvad. ; natural disposition to Car. ii , 1 ; the character of a species , genuine or true state of anything Ya1jn5. ii , 246 MBh. xii , 5334 ; reduction of fractions to a common denominator ; a self-confuting reply (founded merely on similarity or dissimilarity) Nya1yad. v , 1 ff. Sarvad. xi , 10 and 34 Prab. Sch. ; (in rhet.) a particular figure of speech Sarasv. ii , 1 ; a class of metres R. i , 4 , 6 Ka1vya7d. i , 11 ; a manner of singing Hariv. ; a fire-place L. ; (= %{-tI}) mace , nutmeg Sus3r. ; Jasminum grandiflorum L. ; = %{-tI-phalA} L. ; = %{kampilla} L. cf. %{antya-} , %{eka-} , %{dvi-} - [cf. Lat. {gens} ; Lith. {pri-gentis}]

дэшьаХа – м.р. «место, местность»
deza m. (1. %{diz}) point , region , spot , place , part , portion VS. AitBr. S3r. & Gr2S. Mn. &c. ; province , country , kingdom R. Hit. Katha1s. Vet. ; institute , ordinance W. (%{dezam} %{A} %{vas} , or %{ni-viz} , to settle in a place Mn. ; %{-ze} , in the proper place [esp. with %{kAle}] MBh. Hit. Often ifc. [f. %{A} Ragh. vii , 47 R2it. i , 27] esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body e.g. %{kAmboja-} , %{magadha-} ; %{aMsa-} , %{kaNTha-} , %{skandha-} ; %{AtmIya-} , one's own country or home) ; (%{I}) f. see %{dezI}.

каалаХа – м.р. «время»
kAla 2 m. (3. %{kal} , `" to calculate or enumerate "') , [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.] , a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time (in general) AV. xix , 53 & 54 S3Br. &c. ; the proper time or season for (gen. dat. loc. , in comp. , inf. , or Pot. with %{yad} e.g. %{kAlaH@prasthAnasya} or %{-nAya} or %{-ne} , time for departure ; %{kriyA-kAla} , time for action Sus3r. ; %{nA7yaM@kAlo@vilambitum} , this is not the time to delay Nal. ; %{kAlo@yad@bhuJjIta@bhavAn} , it is time for you to eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 168 Ka1s3.) S3Br. MBh. &c. ; occasion , circumstance MBh. xii , 2950 Mr2icch. ; season R. &c. ; meal-time (twice a day , hence %{ubhau@kAlau} , `" in the morning and in the evening "' MBh. i , 4623 ; %{SaSThe@kAle} , `" in the evening of the third day "' MBh. ; %{SaSThA7nna-kAla} , `" one who eats only at the sixth meal-time , i.e. who passes five meals without eating and has no meal till the evening of the third day "' Mn. xi , 200 ; or without %{anna} e.g. %{caturtha-kAlam} , `" at the fourth meal-time i.e. at the evening of the second day "' Mn. xi , 109) ; hour (hence %{SaSThe@kAle@'hnaH} , `" at the sixth hour of the day , i.e. at noon "' Vikr.) ; a period of time , time of the world (= %{yuga}) Ra1jat. ; measure of time , prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2. ; a section , part VPra1t. ; the end ChUp. ; death by age Sus3r. ; time (as leading to events , the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man) , destiny , fate MBh. R. &c. ; time (as destroying all things) , death , time of death (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama , regent of the dead , or even identified with him: hence %{kAlam-i} or %{kAlaM-kR} , `" to die "' MBh. &c. ; %{kAla} in this sense is frequently connected with %{antaka} , %{mRtyu} e.g. %{abhy-adhAvata@prajAH@kAla@ivA7ntakaH} , `" he attacked the people like Time the destroyer "' R. iii , 7 , 9 ; cf. %{kAlA7ntaka} ; %{kAla} personified is also a Devarshi in Indra's court , and a son of Dhruva MBh. i , 2585 Hariv. VP.) ; (%{am}) acc. ind. for a certain time (e.g. %{mahAntaM@kAlam} , for a long time Pan5cat.) [278,2] ; %{nitya-k-} , constantly , always Mn. ii , 58 and 73 ; %{dIrgha-k-} , during a long time Mn. viii , 145 ; (%{ena}) instr. ind. in the course of time Mn. ix , 246 MBh. &c. ; with %{gacchatA} id. VP. ; %{dIrgheNa@kAlena} , during a long time MBh. ; after a long time R. i , 45 , 40 ; %{kAlena@mahatA} or %{bahunA} id. ; (%{At}) abl. ind. in the course of time Mn. viii , 251 ; %{kAlasya@dIrghasya} or %{mahataH} id. Mn. MBh. &c. ; %{kasya-cit@kAlasya} , after some time MBh. i , 5299 Hariv. ; (%{e4}) loc. ind. in time , seasonably RV. x , 42 , 9 S3Br. (cf. %{a-kAle}) ; %{kAle@gacchati} , in the course of time ; %{kAle@yAte} , after some time ; %{kAle@kAle} , always in time MBh. i , 1680 Ragh. iv , 6 ; [cf. $ ; Lat. {calen-doe}: Hib. {ceal} , `" death and everything terrible. "']

вйавахита – (прилаг.) «разделенный», см.также 3-26
vyavahita mfn. placed apart or asunder &c. ; separated , not contiguous or immediately connected Pra1t. ; interrupted , obstructed , disturbed S3ak. ; screened from view , concealed , covered S3am2k. ; hostile , opposed BhP. ; remote , distant BhP. ; passed over , surpassed , excelled , put to shame W. ; done , acted , performed ib.

апи – (неизм.) «даже, хотя»
api is often used to express emphasis , in the sense of even , also , very ; e.g. %{anyad@api} , also another , something more ; %{adyA7pi} , this very day , even now ; %{tathA7pi} , even thus , notwithstanding ; %{yady@api} , even if , although ; %{yadyapi@tathA7pi} , although , nevertheless ; %{na@kadAcid@api} , never at any time: sometimes in the sense of but , only , at least e.g. %{muhUrtam@api} , only a moment.

аанантарйам – с.р. «непрерывная последовательность»
Anantarya n. (fr. %{an-antara} Pa1n2. 5-1 , 124) , immediate sequence or succession Ka1tyS3r. A1p. Mn. &c. ; proximity , absence of interval MBh. &c

составное слово типа «двандва» смРити-саМскаарааХа – м.р. «память и самскары», в р.п.дв.ч. смРити-саМскаарайоХо – «памяти и самскар (одноформенность)», р.п. относится к экаруупатвам – «одноформенность»

смРитиХи – ж.р. «память»
smRti f. remembrance , reminiscence , thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.) , calling to mind (%{smRtim@api@te@na@yAnti} , `" they are not even thought of "') , memory TA1r. ChUp. MBh. &c. [1272,3] ; memory as one of the Vyabhica1ri-bha1vas (q.v.) Das3ar. ; Memory (personified either as the daughter of Dsksha and wife of An3giras or as the daughter of Dharma and Medha1) Hariv. Pur. ; the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to %{zruti} or what is directly heard or revealed to the R2ishis ; in its widest acceptation this use of the term Smr2iti includes the 6 Veda7n3gas , the Su1tras both %{zrauta} and %{gRhya} , the law-books of Manu &c. [see next] ; the Itiha1sas [e.g. the Maha1bha1rata and Ra1ma7yan2a] , the Pura1n2as and the Ni1tis3a1stras ; %{iti@smRteH} , `" accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text "') IW. 144 , 145 ; the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of Manu Ya1jn5avalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers , viz. Atri , Vishn2u , Ha1ri1ta , Us3anas or S3ukra , An3giras , Yama , A1pastamba , Sam2varta , Ka1tya1yana , Br2ihas-pati , Para1s3ara , Vya1sa , S3an3kha , Likhi7ta , Daksha and Gautama ; all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda ; cf. IW. 203) Gr2S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. ; symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above) ; a kind of metre L. ; N. of the letter %{g} Up. ; desire , wish Pan5cat. iii , 258 (v.l. for %{spRhA}).

саМскаараХа – м.р. йогический термин «самскара»
saMskAra m. (ifc. f. %{A}) putting together , forming well , making perfect , accomplishment , embellishment adornment , purification , cleansing , making ready , preparation , dressing (of food) , refining (of metals) , polishing (of gems) , rearing (of animals or plants) Gr2S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. , &c. ; cleansing the body , toilet , attire Hariv. ; forming the mind , training , education R. Ragh. ; correction (also in an astronomical sense Su1ryas.) , correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad. ; correctness , purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c. ; making sacred , hallowing , consecration Mn. MBh. &c. ; a sacred or sanctifying ceremony , one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the , womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii , 27 , viz. 1. %{garbhA7dhAna} , 2. %{puM-savana} , 3. %{sImanto7nnayana} , 4. %{jAta-karman} , 5. %{nAmakarman} , 6. %{niSkramaNa} , 7. %{anna-prA7zana} , 8. %{cUDA-karman} , 9. %{upanayana} , 10. %{kezA7nta} , 11. %{samAvartana} , 12. %{vivAha} , qq. vv. ; accord. to Gaut. viii , 8 &c. there are 40 Sam2ska1ras) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c. (IW.188 ; 192 &c. RTL. 353) [1120,3] ; the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R. ; any purificatory ceremony W. ; the faculty of memory , mental impression or recollection , impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the Vais3eshikas , including %{bhAvanA} , the faculty of reproductive imagination "') Kan2. Sarvad. (IW. 69) ; (pl. , with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world , regarded by it as real , though actually non-existent , and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 Skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42 ; a polishing stone MW.

экаруупатвам – с.р. «одноформенность»
экаруупам – с.р. «одна форма»
ekarUpa n. one form , one kind Sa1m2khyak. ; (mfn.) having the same colour or form , one-coloured , of one kind , uniform RV. x , 169 , 2 AV. S3Br. &c. ; (%{am}) n. N. of a metre ; %{-tas} ind. in one form , unalterably ; %{-tA} f. uniformity , invariableness Pan5cat.





तासाम् अनादित्वं चाशिषो नित्यत्वात् ॥4-10॥ 4-10

таасаам ан-аади-тваМ ча-ашьишо нитйатваат (4-10)
без сандхи:
таасаам ан-аади-твам ча-ашьишо нитйатваат

а их безначальность – от вечности жажды бытия

таасаам – ж.р.мн.ч. «их» от тад – «она»

анаадитвам – с.р. «безначальность»
anAditva n. state of having no beginning

ашьишаХа – ас (быть) + иш (хотеть) «желание быть» (??)
Azis 1 %{Is} f. asking for , prayer , wish RV. AV. VS. TS. S3Br. &c. ; blessing , benediction ; wishing for any other R. Ragh. Kum. S3ak. &c. ; a particular medicament ; (for 2. %{Azis} see s.v.)

нитйатвам – с.р. «вечн-ость», в отл.п.ед.ч. нитйатваат – «от вечности»
от прилаг. нитйа + суфф. –твам (русс. -ость)
nitya mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{ni} ; cf. %{ni-ja}) innate , native MBh. iii , 13941 ; one's own (opp. to %{araNa}) RV. ; continual , perpetual , eternal RV. &c. &c. ; ifc. constantly dwelling or engaged in , intent upon , devoted or used to (cf. %{tapo-n-} , %{dharma-n-} , %{dhyAna-n-} , %{zastra-n-}) Mn. MBh. &c. ; ordinary , usual , invariable , fixed , necessary , obligatory (opp. to %{kAmya} , %{naimittika} &c.) Br. S3rS. Mn. &c. (with %{samAsa} m. a compound the meaning of which is not expressed by its members when not compounded Pa1n2. 2-1 , 3 Sch. ; with %{svarita} m. = %{jAtya} , the independent Svarita TPra1t. ii , 8) ; m. the sea , ocean L. ; (%{A}) f. a plough-share Gal. ; N. of Durga1 BrahmaP. ; of a S3akti Tantras. ; of the goddess Manasa1 L. ; n. constant and indispensable rite or act W. ; (%{am}) ind. always , constantly , regularly , by all means RV. &c. &c. (%{na@nityam} , never ; %{nityam@an-AdAta} , never a receiver Mn. vi , 8).




