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Комментарий - Бходжа-вритти

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Данный манускрипт всплыл на Реалйоге, удалось скачать санскритский оригинал и его англ.перевод 1885 года от теософов (с предисловием Олькотта (друг Блаватской), который похоже немного шарил в санскрите).

Бходжа, видимо, автор, древность его я пока не уловил, а "вритти", оказывается, могут означать "комментарии".

Навскидку, кроме обычного потока банальностей, комменты Бходжи мало что содержат, но как всегда есть-таки интересные моменты - они неизбежно возникают в любом комментарии на хороший текст, отражая то благословение, которое порой все же нисходит на автора комментариев, прилежно пережевывающего что-то более стоящее, чем его собственные сочинения.

В данном случае меня зацепил коммент ко Сутре 1-2 "йогашь-читта-вРитти-ниродхаХ". Перевожу с английского: "...душа состоит из знания, имеющего в качестве объектов модификации, подобно огню и дровам - и при исчезновении (блокировке, ниродха) последних не исчезает ли и сама душа, как огонь без горючего? И потому, во время Созерцания, чем занята душа? Имея это в виду, Патанджали объявляет: Тогда она пребывает в форме Зрителя."

Просто я много возился с метафорой "дрова (опыт, бхога)-огонь (йога)", иллюстрируя утверждение "без бхоги нет йоги"... В данном случае речь идет о другом, но метафора та же. А вернее и речь о том же, просто огонь в Созерцании может временно существовать и без дров. "Глаз видит сам себя" и прочие "парадоксальные" вещи.



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атха самаадхи-паадаХ (1)

атха йога-анушьаасанам (самаадхи 1)

вРиттиХ -- анэна сутрэНа шьаастрасйа самбандха-абхидхэйа-прайоджана-анйа-акхйаайантэ / атха-шьабдо'дхикаара-дйотако маНЪгала-артхакашь-ча / його йуктиХ самаадхаанам / йуджа самадхау //

sambandha m. (ifc. f. %{A}) binding or joining together , close connection or union or association , conjunction , inherence , connection with or relation to (instr. with or without %{saha} , or comp. ; in phil. relation or connexion is said to be of three kinds , viz %{samavA7ya} , %{saMyoga} , and %{sva-rUpa} q.v.) S3rS. S3am2k. Sarvad.: personal connection (by marriage) , relationship , fellowship , friendship , intimacy with (instr. with and without %{saha} loc. , or comp.) Pa1rGr2. Mn. MBh. &c. ; a relation , relative , kinsman , fellow , friend , ally A1past. MBh. BhP. ; a collection , volume , book S3ukas. ; a partic. kind of calamity VarBr2S. ; prosperity , success L. ; fitness , propriety L. ; the application of authority to prove a theological doctrine W. ; mfn. able , capable L. ; fit , right , proper L. ; (ifc.) often w.r. for %{sam-baddha} (q.v.) ; %{-gaNa-pati} m. %{-tattva} n. %{-nirNaya} m. %{-paJcAzikA} f. %{-rahasya} n. N. of wks. ; %{-varjita} n. `" want of coherence "' , a partic. fault of style Prata1p. ; %{-vAttika} n. %{-viveka} m. %{-vyavasthAvikAza} , m. ; %{-dho7ddyota} m. %{-dho7padrza} m. N. of wks.

abhidheya mfn. to be named or mentioned ; to be expressed , to be spoken of Pa1n2. 3-3 , 51 Sch. &c. ; being , spoken of , being expressed Sa1h. ; (%{am}) n. signification , meaning ; `" that which is expressed or referred to "' , the substantive.

prayojana n. (ifc. f. %{A}) occasion , object , cause , motive , opportunity , purpose , design , aim , end Pra1t. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; %{prayojanena} , with a particular intention , on purpose MBh. ; %{-na-vazAt} id. Pan5cat. ; %{kena@-nena} , from what cause or motive ? Prab. ; %{kasmai@-nAya} , %{kasmAt@-nAt} , %{kasya@-nasya} and %{kasmin@-ne} id. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 27 ; %{-nam@ati-kram} , to neglect an opportunity MBh. ; profit , use or need of , necessity for Ka1v. Pan5cat. &c. (with instr. , %{taruNA@kim@prayojanam} , what is the use of the tree? Kuval. ; %{bhavatv@etaiH@kusumaiH@prayojanam} , let these flowers be used S3ak. ; with gen. or dat. Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 27 ; ii , 3 , 72) ; means of attaining Mn. vii , 100 ; (in phil.) a motive for discussing the point in question IW. 64 ; %{-vat} mfn. having or connected with or serving any purpose or interest , interested R. ; serviceable , useful Sus3r. (%{-ttva} n. Sarvad.) ; having a cause , caused , produced W.