हेतुफलाश्रयालम्बनैः संगृहीतत्वाद् एषाम् अभावे तदभावः ॥4-11॥
хэту-пхала-ашьрайа-аламбанайХ саМгРихиитатваад эшаам абхаавэ тад-абхааваХа (4-11)
без сандхи:
хэту-пхала-ашьрайа-аламбанайХ саМгРихиитатваат эшаам абхаавэ тат-абхааваХа

в силу захваченности привязанностями к причинно-следственным цепочкам при отсутствии первых (причин) нет и других (следствий)

составное слово типа «двандва» хэту-пхалам - с.р. «причина и следствие»
составное слово типа «татпуруша» хэту-пхала-аашьрайаХа «причинно-следственная цепочка»
составное слово типа «татпуруша» хэту-пхала-аашьрайа-аламбанам «привязанность к причинно-следственным цепочкам», в инстр.п.мн.ч. хэту-пхала-аашьрайа-аламбанайХ «привязанностями к прич.-след.цепочкам»

хэтуХу – м.р. «причина»

hetu m. `" impulse "' , motive , cause , cause of , reason for (loc. , rarely dat. or gen. ; %{hetunA} , %{hetoH} , %{hetave} , %{hetau} , `" for a cause or reason "' , `" by reason of "' , `" on account of "' [with gen. or comp. e.g. %{mama@hetoH} or %{mad-dhetoH} , `" on account of me "'] ; %{kaM@hetum} or %{ko@heTuH} , `" wherefore? "' `" why? "' Pa1n2. 2-2 , 23 Pat. ; %{yato@hetoH} , `" because "' ; %{anena@hetunA} or %{iti@hetoH} , `" for this reason "' ; %{mRtyu-hetave} , `" in order to kill "' ; %{hetur@alaukikaH} , `" a supernatural cause "' ; ifc. %{hetu} also = `" having as a cause or motive "' , `" caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by "' e.g. %{karma-hetu} , `" caused by the acts [of a former existence] "' Mn. i , 49 ; %{mAMsa-hetu} , `" attracted by [the smell of] flesh "' MBh. x , 496 ; %{karma-phala-hetu} , `" impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act "' BhP. ii , 47 ; 49) RV. &c. &c. ; a logical reason or dedaction or argument , the reason for an inference (esp. applied to the second member or Avayava of the five-membered syllogism see %{nyAya}) Nya1yad. IW. 61 ; logic (in general see %{hetuvidyA}) ; (in gram.) the agent of the causal verb Pa1n2. 1-4 , 55 &c. ; (with Buddhists) primary cause (as opp. to %{pratyaya} q.v.) Sarvad. ; (with Pas3upatas) that which causes the bondage of the soul i.e. the external world and the senses ib. ; a means (%{hetubhiH} ifc. `" by means of "') MBh. ; mode , manner (%{hetubhiH} ifc. `" according to "') ib. Sus3r. Ya1jn5. ; price , cost Ra1jat. v , 71 ; condition MBh. ; (in rhet.) = %{kAvya-liGga} (q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. Sa1h.

пхалам – с.р. «плод, результат, следствие»

phala n. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) fruit (esp. of trees) RV. &c. &c. ; the kernel or seed of a fruit , A1mar. ; a nutmeg Sus3r. ; the 3 myrobalans (= %{tri-phalA} q.v.) L. ; the menstrual discharge L. (cf. %{puSpa}) ; fruit (met.) , consequence , effect , result , retribution (good or bad) , gain or loss , reward or punishment , advantage or disadvantage Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; benefit , enjoyment Pan5cat. ii , 70 ; compensation Ya1jn5. ii , 161 [716,3] ; (in rhet.) the issue or end of an action Das3. Sa1h. ; (in math.) the result of a calculation , product or quotient &c. Su1ryas. ; corrective equation ib. Gol. ; area or superficial contents of a figure A1ryabh. ; interest on capital ib. ; the third term in a rule of three sum ib. Sch. ; a gift , donation L. ; a gaming board MBh. [cf. Goth. {spilda} ; Icel. {spjald}] ; a blade (of a sword or knife) MBh. R. Kum. ; the point of an arrow Kaus3. ; a shield L. ; a ploughshare (= %{phAla}) L. ; a point or spot on a die MBh. iv , 24 ; m. Wrightia Antidysenterica L. ; (%{A}) f. a species of plant Car. ; w.r. for %{tula} Hcat. ; (%{I}) f. Aglaia Odorata L. ; a kind of fish (= %{phali}) L.

аашьрайаХа – м.р. «сцепленность, то, с чем что-то крепко связано»

Azraya m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests Pa1n2. R. Ragh. Sus3r. ; a recipient , the person or thing in which any quality or article is inherent or retained or received ; seat , resting-place R. Katha1s. Sus3r. &c. ; dwelling , asylum , place of refuge , shelter R. S3is3. &c. ; depending on , having recourse to ; help , assistance , protection Pan5cat. Ragh. &c. ; authority , sanction , warrant ; a plea , excuse L. ; the being inclined or addicted to , following , practising ; attaching to , choosing , taking ; joining , union , attachment ; dependance , contiguity , vicinity RPra1t. Ya1jn5. Mn. &c. ; relation ; connection ; appropriate act or one consistent with the character of the agent ; (in Gr.) the subject , that to which the predicate is annexed ; (with Buddhists) the five organs of sense with %{manas} or mind (the six together being the recipients of the %{Azrita} or objects which enter them by way of their %{Alambana} or qualities) ; source , origin ; ifc. depending on , resting on , endowed or furnished with (e.g. %{aSTa-guNA7zraya} see under %{aSTa}).

ааламбанам – с.р. «основа», в инстр.п.мн.ч. ааламбанайх – «основами»
Alambana n. depending on or resting upon ; hanging from Pa1n2. ; supporting , sustaining Megh. ; foundation , base Prab. Kat2hUp. ; reason , cause ; (in rhetoric) the natural and necessary connection of a sensation with the cause which excites it Sa1h. ; the mental exercise practised by the Yogin in endeavouring to realize the gross form of the Eternal VP. ; silent repetition of a prayer [W.] ; (with Buddhists) the five attributes of things (apprehended by or connected with the five senses , viz. form , sound , smell , taste , and touch ; also %{dharma} or law belonging to %{manas}).

самгРихиитатвам – «захваченность», в отл.п. самгРихиитатваат - «от захваченности»

saMgRhIta mfn. grasped , seized , caught , taken , received , collected , gathered MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; made narrower , contracted , abridged S3Br. ; held in , restrained , ruled , governed MBh. ; received kindly , welcomed BhP. ; %{-rASTra} mfn. (a king) who has a well-governed kingdom Mn. vii , 113.

эшаам – «этих» м.р.р.п.мн.ч. от айам – м.р. «это», м.р. указывает на хэтуХу - «причину»

абхааваХа – м.р. «не-бытие», в п.п.ед.ч. абхаавэ – «в небытии»

abhAva m. non-existence , nullity , absence ; non-entity , negation (the seventh category in Kana1da's system) ; proof from non-existence (one of the six prama1n2as in Veda1nta phil. [`" since there are no mice , therefore there must be cats here "'] see %{pramANa}) ; annihilation , death. [61,1]

составное слово типа «татпуруша» тад-абхааваХа – м.р. «того (этих) не-существование (причин)»
тад – (местоим.) «он, она, оно, то»

tad (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{ta4} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{sa4s} or %{sa4} & f. %{sA4} ; instr. pl. %{tai4s} AV. &c. ; Ved. %{te4bhis} RV. AV. &c.) m. he f. she n. it , that , this (often correlative of %{ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya@buddhiH@sa@balavAn} , `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "' ; sometimes , for the sake of emphasis , connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns , with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{so@'ham} , `" I that very person , I myself "' [%{tasya} = %{mama} Nal. xv , 10] ; %{tAv@imau} , `" those very two "' ; %{tad@etad@AkhyAnam} , `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii , 18 ; %{yat@tat@kAraNam} , `" that very reason which "' Mn. i , 11 ; %{yA@sA@zrI} , `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii , 427) RV. &c. ; (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi , 102 , 25 ; = Brahma see %{tat-tva} ; (%{ta4d}) ind. there , in that place , thither , to that spot (correlative of %{ya4tra} or %{ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii , 11 S3Br. i , x , xiv ChUp. ; then , at that time , in that case (correlative of %{yadA4} , %{ya4d} AV. ; of %{ya4tra} S3Br. xiv ; of %{yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c. ; of %{ce7d} S3ak. &c.) RV. iv , 28 , 1 AV. &c. ; thus , in this manner , with regard to that , ix , xiii S3Br. AitBr. ; (%{tad@etau@zlokau@bhavataH} , `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras3nUp. ; on that account , for that reason , therefore , consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas} , %{yad} , %{yena} , `" because "' Das3. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.) Mn. ix , 41 MBh. &c. ; now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S3Br. AitBr. ; so also , equally , and AV. xi , xv




अतीतानागतं स्वरूपतोऽस्त्यध्वभेदाद् धर्माणाम् ॥4-12॥
атиита-анаагатаМ сваруупато!стй-адхва-бхэдаад дхармааНаам (4-12)
без сандхи:
атиита-анаагатам сваруупатаХа асти-адхва-бхэдаат дхармааНаам

прошлое и будущее по своей природе (одни и те же) дхармы, которые существуют раздельно (лишь) во времени

составное слово типа «двандва» атиита-анаагатаХа – м.р. «прошлое и будущее»

атиитам – с.р. «прошлое»

atIta mfn. gone by , past , passed away , dead ; one who has gone through or got over or beyond , one who has passed by or neglected ; negligent ; passed , left behind ; excessive ; m. N. of a particular S3aiva sect ; (%{am}) n. the past.

ан-аагатам – с.р. «будущее, не-пришедшее»

anAgata mfn. ( %{gam}) , not come , not arrived [27,3] ; future ; not attained , not learnt ; unknown ; (%{am}) n. the future

сваруупатаХа – (неизм.) «по своей природе»

svarUpa n. (ifc. f. %{A}) oсone's own form or shape , the fсfrom or shсshape of (gen. or comp. ; with or without %{zabdasya} or %{zabda-sva-r-} , `" a word itself or in its own form "' [opp. to its synonyms or varieties] ; with %{nAmnAm} = `" names themselves "') MBh. Pan5cat. BhP. &c. [1276,3] ; own condition , peculiarity , character , nature (%{eNa} or ibc. , `" by nature "' , `" in reality "' `" by itself "') RPra1t. Nr2isUp. Mn. &c. ; peculiar aim W. ; kind , sort ib. ; a partic. relation (in phil. see under %{sambandha}) MW. ; occurrence , event Campak. Uttamac. Sin6ha7s. ; mfn. having oсone's own peculiar form or character MW. ; having a like nature or charсcharacter , similar , like , S3a1m2khyak. (w.r. for %{sa-r-}) ; pleasing , handsome (for %{sa-r-}) L. ; wise , learned L. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ; of a son of Su-nanda1 Ma1rkP. ; of a pupil of Caitanya W. ; m. or n. N. of a place Cat. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a place MW. ; %{-gata} mfn. endowed with oсone's own form or nature , having a like character W. ; %{-tas} ind. in oсone's own form BhP. ; according to oсone's own fсform , analogously , similarly , identically MW. ; by nature , in reality , by itself Ma1rkP. ; (%{-to} , %{godAna-prayogaH}N. of wk.) ; %{-tA} f. (or %{-tva} n.) the state of oсone's own form or nature (%{-tayA} , `" literally "' , `" in reality "') MBh. BhP. S3ak. Sch. Sa1h. ; the having a natural form , identity of form or nature W. ; w.r. for %{su-rUpa-tA} Ra1jat. ; %{-dhArin} mfn. having one's own form MBh. ; %{-nirUpaNa} n. %{-nirNaya} m. %{-prakAza} m. N. of wks. ; %{-bhAva} m. (a short word) whose essence is of the same efficacy (as that of the full form) Mn. ii , 124 ; %{-vat} mfn. having the form of (comp.) MBh. ; %{-sambandha-rUpa} n. %{-sambodhana} n. %{-sambodhana-paJca-viMzati-vRtti} f. %{--rUpA7khya-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7cArya} m. N. of a teacher Cat. ; %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna} n. %{--rUpA7nusaMdhAna-stotra} n. N. of wks. ; %{--rUpA7siddhi} f. a form of non-proof (where the quality alleged to belong to a subject is not really proved) Tarkas. ; %{--rUpo7tpre7kSA} f. a kind of simile Sa1h. Kuval. ; %{--rUpo7paniSad} f. N. of an Upanishad.

асти – от ас «быть» в ед.ч.наст.вр. «существует», относится к сост.слову атиита-анаагатам

составное слово типа «татпуруша» адхва-бхэдаХа – м.р. «разделенность по времени», в отл.п.

адхван – м.р. «расстояние, интервал времени»

adhvan %{A} m. a road , way , orbit ; a journey , course ; distance ; time Buddh. and Jain. ; means , method , resource ; the zodiac (?) , sky , air L. ; a place ; a recension of the Vedas and the school upholding it ; assault (?) ; ifc. %{adhva} , %{as}. [24,1]

бхэдаХа – м.р. «раздельность», в отл.п.едч. бхэдаат – «от раздельности»

bheda m. ( %{bhid}) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret cf. %{rahasya-bh-}) ; bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder BhP. Sus3r. ; bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting Ka1lid. Ba1lar. ; a cleft , fissure , chasm (cf. %{zilA-bh-} ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV. ; rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s. ; shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (cf. %{ardhabh-}) Sus3r. ; separation , division , partition , part , portion Ka1v. Pur. ; distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety S3rS. Up. MBh. &c. ; disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h. ; disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. %{upA7ya}) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; disunion , schism , dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat. ; change , alteration , modification MBh. S3ak. ; contraction (cf. %{bhrUbh-}) [766,2] ; evacuation (of the bowels) S3a1rn3gS. ; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets ; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. %{kukSi-bh-}) ; (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; (in dram.) = %{saMhati-bhedana} , or = %{pro7tsAhana} , Sa1h2 ; (in phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.) ; N. of a man AV. ; pl. N. of a people RV.

дхарма – м.р. «дхарма, закон, добродетель», в р.п.мн.ч. (мн.ч., так как дхарм много) дхармааНаам - «дхармические (прошлое и будущее)», нН в силу правила «натва»

dharma 1 m. (rarely n. g. %{ardharcA7di} ; the older form of the RV. is %{dha4rman} q.v.) that which is established or firm , steadfast decree , statute , ordinance , law ; usage , practice , customary observance or prescribed conduct , duty ; right , justice (often as a synonym of punishment) ; virtue , morality , religion , religious merit , good works (%{dha4rmeNa} or %{-mAt} ind. according to right or rule , rightly , justly , according to the nature of anything ; cf. below ; %{mesthita} mfn. holding to the law , doing one's duty) AV. &c. &c. ; Law or Justice personified (as Indra S3Br. &c. ; as Yama MBh. ; as born from the right breast of Yama and father of S3ama , Ka1ma and Harsha ib. ; as Vishn2u Hariv. ; as Praja1-pati and son-in-law of Daksha Hariv. Mn. &c. ; as one of the attendants of the Sun L. ; as a Bull Mn. viii , 16 ; as a Dove Katha1s. vii , 89 , &c.) ; the law or doctrine of Buddhism (as distinguished from the %{saJgha} or monastic order MWB. 70) ; the ethical precepts of Buddhism (or the principal %{dharma} called %{sUsra} , as distinguished from the %{abhi-dharma} or , further dharma and from the %{vinaya} or `" discipline , these three constituting the canon of Southern BсBuddhism MWB. 61) ; the law of Northern BсBuddhism (in 9 canonical scriptures , viz. Prajn5a1-pa1ramita1 , Gan2d2a-vyu1ha , Das3a-bhu1mi7s3vara , Samadhira1ja , Lan3ka7vata1ra , Saddharma-pun2d2arika , Tathagata-guhyaka , Lalita-vistara , Suvarn2a-prabha1sa ,ib. 69) ; nature , character , peculiar condition or essential quality , property , mark , peculiarity (= %{sva-bhAva} L. ; cf. %{daza-dh--gata} S3Br. &c. &c. ; %{upamAno7pameyayor@dh-} , the tertium comparationis Pa1n2. 2-1 , 55 Sch.) ; a partic. ceremony MBh. xiv , 2623 ; sacrifice L. ; the ninth mansion Var. ; an Upanishad L. ; associating with the virtuous L. ; religious abstraction , devotion L. ; = %{upamA} L. (cf. above) ; a bow Dharmas3. ; a Soma-drinker L. ; N. of the 15th Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1 L. ; of a son of Anu and father of Ghr2ita Hariv. ; of a sсson of Ga1ndha1ra and fсfather of Dhr2ita Pur. ; of a sсson of Haihaya and fсfather of Netra BhP. ; of a sсson of Pr2ithu-s3ravas and of Us3anas ib. ; of a sсson of Su-vrata VP. (cf. %{dharma-sUtra}) ; of a sсson of Di1rgha-tapas , Va1yup. ; of a king of Kas3mi1ra , Ra1j. iv , 678 ; of another man ib. vii , 85 ; of a lexicographer &c. (also %{-paNDita} , %{-bhaTTa} and %{-zAstrin}) Cat. [Cf. Lat. {firmus} , Lith. {derme4}.]





ते व्यक्तसूक्ष्मा गुणात्मानः ॥4-13॥

тэ вйакта-суукшмаа гуНаатмаанаХа (4-13)
без сандхи:
тэ вйакта-суукшмааХа гуНааатмаанаХа

они (дхармы) – проявленные, тонкие, гуны по сущности

тэ – «они» м.р.мн.ч. от тад – «он, она, оно»

составное слово типа «двандва» из двух прилагательных вйакта-суукшмаа – ж.р. «проявленно-тонкая» - ж.р.

вйакта – (прилаг.) «проявленный»

vyakta mfn. adorned , embellished , beautiful RV. ; caused to appear , manifested , apparent , visible , evident (%{am} , ind. apparently , evidently , certainly) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; developed , evolved (see below) ; distinct , intelligible (see %{-vAc}) ; perceptible by the senses (opp. to %{a-vyakta} , transcendental) MBh. BhP. ; specified , distinguished L. ; specific , individual L. ; hot L. ; wise , learned Lalit. ; m. heat L. ; a learned man L. ; an initiated monk S3i1l. ; `" the manifested One "'N. of Vishn2u MW. ; of one of the 11 Gan2a7dhipas (with Jainas) ; n. (in Sa1m2khya) `" the developed or evolved "' (as the product of %{a-vyakta} q.v.) , Sam2khyak. (cf. IW. 82) ; %{-kRtya} n. a public action or deed Ra1jat. ; %{-gaNita} n. calculation with known numbers , arithmetic IW. 176 , n. 3 ; %{-gandhA} f. (only L.) long pepper ; jasmine ; a species of Sanseviera ; Clitoria Ternatea ; %{-tA} f. or %{-tva} n. distinctness , manifestation (instr. `" clearly , distinctly "' ; acc. with %{gam} , `" to appear "') Up. Katha1s. ; %{-tAraka} mfn. having clear stars MW. ; %{-darzana} mfn. one who has attained to right knowledge R. ; %{-dRSTA7rtha} mfn. perceiving or witnessing a transaction with one's own eyes , a witness L. ; %{-bhuj} mfn. consuming all manifested or visible things (said of time) MW. ; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. relating to what is perceptible by the senses MBh. ; %{-mAricika} mfn. much peppered Car. ; %{-rasa} mfn. having a perceptible taste (%{tA} f.) Sus3r. ; %{-rAzi} m. (in arithm.) known or absolute quantity ; %{-rUpa} m. `" having a manifested form "'N. of Vishn2u MW. ; %{-rUpin} mfn. having a discernible shape ib. ; %{-lakSman} mfn. having evident sings or marks , clearly characterized W. ; %{-lavaNa} mfn. much salted Car. ; %{-vAc} f. a clear or distinct speech Pa1n2. 1-3 , 48 ; %{-vikrama} mfn. displaying valour MW. ; %{-tA7vadhUta} mfn. one who has publicly shaken off worldly ties (opp. to %{guptA7v-} q.v.) W. ; %{-to7dita} mfn. spoken clearly or plainly MW. [1029,3]

суукшма – (прилаг.) «тонкий», м.р.мн.ч. суукшмааХа – «тонкие»

sUkSma mf(%{A})n. (prob. connected with %{sUci} , p. 1241 , col. 1) minute , small , fine , thin , narrow , short , feeble , trifling , insignificant , unimportant (with %{artha} m. `" a trifling matter "' ) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; acute , subtle , keen (understanding or mental operation ; %{am} ind.) Kat2hUp. R. &c. ; nice , exact , precise Col. ; subtle , atomic , intangible Up. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c. ; m. a partic. figure of rhetoric (`" the subtle expression of an intended act "') Cat. ; (with S3aivas) one who has attained a certain grade of emancipation Hcat. ; a mystical N. of the sound %{I} Up. ; N. of S3iva MBh. ; of a Da1nava ib. Hariv. ; m. or n. an atom , intangible matter Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad. MBh. &c. ; the subtle all-pervading spirit , Supreme Soul L. ; the Kataka or clearing-nut plant L. ; = %{kRtaka} , or %{kaitava} L. ; (%{A}) f. sand L. ; small cardamoms L. ; N. of two plants (= %{yUthikA} or %{karuNI}) L. ; of one of the 9 S3aktis of Vishn2u L. ; (%{am}) n. the cavity or socket of a tooth Vishn2. ; woven silk L. ; marrow L. ; the Veda7nta philosophy L.

гуНаатман – (прилаг.) «обладающий качествами», в им.п.мн.ч. гуНаатманаХа – «обладающие качествами», буквально: «гунно-сущностные»

guNAtman mfn. having qualities W.





परिणामैकत्वाद् वस्तुतत्त्वम् ॥4-14॥

париНаама-йкатваад васту-таттвам (4-14)
без сандхи:
париНаама-экатваат васту-таттвам

от универсальности перемен сущность объекта
изменчивость согласно (трем) общим тенденциям – вот сущность любого объекта

(см.3-13: есть три вида перемен:
этим полностью объясняются три перемены в соотношении элементов (5 стихий) и в органах чувств и действия – согласно 1) общему закону, 2) специфике объекта и 3) его стабильности)

http://realyoga.ru/files/audio/sms-yoga … ra4-14.mp3

составное слово типа «татпуруша» париНаама-экатвам – с.р. «одинаковость перемен (для всех объектов)», в отл.п. париНаама-экатваат - «от одинаковости перемен»

париНаамаХа – м.р. «перемена»

pariNAma m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) , development , evolution Sa1m2khyak. Yogas. Pur. Sus3r. ; ripeness , maturity Kir. Uttarar. Ma1lati1m. ; alteration of food , digestion Sus3r. Tarkas. ; withering , fading S3a1rn3gP. ; lapse (of time) MBh. R. ; decline (of age) , growing old ib. Sus3r. ; result , consequence , issue , end (ibc. and %{-me} ind. finally , at last , in the end) Ka1v. ; (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval. ; N. of a holy man RTL. 269 ; %{-darzin} mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event) , prudent , fore-sighted MBh. ; %{-dRSTi} f. foresight , providence MW. ; %{-nirodha} m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth , growth , death &c.) W. ; %{-pathya} mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib. ; %{-mukha} mfn. tending or verging towards the end , about to terminate S3ak. ; %{-ramaNIya} mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib. ; %{-vat} mfn. having a natural development (%{-ttva} n.) S3am2k. ; %{-vAda} m. the `" doctrine of evolution "' , the Sa1m2khya doctrine Sarvad. ; %{-zUla} n. violent and painful indigestion Cat.

экатвам – ср.р. «идентичность, одинаковость»

ekatva n. oneness , unity , union , coincidence , identity Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Sus3r. &c. ; (in Gr.) the singular number Ka1s3. ; singleness , soleness HYog.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» васту-таттвам – с.р. «сущность объекта»

васту – с.р. «вещь, объект», им.п.ед.ч. васту

vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931 , col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-} , %{vraNa-v-}) ; any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7/8) ; (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-} , `" that which does not really exist , the unreal "' ; %{a-dvitIya-v-} , `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c. ; the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (comp.) Ka1v. ; goods , wealth , property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{-hAni}) ; the thing in question matter , affair , circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech &c.) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. ; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. ; natural disposition , essential property W. ; the pith or substance of anything W.