AkhyA 1 P. (impf. %{-akhyat}) to behold RV. iv , 2 , 18 ; (fut. p. %{-khyAsya4t} ; perf. 3. pl. %{-cakhyuH}) to tell , communicate , inform , declare , announce S3Br. xiii , xiv Mn. MBh. &c. ; to call (with two acc.) Ragh. x , 22: Pass. %{-khyAyate} , to be named or enumerated S3Br. ; to be called S3Br. x , xiv: Caus. P. (2. sg. %{-khyApayasi}) to make known , declare MBh. i , 7485: A1. (Pot. %{-khyApayeta}) to cause to tell AitBr. S3a1n3khS3r.

adhikAra m. authority ; government , rule , administration , jurisdiction ; royalty , prerogative ; title ; rank ; office ; claim , right , especially to perform sacrifices with benefit ; privilege , ownership ; property ; reference , relation ; a topic , subject ; a paragraph or minor section ; (in Gr.) government , a governing-rule (the influence of which over any number of succeeding rules is called anu-vr2itti q.v.)

maGgala n. (accord. to Un2. v , 70 fr. %{maGg}) happiness , felicity , welfare , bliss (also pl. ; ifc. f. %{A}) Mn. MBh. &c. ; anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e.g. a good omen , a prayer , benediction , auspicious ornament or amulet , a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions &c. ; cf. mfn. below) Kaus3. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a good old custom Pa1rGr2. Mn. ; a good work MBh. BhP. ; (in music) a partic. composition Sam2gi1t. ; N. of the capital of Udya1na Buddh. ; m. N. of Agni Gr2ihya1s. ; of the planet Mars L. ; of a king belonging to the race of Manu Cat. ; of a Buddha Lalit. ; of a poet Cat. ; of a chief of the Ca1lukyas ib. ; the smell of jasmine L. ; (%{A}) f. the white- and blue-flowering Du1rva1 grass L. ; a sort of Karan5ja L. ; turmeric L. ; a faithful wife L. ; N. of Uma1 Hcat. ; of Dakshsyan2i (as worshipped in Gaya1) Cat. ; of the mother of the 5th Arhat of the present Avasarpin2i1. L. ; (%{I}) f. g. %{gaurA7di} ; mf(%{A})n. auspicious , lucky Hcat. ; having the scent of jasmine L.

yukti f. union , junction , connection , combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br. ; preparation , going to , making ready for (loc. or comp.) R. ; application , practice , usage Katha1s. Sus3r. ; trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (%{yuktiM-kR} , to find out or employ an expedient ; %{yukti} ibc. ; %{-tyA} , %{-tibhis} , and %{-ti-tas} ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; %{yuktyA} &c. ifc. = by means of) ; reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c. (%{-tas} , by means of an argument) ; reason , ground , motive BhP. Ma1rkP. ; suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{yuktyA} and %{-ti-tas} , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly) ; meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111 , 3) ; (in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time &c. Ya1jn5. ii , 92 ; 212 ; (in rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W. ; (in dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p. ; (in astron.) conjunction Jyot. ; (in gram.) connection of words , a sentence Nir. ; connection of letters Vishn2. [854,1] ; supplying an ellipsis W. ; mixture or alloying of metals VarBr2S. ; sum , total Su1ryas.