таттвам – с.р. «сущность»

tattva n. true or real state , truth , reality S3vetUp. Mn. Bhag. &c. ; (in phil.) a true principle (in Sa1m2khya phil. 25 in number , viz. %{a-vyakta} , %{buddhi} , %{ahaM-kAra} , the 5 Tan-ma1tras , the 5 Maha1-bhu1tas , the 11 organs including %{manas} , and , lastly , %{puruSa} , qq.vv.) MBh. xii , 11840 ; xiv , 984 R. iii , 53 , 42 Tattvas. ; 24 in number MBh. xii , 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.) ; 23 in number BhP. iii , 6 , 2 ff. ; for other numbers cf. xi , 22 , 1 ff. Ra1matUp. ; with Ma1hes3varas and Loka7yatikas only 5 [viz. the 5 elements] are admitted Prab. ii , 18/19 ; with Buddh. 4 , with Jainas 2 or 5 or 7 or 9 Sarvad. ii f. ; in Veda7nta phil. %{tattva} is regarded as made up of %{tad} and %{tvam} , `" that [art] thou "' , and called %{mahA-vAkya} , the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma [%{tad}] is expressed) ; the , number 25 Su1ryas. ii ; the number 24 DevibhP. S3Br. vii , 3 , 1 , 43 Sa1y. ; an element or elementary property W. ; the essence or substance of anything W. [433,1] ; the being that Jaim. i , 3 , 24 Sch. ; = %{tata-tva} L. ; N. of a musical instrument L. ; (%{ena}) instr. ind. according to the true state or nature of anything , in truth , truly , really , accurately Mn. vii , 68 MBh. R. ; %{-kaumudI} f. `" Tattva-moonlight "'N. of a Comm. on Sa1m2khyak. Sarvad. xiv , 20 ; %{-candra} m. `" truthmoon "'N. of a Comm. on Prakriya1-kaumudi1 ; `" Tattva-moon "'N. of a Comm. on %{-kaumudI} ; %{-cintAmaNi} m. N. of a philos. work by Gan3ge7s3a ; of another work Nirn2ayas. iii ; %{-jJa} mfn. ifc. knowing the truth , knowing the true nature of , knowing thoroughly Mn.xii , 102 MBh. (%{a-} neg. , xii , 6623) R. &c. ; m. a Bra1hman Npr. ; %{-jJAna} n. knowledge of truth , thorough knowledge , insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad. ; %{-jJAnin} mfn. = %{-jJa} W. ; %{-taraMgiNI} f. `" truth-river "'N. of wk. by Dharmasa1gara ; %{-tas} ind.= %{-ttvena} Mun2d2Up. i , 2 , 13 Mn. MBh. &c. ; %{-tA} f. truth , reality W. ; %{-tyaj} mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. iii , 19 ; %{-trayamaya} mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. i , 11 , 893 ; %{-darza} m. (= %{-dRz}) N. of a R2ishi under Manu Deva-sa1varn2i BhP. viii , 13 , 32 ; %{-darzin} mfn. = %{-dRz} MBh. iii , 1149 Ra1mag. ; m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433 ; of a Bra1hman , 1265 ; %{-dIpana} n. `" Tattva-light "'N. of wk. ; %{-dRz} mfn. perceiving truth Veda7ntas. ; %{-nikaSa-grAvan} m. the touchstone of truth Hit. i , 9 , 12 ; %{-nizcaya} m. `" ascertainment of truth "' , right knowledge Sarvad. vi , 91 and 94 ; %{-niSThatA} f. veracity Hemac. ; %{-nyAsa} m. `" application of true principles "'N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishn2u (application of mystical letters &c. to parts of the body while prayers are recited) , Tantr. ; %{-prakAza} m. `" light of true principles "'N. of a Comm. Sarvad. vii ; %{-prabodha-prakaraNa} n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (A.D. 1200) ; %{-bindu} m. `" truthdrop "'N. of a philos. treatise ; %{-bodha} m. knowledge or understanding of truth , xii , 46 ; N. of wk. Tantras. ii ; %{-bodhinI} f. `" teaching true principles "'N. of a Comm. on Sam2kshepa-s3a1ri1raka ; of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jn5a1ne7ndra-sarasvati1 ; truth-teaching cf. RTL. p. 492 and 509 ; %{-bhava} m. true being or nature Kat2hUp. vi S3vetUp. i ; %{-bhUta} mfn. true MBh. xii , 5290 ; %{-muktA7vali} f. `" necklace of truth "'N. of wk. Sarvad. iv , 110 ; cf. RTL. p. 123 ; %{-vat} mfn. possessing the truth or reality of things MBh. xii , 11480 ; %{-vAda-rahasya} n. N. of wk. Sarvad. v , 110 ; %{-vid} mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. iii , 28 ; %{-vivitsA} f. desire of knowing the truth W. ; %{-viveka} m. the sifting of established truth ; N. of wk. on astron. (also %{siddhA7nta-t-}) ; of another work Sarvad. v , 6 ; %{-ka-dIpana} n. `" light of truth-investigation "'N. of a philos. work ; %{-zambara} n. N. of a Tantra A1nand. 31 Sch. ; (%{-raka} , A1ryav.) ; %{-zuddhi} f. ascertainment or right knowledge of truth Katha1s. lxxv , 194 ; %{-saMgraha} m. N. of wk. Sarvad. vii , 88 ; %{-satya-zAstra} n. N. of a Buddh. work by Gun2aprabha ; %{-samAsa} m. `" Tattva-compendium "'N. of Kapila's Sa1m2khya-su1tras Tattvas. ; %{-sAgara} m. `" truth-ocean "'N. of wk. Smr2itit. xi Nirn2ayas. i , 318 ; %{-sAra} m. `" truth-essence "'N. of wk. S3a1kta7n. ii ; %{-vA7khyAno7pamA} f. a simile expressing or stating any truth Ka1vya7d. ii , 36 ; %{-vA7dhigata} mfn. learnt thoroughly Sus3r. ; %{-vA7pahnava-rUpaka} n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Ka1vya7d. ii , 95 ; %{-vA7bhiyoga} m. a positive charge or declaration Ya1jn5. ii , 5/6 , 4 ff. ; %{-vA7rtha} m. the truth Sarvad. iii ; %{-tha-kaumudI} f. `" truth-light "'N. of a Comm. on Pra1yas3c. by (Govinda7nanda ; %{-tha-vid} mfn. knowing the exact truth or meaning of (in comp.) Mn.i , 3 ; (see %{veda-}) ; %{-tha-sUtra} n. N. of a Jaina work by Uma1-sva1ti Sarvad. iii , 103 ; %{-vA7vabodha} m. perception of truth W.





वस्तुसाम्ये चित्तभेदात् तयोर्विभक्तः पनथाः ॥4-15॥

васту-саамйэ читта-бхэдаат тайор-вибхактаХа пантхааХа (4-15)
без сандхи:
васту-саамйэ читта-бхэдаат тайоХо-вибхактаХа пантхааХа

для одного и того же объекта из-за различия (любых) двух сознаний - различные пути (восприятия)

составное слово типа «татпуруша» васту-саамйам - с.р.«равенство объектов, один и тот же объект», в п.п.ед.ч. васту-саамйэ – «при равенстве объектов, для одного и того же объекта»

васту – с.р. «вещь, объект», им.п.ед.ч. васту

vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931 , col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-} , %{vraNa-v-}) ; any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7/8) ; (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-} , `" that which does not really exist , the unreal "' ; %{a-dvitIya-v-} , `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c. ; the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (comp.) Ka1v. ; goods , wealth , property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{-hAni}) ; the thing in question matter , affair , circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech &c.) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. ; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. ; natural disposition , essential property W. ; the pith or substance of anything W.

саамйам – с.р. «равенство»

4 sAmya n. (fr. 2. %{sama}) equality , evenness, equilibrium , equipoise , equal or normal state (acc. with %{nI} , `" to bring to that stсstate "' , `" calm "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; likeness , sameness , identity with (instr. with and without %{saha} , or gen. , or loc. , or comp.) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c. ; equality of rank or position Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. ; homogeneousness (of sounds) Vop. ; measure , time MBh. ; equability towards (loc. or %{prati}) , impartiality , indifference Bhag. Kum. BhP. ; justice (%{sAmyam-kR} , `" to act justly towards [loc.] "') MBh. ; v.l. for %{zalyA} Ka1vya7d. i , 39.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» читта-бхэдаХа -  м.р.«раздельность умов», в отл.п.ед.ч. читта-бхэдаат – «от раздельности умов»

читтам – с.р. «сознание»

citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

бхэдаХа – м.р. «раздельность», в отл.п.едч. бхэдаат – «от раздельности»

bheda m. ( %{bhid}) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret cf. %{rahasya-bh-}) ; bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder BhP. Sus3r. ; bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting Ka1lid. Ba1lar. ; a cleft , fissure , chasm (cf. %{zilA-bh-} ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV. ; rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s. ; shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (cf. %{ardhabh-}) Sus3r. ; separation , division , partition , part , portion Ka1v. Pur. ; distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety S3rS. Up. MBh. &c. ; disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h. ; disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. %{upA7ya}) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; disunion , schism , dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat. ; change , alteration , modification MBh. S3ak. ; contraction (cf. %{bhrUbh-}) [766,2] ; evacuation (of the bowels) S3a1rn3gS. ; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets ; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. %{kukSi-bh-}) ; (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; (in dram.) = %{saMhati-bhedana} , or = %{pro7tsAhana} , Sa1h2 ; (in phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.) ; N. of a man AV. ; pl. N. of a people RV.

тайоХо – р.п.дв.ч. «их двоих» от тад - «оно» (кого двоих? двух умов? видимо так…) относится к читта – «от двух умов различности» читта-бхэдаат тайоХо

Разбор вибхактаХа пантхааХа --

Вроде бы должно быть так:
вибхактаХа пантхаХа – отдельный путь
вибхактааХа пантхааХа – отдельные пути

По факту имеем вибхактаХа пантхааХа – отдельный пути, может быть ошибка? Но она везде одинаково стоит…

вибхакта – (прилаг.) «раздельный», вибхактаХа – в м.р., согласуется с пантхаХа (м.р.)

vibhakta mfn. divided , distributed among (instr.). AV. &c. &c. (%{e} ind. after a partition , Ya1jn. ii , 126) ; one who has received his share Mn. ix , 210 ; 215 ; one who has caused a partition to be made BhP. (Sch.) ; parted , separated by (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; separated from i.e. without (instr.) Ya1jn5. iii , 103 ; isolated , secluded R. ; distinct , different , various , manifold MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; divided into regular parts , harmonious , symmetrical ib. ; ornamented , decorated Hariv. Katha1s. ; divided (arithmetically) Su1ryas. ; m. N. of Skanda MBh. ; n. isolation , seclusion , solitude Pa1n2. 2-3 , 42 ; %{-gAtra} mfn. one whose limbs are embellished with (comp.) Hariv. ; %{-ja} m. a son born after the partition of the family property between his parents and brothers Gaut. ; %{-tva} n. manifoldness , variety Va1m. iv , 1 , 7 (quot.) ; %{-tA7tman} mfn. divided (in his essence) Ragh. x , 66 ; %{-tA7vibhakta-nirNaya} m. N. of wk.

пантхааХа (=патхаХа) м.р. (MW-ES-576) «путь»

panth cl. 1. 10. P. %{panthati} , or %{-thayati} , to go , move Dha1tup. xxxii , 39 (cf. %{path}).





न चैकचित्ततन्त्रं वस्तु तद् अप्रमाणकं तदा किं स्यात् ॥4-16॥

на ча-йка-читта-тантраМ васту тад апрамааНакаМ тадаа киМ сйаат (4-16)
без сандхи:
на ча-эка-читта-тантрам васту тад апрамааНакам тадаа киМ сйаат

но (если также) не от одного ума не зависим объект (и) ему нет меры (он не познается), что тогда может быть?

на – (неизм.) отрицание последующего фрагмента предложения

na 2 ind. not , no , nor , neither RV. (%{nA} , x , 34 , 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing , requesting and commanding , except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [cf. a. %{mA}] ; in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. Mn.iv , 34 ; or strengthened by another particle , esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by %{u} [cf. %{no7}] , %{uta4} , %{api} , %{cA7pi} , %{vA} , %{vA7pi} or %{atha@vA} RV. i , 170 , 1 ; 151 , 9 Nal. iii , 24 , &c. ; it may even be replaced by %{ca} , %{vA} , %{api@ca} , %{api@vA} , &c. alone , as Mn.ii , 98 Nal.i , 14 , &c. ; often joined with other particles , beside those mentioned above esp. with a following %{tu} , %{tv@eva} , %{tv@eva@tu} , %{ce7d} q.v. , %{khalu} q.v. , %{ha} [cf. g. %{cA7di} and Pa1n2. 8-1 , 31] &c. ; before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency e.g. %{ekayA@na@viMzati} , not 20 by 1 i.e. 19 S3Br. ; %{paJcabhir@na@catvAri@zatAni} , 395 ib. ; with another %{na} or an %{a} priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation [cf. Va1m. v , 1 , 9] e.g. %{ne7yaM@na@vakSyati} , she will most certainly declare S3ak. iii , 9 ; %{nA7daNDyo@'sti} , he must certainly be punished Mn. viii , 335 ; it may also , like %{a} , form compounds Va1m. v , 2 , 13 [cf. below]) ; that not , lest , for fear lest (with Pot.) MBh. R. Das3. &c. ; like , as , as it were (only in Veda and later artificial language , e.g. %{gauro@na@tRSitaH@piba} , drink like [lit. `" not "' i.e. `" although not being "'] a thirsty deer ; in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). [Cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. &161835[523 ,1] {ne8-} ; Angl. Sax. {ne} , `" not "' ; Eng. {no} , &c.] -2.

ча – (неизм.) «и, также»

ca 2 ind. and , both , also , moreover , as well as (= $ , Lat. {que} , placed like these particles as an enclitic after the word which it connects with what precedes ; when used with a personal pronoun this must appear in its fuller accented form (e.g. %{ta4va@ca@ma4ma@ca} [not %{te@ca@me@ca}] , `" both of thee and me "') , when used after verbs the first of them is accented Pa1n2. 8-1 , 58 f. ; it connects whole sentences as well as parts of sentences ; in RV. the double %{ca} occurs more frequently than the single (e.g. %{aha4M@ca@tva4M@ca} , `" I and thou "' , viii , 62 , 11) ; the double %{ca} may also be used somewhat redundantly in class. Sanskr2it (e.g. %{kva@hariNakAnAM@jIvitaM@cA7tilolaM@kva@ca@vajra-sArAH@zarAs@te} , `" where is the frail existence , of fawns and where are thy adamantine arrows? "' S3ak. i , 10) ; in later literature , however , the first %{ca} is more usually omitted (e.g. %{ahaM@tvaM@ca}) , and when more than two things are enumerated only one %{ca} is often found (e.g. %{tejasA@yazasA@lakSmyA@sthityA@ca@parayA} , `" in glory , in fame , in beauty , and in high position "' Nal. xii , 6) ; elsewhere , when more than two things are enumerated , %{ca} is placed after some and omitted after others (e.g. %{RNa-dAtA@ca@vaidyaz@ca@zrotriyo@nadI} , `" the payer of a debt and a physician [and] a Bra1hman [and] a river "' Hit. i , 4 , 55) ; in Ved. and even in class. Sanskr2it [Mn. iii , 20 ; ix , 322 Hit.] , when the double %{ca} would generally be used , the second may occasionally be omitted (e.g. %{indraz@ca@soma} , `" both Indra [and thou] Soma "' RV. vii , 104 , 25 ; %{durbhedyaz@cA7zusaMdheyaH} , `" both difficult to be divided [and] quickly united "' Hit. i) ; with lexicographers %{ca} may imply a reference to certain other words which are not expressed (e.g. %{kamaNDalau@ca@karakaH} , `" the word %{karaka} has the meaning `" pitcher "' and other meanings "') ; sometimes %{ca} is = %{eva} , even , indeed , certainly , just (e.g. %{su-cintitaM@cau9SadhaM@na@nAma-mAtreNa@karoty@arogam} , `" even a well-devised remedy does not cure a disease by its mere name "' Hit. ; %{yAvanta@eva@te@tAvAMzca@saH} , `" as great as they [were] just so great was he "' Ragh. xii , 45) ; occasionally %{ca} is disjunctive , `" but "' , `" on the contrary "' , `" on the other hand "' , `" yet "' , `" nevertheless "' (%{varam@Adyau@na@cA7ntimaH} , `" better the two first but not the last "' Hit. [380,2] ; %{zAntam@idam@Azrama-padaM@sphurati@ca@bAhuH} , `" this hermitage is tranquil yet my arm throbs "' S3ak. i , 15) ; %{ca-ca} , though-yet Vikr. ii , 9 ; %{ca-na@ca} , though - yet not Pat. ; %{ca} - %{na@tu} (v.l. %{nanu}) id. , Ma1lav-. iv , 8 ; %{na@ca} - %{ca} , though not - yet Pat. ; %{ca} may be used for %{vA} , `" either "' , `" or "' (e.g. %{iha@cA7mutra@vA} , `" either here or hereafter "' Mn. xii , 89 ; %{strI@vA@pumAn@vA@yac@cA7nyat@sattvam} , `" either a woman or a man or any other being "' R.) , and when a neg. particle is joined with %{ca} the two may then be translated by `" neither "' , `" nor "' ; occasionally one %{ca} or one %{na} is omitted (e.g. %{na@ca@paribhoktuM@nai9va@zaknomi@hAtum} , `" I am able neither to enjoy nor to abandon "' S3ak. v , 18 ; %{na@pUrvA7hNe@nA@ca@parA7hNe} , `" neither in the forenoon nor in the afternoon "') ; %{ca-ca} may express immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous occurrence (e.g. %{mama@ca@muktaM@tamasA@mano@manasijena@dhanuSi@zaraz@ca@nivezitaH} , `" no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow by the heart-born god "' , vi , 8) ; %{ca} is sometimes = %{ce7d} , `" if "' (cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 30 ; the verb is accented) RV. AV. MBh. Vikr. ii , 20 Bhartr2. ii , 45 ; %{ca} may be used as an expletive (e.g. %{anyaiz@ca@kratubhiz@ca} , `" and with other sacrifices "') ; %{ca} is often joined to an adv. like %{eva} , %{api} , %{tathA} , %{tathai9va} , &c. , either with or without a neg. particle (e.g. %{vairiNaM@no7paseveta@sahA7yaM@caiva@vairiNaH} , `" one ought not to serve either an enemy or the ally of an enemy "' Mn. iv , 133) ; (see %{eva} , %{api} , &c.) For the meaning of %{ca} after an interrogative see 2. %{ka4} , 2. %{kathA4} , %{ki4m} , %{kva4}) ; [cf. $ , Lat. {que} , {pe} (in {nempe} &c.) ; Goth. {uh} ; Zd. {ca} ; Old Pers. {ca1}.] -2.

составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» эка-читтам – с.р. «один ум»
к нему пристроено концевое слово тантрам «зависимый от», направленное на предыдущий «один ум», итого имеем: «зависимый от одного ума» эка-читта-тантра, или с отрицанием на: на…эка читта-тантра «не зависимый ни от одного ума»

эка – (прилаг.) «один»

eka mfn. (%{i} Un2. iii , 43 , probably fr. a base %{e} ; cf. Zd. {ae-va} ; Gk. $ , $ ; Goth. {ai-n-s} ; &71169[227 ,3] also Lat. {aequu-s} ; g. %{sarvA7di} Pa1n2. 1-1 , 27 ; see Gr. 200) , one (%{eko'pi} , or %{ekaz-cana} , with %{na} preceding or following , no one , nobody ; the words %{ekayA@na} or %{ekAn@na} are used before decade numerals to lessen them by one e.g. %{ekAn@na@tRMzat} , twentynine) RV. &c. ; (with and without %{eva}) alone , solitary , single , happening only once , that one only (frequently ifc. ; cf. %{dharmai9ka-rakSa} , &c.) RV. &c. ; the same , one and the same , identical S3Br. v Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c. ; one of two or many (%{eka} - %{eka} , %{eka} - %{dvitIya} , the one - the other ; esp. pl. %{eke} , some , %{eke} - %{apare} some - others , &c.) S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Hit. &c. ; (%{eka} repeated twice , either as a compound [cf. %{ekai9ka}] or uncompounded , may have the sense `" one and one "' , `" one by one "' RV. i , 20 , 7 ; 123 , 8 ; v , 52 , 17 R. BhP. &c.) ; single of its kind , unique , singular , chief , pre-eminent , excellent Ragh. Katha1s. Kum. &c. ; sincere , truthful MW. ; little , small L. ; (sometimes used as an indefinite article) , a , an R. S3ak. Vet. &c. (the fem. of %{eka} before a Taddhita suffix and as first member of a compound is %{eka} not %{ekA} Pa1n2. 6-3 , 62) ; m. N. of a teacher A1p. ; of a son of Raya BhP. ; (%{A}) f. N. of Durga1 ; (%{am}) n. unity , a unit (ifc.) Hcat.

читтам – с.р. «сознание», в р.п.ед.ч. читтасйа, р.п. относится к васту - «ума (сознания) объект»

citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

тантра – в конце составного слова «зависимый от», на…тантрам – «не зависимый от», «ни от одного ума не зависимый (объект)»

tantra n. (Pa1n2. 7-2 , 9 Ka1s3.) a loom , v , 2 , 70 ; the warp RV. x , 71 , 9 AV. x , 7 , 42 TBr. ii Ta1n2d2yaBr. x , 5 S3Br. xiv Kaus3. MBh. i , 806 and 809 ; the leading or principal or essential part , main point , characteristic feature , model , type , system , framework S3Br. xii Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxiii , 19 , 1 La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. &c. (e.g. %{kulasya@t-} , `" the principal action in keeping up a family i.e. propagation "' MBh. xiii , 48 , 6 ; ifc. `" depending on "' cf. %{Atma-} , %{sva-} , %{para-} , &c.) ; doctrine , rule , theory , scientific work , chapter of such a work (esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBr2S. i , 9 ; Para1s3ara's work on astron. , ii , 3 ; vii , 8) MBh. &c. (cf. %{SaSTi-} &c.) ; a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between S3iva and Durga1 and said to treat of 5 subjects , 1. the creation , 2. the destruction of the world , 3. the worship of the gods , 4. the attainment of all objects , esp. of 6 superhuman faculties , 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation [436,2] ; cf. RTL. pp. 63 , 85 , 184 , 189 , 205ff.) VarBr2S. xvi , 19 Pan5cat. Das3. Katha1s. xxiii , 63 Sarvad. ; a spell HYog. i , 5 Vcar. ; oath or ordeal L. ; N. of a Sa1man (also called `" that of Viru1pa "') A1rshBr. ; an army (cf. %{-trin}) BhP. x , 54 , 15 ; ifc. a row , number , series , troop Ba1lar. ii f. vi ; = %{rAjya-t-} , government Das3. xiii S3is3. ii , 88 ; (%{para@t-} , `" the highest authority "') Subh. ; a means which leads to two or more results , contrivance Hariv. ii , 1 , 31 ; a drug (esp. one of specific faculties) , chief remedy cf. %{-trA7vApa} ; = %{paricchada} L. ; = %{anta} L. ; wealth L. ; a house L. ; happiness W. ; (%{eNa}) instr. ind. so as to be typical or hold good Ka1tyS3r. xvi , xx ; (%{A}) f. for %{-ndrA} Sus3r. ; (%{Is} cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 Ka1s3. ; %{I} L.) f. = %{-ntI} Gobh. iii , 6 , 7 and BhP. iii , 15 , 8 (v.l. for %{-ntI} ; see also %{vatsatantrI}) ; the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv , 1 , 2 Kaus3. &c. (%{-tri} R. vi , 28 , 26) ; (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.) ; any tubular vessel of the body , sinew , vein Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 ; the plant %{-trikA} L. ; a girl with peculiar qualities L. ; N. of a river L. ; cf. %{ku-tantrI}.

васту – с.р. «вещь, объект», им.п.ед.ч. васту

vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931 , col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-} , %{vraNa-v-}) ; any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7/8) ; (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-} , `" that which does not really exist , the unreal "' ; %{a-dvitIya-v-} , `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c. ; the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (comp.) Ka1v. ; goods , wealth , property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{-hAni}) ; the thing in question matter , affair , circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech &c.) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. ; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. ; natural disposition , essential property W. ; the pith or substance of anything W.