этой сутрой другим объясняют цель данной ученой книги / выражение "атха" служит введением в новую тему, а также благословением / слово "йога" от корня "йудж" означает удерживание ума в упражнении, называемом сосредоточением //



анушьишйатэ вйаакхйаайатэ лакшаНа-бхэдопаайа-пхалайр-йэна тад-анушьаасанам / йогасйа анушьаасанам / йога-анушьаасанам / тадаа шьаабда-парисамааптэр-адха-кРитаМ боддха-вйамитй-артхаХ / татра  шьаастрасйа вйутпаадйатайаа йогаХ самаадханаХ сапхало'бхидхэйаХ / тад-вйутпааданаМ ча пхалам / вйутпаадитасйа йогасйа кайвалйаМ пхалам / шьаастра-абхидхэйайаХ пратипаадйа-пратипаадака-бхаава-лакшаНаХ самбандхаХ / абхидхэйасйа тат-пхаласйа ча кайвальйасйа саадйа-саадхана-бхааваХ / этад-уктаМ бхавати -- вйутпаадйасйа йогасйа саадханаани шьаастрэна прадаршьйантэ / тат-саадхана-сиддхо йогаХ кайвалйа-акхйаМ пхалам-утпаадайати //
татра ко йога итйааха --

йогашь-читта-вРитти-ниродхаХ (самаадхи 2)

1 anuziSTa mfn. taught , revealed ; adjudged , done conformably to law.
2 anuziSTi f. instruction , teaching , ordering.
3 anuziSya ind. part. having ruled or ordered.

vyAkhyA P. %{-khyAti} , to explain in detail , tell in full , discuss S3Br. S3rS. ; to relate , communicate MBh. Bhat2t2. ; to name , call , S3rutab Desid. %{-cikhyAsati} , to wish to explain S3am2k.

lakSaNa mfn. indicating , expressing indirectly Veda7ntas. ; m. Ardea Sibirica L. ; N. of a man Ra1jat. (often confounded with , %{lakSmaNa}) ; (%{A}) f. see s.v. ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a mark , sign , symbol , token , characteristic , attribute , quality (ifc. = `" marked or characterized by "' , `" possessed of "') Mn. MBh. &c. ; a stroke , line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) S3Br. Gr2S3rS. ; a lucky mark , favourable sign Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; a symptom or indication of disease , Cat ; a sexual organ MBh. xiii , 2303 ; a spoon (?) DivyA7v ; accurate description , definition , illustration Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r. ; settled rate , fixed tariff Mn. viii , 406 ; a designation , appellation , name (ifc. = `" named "' , `" called "') Mn. MBh. Ka1v. ; a form , species , kind , sort (ifc.= `" taking the form of "' , `" appearing as "') Mn. S3am2k. BhP. ; the act of aiming at , aim , goal , scope , object (ifc. = `" concerning "' , `" relating to "' , `" coming within the scope of "') APra1t. Ya1jn5. MBh. BhP. ; reference , quotation Pa1n2. 1-4 , 84 ; effect , operation , influence ib. i , 1 , 62 &c. ; cause , occasion , opportunity R. Das3. ; observation , sight , seeing W.

бхэдопаайа = бхэда+упаайа = различные пути:

bheda m. ( %{bhid}) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret cf. %{rahasya-bh-}) ; bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder BhP. Sus3r. ; bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting Ka1lid. Ba1lar. ; a cleft , fissure , chasm (cf. %{zilA-bh-} ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV. ; rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s. ; shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (cf. %{ardhabh-}) Sus3r. ; separation , division , partition , part , portion Ka1v. Pur. ; distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety S3rS. Up. MBh. &c. ; disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h. ; disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (cf. %{upA7ya}) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ; disunion , schism , dissension between (instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat. ; change , alteration , modification MBh. S3ak. ; contraction (cf. %{bhrUbh-}) [766,2] ; evacuation (of the bowels) S3a1rn3gS. ; (in astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets ; one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (cf. %{kukSi-bh-}) ; (in math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle ; (in dram.) = %{saMhati-bhedana} , or = %{pro7tsAhana} , Sa1h2 ; (in phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.) ; N. of a man AV. ; pl. N. of a people RV.

upAya m. coming near , approach , arrival Bhartr2. ; that by which one reaches one's aim , a means or expedient (of any kind) , way , stratagem , craft , artifice MBh. Mn. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. &c. ; (esp.) a means of success against an enemy (four are usually enumerated , sowing dissension , negotiation , bribery , and open assault) ; joining in or accompanying (in singing) S3a1n3khS3r.