тад – (местоим.) «он, она, оно, то»

tad (nom. and acc. sg. n. of and base in comp. for 2. %{ta4} from which latter all the cases of this pron. are formed except nom. sg. m. %{sa4s} or %{sa4} & f. %{sA4} ; instr. pl. %{tai4s} AV. &c. ; Ved. %{te4bhis} RV. AV. &c.) m. he f. she n. it , that , this (often correlative of %{ya4} generally standing in the preceding clause e.g. %{yasya@buddhiH@sa@balavAn} , `" of whom there is intellect he is strong "' ; sometimes , for the sake of emphasis , connected with the 1st and 2nd personal pronouns , with other demonstratives and with relatives e.g. %{so@'ham} , `" I that very person , I myself "' [%{tasya} = %{mama} Nal. xv , 10] ; %{tAv@imau} , `" those very two "' ; %{tad@etad@AkhyAnam} , `" that very tale "' AitBr. vii , 18 ; %{yat@tat@kAraNam} , `" that very reason which "' Mn. i , 11 ; %{yA@sA@zrI} , `" that very fortune which "' MBh. vii , 427) RV. &c. ; (%{tad}) n. this world (cf. %{idam}) R. vi , 102 , 25 ; = Brahma see %{tat-tva} ; (%{ta4d}) ind. there , in that place , thither , to that spot (correlative of %{ya4tra} or %{ya4tas}) AV. AitBr. ii , 11 S3Br. i , x , xiv ChUp. ; then , at that time , in that case (correlative of %{yadA4} , %{ya4d} AV. ; of %{ya4tra} S3Br. xiv ; of %{yadi} Nal. Bhag. &c. ; of %{ce7d} S3ak. &c.) RV. iv , 28 , 1 AV. &c. ; thus , in this manner , with regard to that , ix , xiii S3Br. AitBr. ; (%{tad@etau@zlokau@bhavataH} , `" with reference to that there are these two verses "') Pras3nUp. ; on that account , for that reason , therefore , consequently (sometimes correlative of %{yatas} , %{yad} , %{yena} , `" because "' Das3. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c.) Mn. ix , 41 MBh. &c. ; now (clause-connecting particle) AV. xv S3Br. AitBr. ; so also , equally , and AV. xi , xv

прамааНака – с.р. (?) «мера, доказательство», тад а-прамааНакам – «его (объекта) неизмеримость, не-познание», «он неизмерим (ни одним умом)»

pramANaka (ifc.) = %{pramANa} , measure , quantity , extent MBh. ; argument , proof. Kull. ; (%{ikA}) f. a kind of metre Chandom.

тадаа – (неизм.) «тогда»

tadA ind. (Pa1n2. 5-3 , 15 and 19 ff.) at that time , then , in that case (often used redundantly , esp. after %{tatas} or %{purA} or before %{atha} MBh. &c. ; correlative of %{ya4d} [AV. xi , 4 , 4] , %{yatra} [ChUp.vi , 8 , 1] , %{yadA} [Mn. MBh. &c.] , %{yadi} [Gi1t. Vet. Hit.] , %{yarhi} [BhP. i , 18 , 6] , %{yatas} , `" since "' , [MBh. xiii , 2231] , %{ce7d} [S3ak. v (v.l.) Katha1s. xi S3rut.])

ким – «что?»

kim is very frequently connected with other particles , as follows: %{ki4m@aGga4} , wherefore then? RV. ; %{atha@kim} see %{a4tha} ; %{kim@api} , somewhat , to a considerable extent , rather , much more , still further S3ak. Megh. &c. ; %{kim@iti} , why? S3ak. Kum. Pan5cat. &c. ; %{kim-iva} , what for? S3is3. xvi , 31 ; %{ki4m-u} or %{ki4m-uta4} how much more? how much less? RV. S3Br. MBh. &c. ; %{kiM@kila} , what a pity! (expressing dissatisfaction) Pa1n2. 3-3 , 146 ; %{kiM-ca} , moreover , further Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c. ; what more (expressing impatience) S3ak. ; %{kiM-cana} (originally %{-ca@na} , negative = `" in no way "') , to a certain degree , a little Katha1s. ; (with a negation) in no way , not at all MBh. i , 6132 ; %{kiM-cid} , somewhat , a little MBh. R. &c. ; %{kiM@tarhi} , how then? but , however Pa1n2. 2-2 , 4 Pat. ; iv , 1 , 163 , Kas3. ; %{kiM-tu} , but , however , nevertheless (bearing the same relation to %{tu} that %{kiM-ca} bears to %{ca}) MBh. R. &c. ; %{kiM-nu} , whether indeed? (a stronger interrogative than %{kim} alone) MBh. R. &c. ; how much more? how much less? Bhag. i , 35 ; %{kiM@nu@khalu} , how possibly? (a still stronger interrogative) S3ak. ; %{kim@punar} , how much more? how much less? R. Bhag. ix , 33 &c. ; however Ba1lar. ; but ib. ; %{kiM@vA} , whether? or whether? S3ak. Pan5cat. &c. ; or (often a mere particle of interrogation) ; %{ki4M@svid} , why? Katha1s. xxvi , 75 ; a stronger interrogative than %{kim} alone RV. MBh. Katha1s.

сйаат - (неизм.) «возможно»

syAt ind. (3. sg. Pot. of 1. %{as}) it may be , perhaps , perchance (esp. used in Jaina wks. and occurring in 7 formulas , viz. 1. %{syAd@asti} , `" perhaps it is [under certain circumstances] "' ; 2. %{syAn@nA7sti} , `" perhсperhaps it is not , &c. "' ; 3. %{syAd@asti@ca@nA7sti@ca} , `" perhсperhaps it is and is not [under certain circumstances] "' ; 4. %{syAd@avaktavyaH} , `" perhсperhaps it is not expressible in words "' ; 5. %{syAd@asti@cA7vaktavyaH} , `" perhaps it is and is not expressible in words "' ; 6. %{syAn@nA7sti@cA7vaktavyaH} , `" perhaps it is not and is and is not expressible in words "' ; 7. %{syAd@asti@ca@nA7sti@cA7vaktavyaH}) Sarvad.





तदुपरागापेक्षित्वाच्चित्तस्य वस्तु ज्ञाताज्ञातम् ॥4-17॥

тад-упараага-апэкшитваач-читтасйа васту джньаата-аджньаатам (4-17)
без сандхи:
тад-упараага-апэкшитваат-читтасйа васту джньаата-аджньаатам

от его неизбежного отражения (правильного или искаженного) объект ума (становится) познанным или непознанным

составное слово типа «татпуруша» тад-упараага-апэкшитвам – с.р. «его отражения неизбежность»

упараагаХа – м.р. «отпечаток, рефлексия» (см. также 4-23)

uparAga m. the act of dyeing or colouring , colour Ragh. Katha1s. &c. ; darkening , eclipse (of sun and moon , caused by Ra1hu) S3ak. 186 b MBh. VarBr2S. ; influence , affecting Sarvad. Kap. Prab. &c. ; misbehaviour , ill-conduct L. ; reproach , abuse L. ; Ra1hu L.

апэкшитвам – с.р. «необходимость» от прилаг. апекшин + суфф. –твам (русс. «-ость»), в отл.п. апэкшитваат – «от необходимости»

apekSin mfn. considering , respecting , regardful of , looking to (in comp. ; rarely gen.) ; looking for , expecting , requiring ; depending on

(читтасйа васту = объект ума)

читтам – с.р. «сознание», в р.п.ед.ч. читтасйа, р.п. относится к васту - «ума (сознания) объект»

citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

васту – с.р. «вещь, объект», им.п.ед.ч. васту

vastu 2 n. (for 1. see p. 931 , col. 3) the seat or place of (see %{kapila-} , %{vraNa-v-}) ; any really existing or abiding substance or essence , thing , object , article Ka1v. VarBr2S. Katha1s. &c. (also applied to living beings e.g. S3ak. ii , 7/8) ; (in phil.) the real (opp. to %{a-v-} , `" that which does not really exist , the unreal "' ; %{a-dvitIya-v-} , `" the one real substance or essence which has no second "') IW. 53 n. 1 ; 103 &c. ; the right thing , a valuable or worthy object , object of or for (comp.) Ka1v. ; goods , wealth , property (cf. %{-vinimaya} and %{-hAni}) ; the thing in question matter , affair , circumstance MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; subject , subject-matter , contents , theme (of a speech &c.) , plot (of a drama or poem) Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c. ; (in music) a kind of composition Sam2gi1t. ; natural disposition , essential property W. ; the pith or substance of anything W.

джньаата-аджньаата – составное слово типа «двандва» из двух прилагательных (аналог в сутре 1-5 клишТа-аклишТа, но пишут также и как два отдельных слова с учетом сандхи клишТа аклишТааХа)

джньаата – (прилаг.) «известный», джньаатааХа – мн.ч. «известные»
а-джньаата – (прилаг.) «неизвестный», аджньаатам согласуется в с.р. с васту – существительным среднего рода

jJAta mfn. known , ascertained , comprehended , perceived , understood AV. xix , 15 , 6 S3Br. &c. (%{AMjJAtam} `" Ah! I know "' Mr2icch. i , 6/7 S3ak. &c.) ; meant (%{mayA@jJAtam} "' , I meant "') Ka1d. vi , 995 ; taken for (nom.) Pan5cat. i , 2 , 2 ; known as (nom.) to (gen.) Vop. v , 27 ; m. pl. N. of Maha1-vira's family Jain.





सदा ज्ञाताश्चित्तवृत्तयस्तत्प्रभोः पुरुषस्यापरिणामित्वात् ॥4-18॥

садаа джньаатаашь-читта-вРиттайас-тат-прабхоХо пурушасйа-апариНаамитваат (4-18)
без сандхи:
садаа джньаатааХа-читта-вРиттайаХа-тат-прабхоХо пурушасйа-апариНаамитваат

всегда постижимы изменения читты в силу ее господина – пуруши - неизменности

садаа – (неизм.) «всегда»

sadA ind. always , ever , every time , continually , perpetually (with %{na} "' , never "') RV. &c. &c.

джньаата – (прилаг.) «известный», джньаатааХа – мн.ч. «известные»

jJAta mfn. known , ascertained , comprehended , perceived , understood AV. xix , 15 , 6 S3Br. &c. (%{AMjJAtam} `" Ah! I know "' Mr2icch. i , 6/7 S3ak. &c.) ; meant (%{mayA@jJAtam} "' , I meant "') Ka1d. vi , 995 ; taken for (nom.) Pan5cat. i , 2 , 2 ; known as (nom.) to (gen.) Vop. v , 27 ; m. pl. N. of Maha1-vira's family Jain.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» читта-вРиттиХи – м.р. «колебание сознания», мн.ч. читта-вРиттайаХа – «колебания сознания»

читтам – с.р. «сознание», в вин.п.ед.ч. читтам (как объект, «дает читте»)

citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

вРиттиХи – ж.р. «движение, поведение, волна, активность»

vRtti f. rolling , rolling down (of tears) S3ak. iv , 5 ; 14 ; mode of life or conduct , course of action , behaviour , (esp.) moral conduct , kind or respectful behaviour or treatment (also v.l. for %{vRtta}) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; general usage , common practice , rule Pra1t. ; mode of being , nature , kind , character , disposition ib. Ka1v. ; state , condition Tattvas. ; being , existing , occurring or appearing in (loc. or comp.) La1t2y. Hariv. Ka1v. &c. ; practice , business , devotion or addiction to , occupation with (often ifc. `" employed about "' , `" engaged in "' , `" practising "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; profession , maintenance , subsistence , livelihood (often ifc. ; cf. %{uJcha-v-} ; %{vRttiM-kR} or %{klRp} [Caus.] with instr. , `" to live on or by "' ; with gen. , `" to get or procure a maintenance for "' ; only certain means of subsistence are allowed to a Bra1hman see Mn. iv , 4-6) S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; wages , hire , Pan5cav. ; working , activity , function MaitrUp. Kap. Veda7ntas. &c. ; mood (of the mind) Veda7ntas. ; the use or occurrence of a word in a partic. sense (loc.) , its function or force Pa1n2. Sa1h. Sch. on Ka1tyS3r. &c. ; mode or measure of pronunciation and recitation (said to be threefold , viz. %{vilambitA} , %{madhyamA} , and %{drutA} q.v.) Pra1t. ; (in gram.) a complex formation which requires explanation or separation into its parts (as distinguished from a simple or uncompounded form e.g. any word formed with Kr2it or Taddhita affixes , any compound and even duals and plurals which are regarded as Dvandva compounds , of which only one member is left , and all derivative verbs such as desideratives &c.) ; style of composition (esp. dram. style , said to be of four kinds , viz. 1. Kais3iki1 , 2. Bha1rati1 3. Sa1tvati1 , 4. A1rabhat2i1 , qq.vv. ; the first three are described as suited to the S3r2in3ga1ra , Vi1ra , and Raudra Rasas respectively , the last as common to all) Bhar. Das3ar. &c. ; (in rhet.) alliteration , frequent repetition of the same consonant (five kinds enumerated , scil. %{madhurA} , %{prau9DhA} , %{puruSA} , %{lalitA} , and %{bhadrA}) Das3ar. , Introd. ; final rhythm of a verse (= or v.l. for %{vRtta} q.v.) ; a commentary , comment , gloss , explanation (esp. on a Su1tra) ; N. of the wife of a Rudra BhP.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» тат-прабхуХу – м.р. «ее господин»

прабхуХу – м.р. «господин», р.п. тат-прабхоХо – «ее (читты) господина (пуруши)», р.п. относится к апариНааматвам «неизменность»

prabhu mfn. (Ved. also %{U4} f. %{vI}) excelling , mighty , powerful , rich , abundant RV. &c. &c. ; more powerful than (abl.) MBh. ; having power over (gen.) VP. ; able , capable , having power to (loc. inf. or comp.) Ka1v. ; a match for (dat.) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. ; constant , eternal L. ; m. a master , lord , king (also applied to gods e.g. to Su1rya and Agni RV. ; to Praja1-pati Mn. ; to Brahma1 ChUp. ; to Indra R. ; to S3iva MBh. ; to Vishn2u L.) ; the chief or leader of a sect RTL. 142 ; a sound , word L. ; quicksilver L. ; N. of a deity under the 8th Manu Ma1rkP. ; of a son of Kardama Hariv. ; of a son of S3uka and Pi1vari1 ib. ; of a son of Bhaga and Siddhi BhP. ; of a poet Cat. ; of sev. other men HParis3. ; (%{-bhvI} f. N. of a S3akti Pan5car.) ; %{-kathA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-tA} f. lordship , dominion , supremacy Ya1jn5. (v.l.) Katha1s. ; power over (loc.) S3ak. ; possession of (comp.) Ragh. ; prevalence (instr. `" for the most part "') Ratna7v. ; %{-tva} n. lordship , sovereignty , high rank , might , power over (gen. loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; prevalence (instr. `" for the most part "') Sus3r. ; %{-tvabodhi} f. knowledge joined with supreme power Ka1ran2d2. ; %{-tvA7kSepa} m. (in rhet.) an objection based on power (i.e. on a word of command) Ka1vya7d. ii , 138 ; %{-deva} m. N. of a Yoga teacher Cat. ; (%{I}) f. (with %{lATI}) N. of a poetess ib. ; %{-bhakta} mfn. devoted to his master (as a dog) Ca1n2. ; m. a good horse L. ; %{-bhakti} f. loyalty , faithfulness MW. ; %{-liGga-caritra} n. %{-liGga-lIlA} f. %{-vaMza} m. N. of wks. ; %{-zabda-zeSa} mfn. having only the title of lord remaining Ragh.

а-париНаами-твам – с.р. «не-изменн-ость», в отл.п.ед.ч. апариНаамитваат - «от неизменности»

париНаамаХа – м.р. «перемена»

pariNAma m. change , alteration , transformation into (instr.) , development , evolution Sa1m2khyak. Yogas. Pur. Sus3r. ; ripeness , maturity Kir. Uttarar. Ma1lati1m. ; alteration of food , digestion Sus3r. Tarkas. ; withering , fading S3a1rn3gP. ; lapse (of time) MBh. R. ; decline (of age) , growing old ib. Sus3r. ; result , consequence , issue , end (ibc. and %{-me} ind. finally , at last , in the end) Ka1v. ; (in rhet.) a figure of speech by which the properties of any object are transferred to that with which it is compared Kuval. ; N. of a holy man RTL. 269 ; %{-darzin} mfn. looking forward to the issue or consequences (of any event) , prudent , fore-sighted MBh. ; %{-dRSTi} f. foresight , providence MW. ; %{-nirodha} m. obstruction (of felicity caused) by human vicissitude (as birth , growth , death &c.) W. ; %{-pathya} mfn. suited to a future state or condition ib. ; %{-mukha} mfn. tending or verging towards the end , about to terminate S3ak. ; %{-ramaNIya} mfn. (a day) delightful at its close ib. ; %{-vat} mfn. having a natural development (%{-ttva} n.) S3am2k. ; %{-vAda} m. the `" doctrine of evolution "' , the Sa1m2khya doctrine Sarvad. ; %{-zUla} n. violent and painful indigestion Cat.





न तत् स्वाभासं दृश्यत्वात् ॥4-19॥

на тат сваабхаасаМ дРишьйатваат (4-19)
без сандхи:
на тат сваабхаасам дРишьйатваат

не сияет она (читта) сама по себе, ибо видима (воспринимается)

аабхаасаХа – м.р. «свет», сва-абхаасаХа – м.р. «самосветимость», в вин.п.ед.ч. сва-абхаасам (почему вин.п. -- ??)

AbhAsa m. splendour , light R. Veda1ntas. 195 ; colour , appearance R. Sus3r. Bhag. ; semblance , phantom , phantasm of the imagination ; mere appearance , fallacious appearance Veda1ntas. S3a1n3khS3r. ; reflection ; intention , purpose ; (in log.) fallacy , semblance of a reason , sophism , an erroneous though plausible argument (regarded by logicians as of various kind) ; ifc. looking like , having the mere appearance of a thing Gaut. Sa1h. &c.

дРишьйатвам – с.р. «видимость», в отл.п.ед.ч. дРишьйатваат «от видимости», «ибо видима», образовано от прилагательного прибавлением суффикса твам

dRzyatva n. (Var.) visibility , vision , sight.
dRzya 1 mfn. visible , conspicuous RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to be looked at , worth seeing , beautiful , pleasing Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. ; m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number ; n. any visible object Ma1lav. i , 9 ; the visible world RTL. 119 ; N. of a town = %{-pura} , Brahmap.





एकसमये चोभयानवधारणम् ॥4-20॥

экасамайэ чобхайа-анавадхаараНам (4-20)
без сандхи:
экасамайэ ча убхайа-анавадхаараНам

одновременно к тому же оба непостижимы

самайаХа - м.р. «время», экасамайэ – п.п. «в одно и то же время»
samaya m. (ifc. f. %{A}) coming together , meeting or a place of meeting AV. S3Br. ; intercourse with (instr.) Mn. x , 53 ; coming to a mutual understanding , agreement , compact , covenant , treaty , contract , arrangement , engagement , stipulation , conditions of agreement , terms (%{ena} or %{At} or %{-tas} , according to agreement , conditionally "' ; %{tena@samayena} , `" in consequence of this agreement "' ; %{samayaM} acc. with %{kR} , `" to make an agreement or engagement "' , `" agree with any one [instr. with or without %{saha}] "' , `" settle "' , stipulate "' ; with %{samvad} id. ; with %{dA} , to propose an agreement , offer terms "' ; with %{brU} or %{vac} or %{abhi-dhA} , to state the terms of an agrсagreement , `" make a promise ; with %{grah} or %{prati-pad} , `" to enter into an agrсagreement "' , `" make or accept conditions of an agrсagreement "' ; with %{pAl} , or %{rakS} or %{pari-rahS} &c. , `" to keep an agrсagreement "' , `" keep one's word "' ; with %{tyaj} or %{bhid} or %{vy-abhi-car} &c. , `" to break an agrсagreement "' ; abl. with %{bhraMz} id. ; loc. with %{sthA} , `" to keep an engagement , `" keep one's word "' ; acc. with Caus. of %{sthA} or of %{ni-viz} `" to fix or settle terms "' , `" impose conditions "') TS. &c. &c. ; convention , conventional rule or usage , established custom , law , rule , practice , observance MBh. R. BhP. ; order , direction , precept , doctrine Nir. MBh. S3am2k. Sarvad. ; (in rhet.) the conventional meaning or scope of a word , Kusum. ; appointed or proper time , right moment for doing anything (gen. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 68) , opportunity , occasion , time , season (ifc. or ibe. or %{e} ind. , `" at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for "' , or `" at the time of "' , `" when there is "' ; %{tena@samayena} , `" at that time "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; juncture , circumstances , case (%{iha@samaye} , under these circumstances "' , `" in this case "') Pan5cat. Hit. ; an ordeal Vishn2. ; sign , hint , indication W. ; demonstrated conclusion ib. ; limit , boundary ib. ; solemn address , harangue , speech , declaration Vishn2. ; (in gram.) a Vedic passage which is the repetition of another one RPra1t. ; (in dram.) end of trouble or distress Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. ; N. of a son of Dharma VP. ; (with S3a1ktas) N. of the author of a Mantra Cat.

составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» – убхайа-анавадхаараНам – с.р. «обоих непостижение»

убхайа – (прилаг.) «оба»
ubhaya mf(%{I})n. (only sg. and pl. ; according to Hara-datta also du. see Siddh. vol. i , p. 98) both , of both kinds , in both ways , in both manners RV. AV. TS. S3Br. AitA1r. Mn. &c. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of bricks S3ulbas.

ан-авадхаараНам – ср.р «не-постижение»
avadhAraNa %{am} n. ascertainment affirmation , emphasis ; stating or holding with positiveness or assurance ; accurate determination , limitation (of the sense of words) , restriction to a certain instance or instances with exclusion of any other VPra1t. Pa1n2. 2-i , 8 , viii , 1 , 62 , &c. ; (mfn.) restrictive L.





चित्तान्तरदृश्ये बुद्धिबुद्धेरतिप्रसङ्गः स्मृतिसङ्करश्च ॥4-21॥

читта-антара-дРишьйэ буддхи-буддхэр-атипрасаНЪгаХа смРити-саНЪкарашь-ча (4-21)
без сандхи:
читта-антара-дРишьйэ буддхи-буддхэХэ-атипрасаНЪгаХа смРити-саНЪкараХа-ча

при рефлексии другим сознанием – излишнее сцепление интеллектов и путаница в памяти

то есть при попытке постигнуть ум умом - путаница (см след сутру, когда ум постигается через знание пуруши-чити)

составное слово типа «татпуруша» (??) читта-антара-дришья – (прилаг.) «видимый другим сознанием», в п.п.ед.ч. читта-антара-дришьэ – «в условиях видимости другим сознанием»

читтам – с.р. «сознание», в вин.п.ед.ч. читтам (как объект, «дает читте»)
citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

антарам – с.р., суффикс «другой»

antara mf(%{A}) n. being in the interior , interior ; near , proximate , related , intimate ; lying adjacent to ; distant ; different from ; exterior ; (%{am}) n. the interior ; a hole , opening ; the interior part of a thing , the contents ; soul , heart , supreme soul ; interval , intermediate space or time ; period ; term ; opportunity , occasion ; place ; distance , absence ; difference , remainder ; property , peculiarity ; weakness , weak side ; representation ; surety , guaranty ; respect , regard ; (ifc.) , different , other , another e.g. %{dezA7ntaram} , another country ; (%{am}) , or %{-ta4s} ind. in the interior , within [cf. Goth. {anthar} , Theme {anthara} ; Lith. {antra-s} , `" the second "' ; Lat. {alter}].

дРшьйа – (прилаг.) «видимый», в п.п. дришьйэ
dRzya 1 mfn. visible , conspicuous RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to be looked at , worth seeing , beautiful , pleasing Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. ; m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number ; n. any visible object Ma1lav. i , 9 ; the visible world RTL. 119 ; N. of a town = %{-pura} , Brahmap.

конструкция буддхи-буддхиХи буквально означает «два разума», в р.п. буддхи-буддхэХэ, р.п. относится к атипрасаНЪгаХа - «излишнему сцеплению», итого (с сандхи эХэ  эр) буддхи-буддхэр-атипрасаНЪгаХа «двух разумов излишнее сцепление»

буддхи – ж.р. «разум», в р.п.ед.ч. буддхэХэ
buddhi f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgment Mn. MBh. &c. ; perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated , or with %{manas} 6 ; cf. %{indriya} , %{buddhI7ndriya}) ; comprehension , apprehension , understanding Sa1h. ; (with %{AtnanaH} , or %{buddhir@brAhmI}) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car. ; (in Sa1m2khya phil.) Intellect (= %{adhy-avasAya} , the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception , the second of the 25 Tattvas ; cf. %{buddhi-tattva}) IW. 80 &c. ; presence of mind , ready wit Pan5cat. Hit. ; an opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecture MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.) , intention , purpose , design ib. (%{buddhyA} , with the intention of. designedly , deliberately ; %{anugraha-b-} , with a view to i.e. in order to show favour ; %{buddhiM-kR} or %{pra-kR} , to make up one's mind , resolve , decide , with loc. dat. acc. with %{prati} , or inf.) ; impression , belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as , taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit. ; right opinion , correct or reasonable view R. Ragh. ; a kind of metre L. ; N. of the 5th astrol "' mansion VarBr2S. Sch. ; Intelligence personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha) MBh. Pur. ; N. of a woman , HParil.

атипрасаНЪгаХа – м.р. «излишнее сцепление»
atiprasaGga m. excessive attachment ; unwarrantable stretch of a rule.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» смРити-саМкараХа – м.р. «путаница в памяти»

смРитиХи – ж.р. «память»
smRti f. remembrance , reminiscence , thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.) , calling to mind (%{smRtim@api@te@na@yAnti} , `" they are not even thought of "') , memory TA1r. ChUp. MBh. &c. [1272,3] ; memory as one of the Vyabhica1ri-bha1vas (q.v.) Das3ar. ; Memory (personified either as the daughter of Dsksha and wife of An3giras or as the daughter of Dharma and Medha1) Hariv. Pur. ; the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to %{zruti} or what is directly heard or revealed to the R2ishis ; in its widest acceptation this use of the term Smr2iti includes the 6 Veda7n3gas , the Su1tras both %{zrauta} and %{gRhya} , the law-books of Manu &c. [see next] ; the Itiha1sas [e.g. the Maha1bha1rata and Ra1ma7yan2a] , the Pura1n2as and the Ni1tis3a1stras ; %{iti@smRteH} , `" accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text "') IW. 144 , 145 ; the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of Manu Ya1jn5avalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers , viz. Atri , Vishn2u , Ha1ri1ta , Us3anas or S3ukra , An3giras , Yama , A1pastamba , Sam2varta , Ka1tya1yana , Br2ihas-pati , Para1s3ara , Vya1sa , S3an3kha , Likhi7ta , Daksha and Gautama ; all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the Veda ; cf. IW. 203) Gr2S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c. ; symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above) ; a kind of metre L. ; N. of the letter %{g} Up. ; desire , wish Pan5cat. iii , 258 (v.l. for %{spRhA}).

саМкараХа (=саНЪкараХа)  - м.р. «смешивание»
сандхи: в сутре перед ча висарга -Ха переходит в -шь

saMkara m. mixing together , commingling , intermixture confusion (esp. of castes or races , proceeding from the intermarriage of a man with a woman of a higher caste or from the promiscuous intercourse of the four tribes , and again from the indiscriminate cohabitation of their descendants ; cf. %{yoni-s-}) Mn. MBh. &c. ; the offspring of a mixed marriage R. ; any action similar to the intermixture of castes (sometimes n.) MBh. ; (in rhet.) the confusion or blending together of metaphors which ought to be kept distinct (opp. to %{saM-sRSTi} q.v.) Sa1h. Kpr. ; anything that may be defiled by the touch of any unclean thing MBh. ; dung Car. ; dust , sweepings L. ; the crackling of flame L. ; N. of a man Buddh. ; %{-ja} mfn. born from a mixed caste Cat. ; %{-jAta} mfn. id. Mn. v , 89 ; %{-jAti} mfn. id. BhP. ; %{-jAtIya} mfn. id. MW. ; %{-tA} f. (see %{varNa-s-}) ; %{-mImAMsA} f. N. of wk. ; %{-saMkara} m. the mixed offspring of mixed offspring Vishn2. ; %{-sveda} m. a partic. sudorific treatment ; %{-rA7pAtra-kRtyA} f. an action which degrades a man to a mixed caste or makes him unworthy to receive gifts Mn. xi , 126 ; %{-rAzva} m. `" mongrel horse "' , a mule L.

ча – (неизм.) «и»
ca 2 ind. and , both , also , moreover , as well





चितेरप्रतिसंक्रमायास्तदाकारापत्तौ स्वबुद्धिसंवेदनम् ॥4-22॥

читэр-апратисаМкрамаайаас-тад-аакаара-апаттау свабуддхи-саМвэданам (4-22)
без сандхи:
читэХэ-апратисаМкрамаайааХа-тад-аакаара-апаттау свабуддхи-саМвэданам

от мышления беспримесного (состояния) в его форму вхождение (дает) своего разума постижение
(от состояния,) не впечатленного мышлением, от вхождения в его форму (возникает) своего разума постижение

от невпечатленности чити (чити-шакти = пуруши), при вхождении его формы (в рассмотрение, в практику) постигается машина ума (буддхи) (в противовес предыдущей сутре, где описывается сутолока мыслей при отсутствии реального пуруши-зрящего в схеме вещей)

читиХи – ж.р. «сознание», в р.п. ед.ч.  читэХэ, р.п. относится к а-пратисаМкрамай
citi 2 f. (only dat. %{-ta4ye} , Ved. inf.) understanding VS. ; m. the thinking mind Devi1m. v , 36 Prab.

а-пратисаМкрамаа – ж.р. «не-впечатленность (мыслями)», отл.п.ед.ч. апратисаМкрамаайааХа
apratisaMkrama mfn. having no intermixture.
pratisaMkrama m. re-absorption , dissolution (m.c. also %{-krAma}) ib. ; (ifc. f. %{A}) impression Sarvad.

составное слово типа «татпуруша» тад-аакаара-аапаттиХи – ж.р. «вхождение в его форму», в п.п.ед.ч. тад-аакаара-аапаттау - «при вхождении в его форму»

аакаараХа – м.р. «форма»
AkAra 1 m. (ifc. f. %{A} R. i , 28 , 24 Ragh. xii , 41) form , figure , shape , stature , appearance , external gesture or aspect of the body , expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind) Mn. MBh. &c.

аапаттиХи – ж.р. «вхождение в состояние», аапаттау – п.п.ед.ч.
Apatti f. happening , occurring ; entering into a state or condition , entering into relationship with , changing into Ka1tyS3r. APra1t. &c. ; incurring , misfortune , calamity Ya1jn5. ; fault , transgression L.

буддхи – ж.р. «разум»
buddhi f. the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions , intelligence , reason , intellect , mind , discernment , judgment Mn. MBh. &c. ; perception (of which 5 kinds are enumerated , or with %{manas} 6 ; cf. %{indriya} , %{buddhI7ndriya}) ; comprehension , apprehension , understanding Sa1h. ; (with %{AtnanaH} , or %{buddhir@brAhmI}) knowledge of one's self. psychology Car. ; (in Sa1m2khya phil.) Intellect (= %{adhy-avasAya} , the intellectual faculty or faculty of mental perception , the second of the 25 Tattvas ; cf. %{buddhi-tattva}) IW. 80 &c. ; presence of mind , ready wit Pan5cat. Hit. ; an opinion , view , notion , idea , conjecture MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; thought about or meditation on (loc. or comp.) , intention , purpose , design ib. (%{buddhyA} , with the intention of. designedly , deliberately ; %{anugraha-b-} , with a view to i.e. in order to show favour ; %{buddhiM-kR} or %{pra-kR} , to make up one's mind , resolve , decide , with loc. dat. acc. with %{prati} , or inf.) ; impression , belief. notion (often ifc. = considering as , taking for) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. Hit. ; right opinion , correct or reasonable view R. Ragh. ; a kind of metre L. ; N. of the 5th astrol "' mansion VarBr2S. Sch. ; Intelligence personified (as a daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma and mother of Bodha) MBh. Pur. ; N. of a woman , HParil.

саМвэданам – с.р. «постижение»
saMvedana n. the act of perceiving or feeling , perception , sensation MBh. Ka1v. Sarvad. ; making known , communication , announcement , information Katha1s. S3a1rn3gS




द्रष्टृदृश्योपरक्तं चित्तं सर्वार्थम् ॥4-23॥
драшТРи-дРишьйопарактаМ читтаМ сарваартхам(4-23)
без сандхи:
драшТРи-дРишьйа-упарактам читтам сарваартхам

зрящим и зримым окрашенное сознание - всесторонне

составное слово типа «татпуруша» (??) драшТРи-дРишйа-упаракта, с прилагательным как главным словом и внутренним сандхи а+у=о: …-дРишйопаракта, окончание –м с.р. согласуется с читтам

драшТРиХи – м.р. «видящий»
draSTri m. one who sees AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. (also as 2nd sg. fut. MBh. i , 1685) ; one who sees well R. ii , 80 , 3 ; one who examines or decides in a court of law , a judge Ya1jn5. Mr2ic

дРишьйам – с.р. «видимый мир»
dRzya 1 mfn. visible , conspicuous RV. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to be looked at , worth seeing , beautiful , pleasing Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. ; m. (arithm.) a given quantity or number ; n. any visible object Ma1lav. i , 9 ; the visible world RTL. 119 ; N. of a town = %{-pura} , Brahmap.

упаракта – (прилаг.) «окрашенный»
uparakta mfn. dyed , coloured , coloured red ; heated , inflamed S3Br. Sa1h. ; afflicted , distressed (esp. by Ra1hu ; said of sun and moon) , eclipsed R. VarBr2S. &c. ; influenced or affected by BhP. Sarvad.

читтам – с.р. «сознание», в вин.п.ед.ч. читтам (как объект, «дает читте»)
citta mfn. `" noticed "' see %{a-ci4tta} ; `" aimed at "' , longed for ChUp.vii , 5 , 3 ; `" appeared "' , visible RV. ix , 65 , 12 ; n. attending , observing (%{tira4z@cittA4ni} , `" so as to remain unnoticed "') , vii , 59 , 8 ; thinking , reflecting , imagining , thought RV. VS. S3Br. &c. ; intention , aim , wish RV. VS. AV. TBr. &c. ; (Naigh. iii , 9) the heart , mind TS. i S3vetUp. vi , 5 MBh. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} Pan5cat.) ; memory W. ; intelligence , reason KapS. i , 59 Yogas. i , 37 ; ii , 54 Veda7ntas. ; (in astrol.) the 9th mansion VarYogay. iv , 1 ; cf. %{iha-} , %{cala-} , %{pU4rva-} , %{prA4yaz-} , %{laghu-} , %{su-} , %{sthira-}.

сарваартхатаа – (прилаг.) «всесторонний», см. также 3-11 (там в «негативном» смысле)
sarvArtha m. pl. (or ibc.) all things or objects , all manner of things MaitrUp. Madhus. ; all matters (%{eSu} ind. `" in all mсmatters , in all the subjects contained in any particular work "') MW. ; (%{am}) ind. for the sake of the whole Jaim. ; mfn. suitable for evсevery purpose (%{-tva} n.) Ka1tyS3r. ib. Sch. ; regarding or minding everything Pan5car. ; m. N. of the 29th Muhu1rta (in astron.) ; %{-kartri} m. the creator of all things Pan5car. ; %{-kuzala} mfn. skilful in all matters Nal. ; %{-cintaka} mfn. thinking about everything ; m. a general overseer , chief officer Mn. MBh. ; %{-cintAmani} m. N. of various wks. ; %{-tA} f. the possessing of all objсobjects MW. ; `" attending to everything "' , distraction (opp. to %{ekA7gra-tva}) , Cit. ; %{-nAman} m. N. of a Bodhi-sattva Buddh. ; %{-sAdhaka} mf(%{ikA})n. effecting everything , fit for everything (%{-stotra} n. N. of wk.) MBh. Katha1s. &c. ; (%{ikA}) f. N. of Durga1 Devi1m. ; %{-sAdhana} mfn. = %{-sAdhaka} ; (or) n. a means of accomplishing everything , Pallcat. Ka1v. ; %{-sAra-saMgraha} m. N. of wk. ; %{-siddha} mfn. one who has accomplished all aims R. ; m. N. of Gautama Buddha (so called , according to some , because his parents "' wishes were all fulfilled by his birth) Lalit. ; of a king W. ; %{-siddhi} f. accomplishment of all aims Katha1s. ; N. of various wks. ; m. pl. (with Jainas) a class of deities L. ; %{-thA7nusAdhin} , effecting all things ; (%{inI}) f. N. of Durga1 L.



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