Объясняются, детально растолковываются плоды различных методов этого учения /

1 parisamApta mfn. finished , complete S3ak. ; centred , comprehended S3is3.
2 parisamApti f. entire completion , end , conclusion S3am2k. Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. ; relating or belonging to (loc. or %{prati}) Pat.

Это "изложение" (тад-анушьаасанам) есть то, посредством чего что-то объясняется, описывая его отличительные детали, природу и т.д. "Йогическое изложение, изложение йоги" - эти слова  (шьабда) следует понимать как тему до конца (парисамптэр) всей книги.... (пропущено)... Но что есть йога? на это он отвечает:

Йога есть подавление колебаний читты (самадхи-пада 2)



Перевод Бходжи теософами с санскрита на англ.:



a. Salutation to Ganesa! May that union of the twin-persons of Shiva and his spouse,—by the recollection of which one enjoys emancipation, hard as it is to attain,—produce for you all blessings!
b. From such passages of the scripture as this—viz.—NACHIKETA having received this science [viz. the Vedinta] declared to him by Yama, and all the rules of the yoga, and having arrived at the Supreme Soul, became passionless and immortal :—whosoever else also thus knows the Supreme Spirit, —it is inferred that the rules of the yoga ought to be understood and practised by those who are desirous of emancipation. Therefore, the vernerable PATANJALI, being about to exhibit the rules of the yoga, in order to gain the attention of his disciples, states as follows the doctrines of that science.


Subject Aph. 1.—Now, then, the exposition of yoga or Concentration [is to be made].

а. The expression * Now, then/ intimates [that] a [distinct] topic [here commences]; and it serves as a benediction* [—the particle atha being regarded an auspicious one].
б. The word yoga, from the root yuj ' to keep the mind fixed in abstract meditation,' means such a restraining of the exercise of the mind, or Concentration.
с An * exposition' is that whereby something is expounded, or declared, through its characteristic marks, its nature, &c. An ' exposition of the yoga,'—[such is the meaning of the com¬pound word yogdnuedehana.] This [—viz, the expounding of the nature, &c, of Concentration—] is to be understood to be the topic even to the end of this Institute^ [of PATANJALI'S].
d. But what is Concentration (yoga) ? To this he replies : —

Concentration Aph 2.—Concentration   (yoga) is the hindering of the modifications of the thinking principle.

a. That is to say,—Concentration is the hindering, or the preventing, of the modifications—to be described hereafter [see § 5] —of the Mind or internal organ [—to which modifica¬tions the internal organ is liable when allowed to come into contact with objects, as will be explained further on—]; and this ' hindering' is a super-sensual species of effort which is the cause of the destruction of these modifications.
3. But then [a doubt may here occur]. It is a tenet [—see Nyaya Aphorisms No. 31—] both of the Sdnkkya and the Yoga that the soul just consists of the knowledge which has as its objects the modifications [in question—the two being united] like fire and the wood [or fuel of the fire]:—on the destruction of the modifications, then, the Soul too should be annihilated,. as the fire is in the absence of the fuel :—and therefore, at the time of Concentration, what is the soul concerned about ? With* reference to this he declares as follws:*—

Condition of the soul during concentration Aph. 3.—Then   [i. e. at the time of Concentration j it [the Soul] abides in the form of the spectator [without a spectacle.]
a.' Then';—i. e. at that time.
b. 'In the form of the spectator;'—i. e. of soul [—see Tattwa-sanuisa §31—], in the form of Thought simply [without any object thought of]. ' Its state is' :—such is the force of the term avaethdnamt [rendered ' it abides/ &c]
с. And so the definition [of Concentration] is this, that concentration is thejundering of the modifications of the internal organ [prevention of its being modified] is the cause of the abigpg in the form of soul simply.
d. Whamhen is the form of this [Soul] when in a state other than that Concentration? To this he replies:—

Condition of the internal organ Aph. 4—At other times [than that of eonl at other tiiinee. Concentration] it [the soul] is in the same form as the modifications. 
a. 'At other times;'—i. e. at another time than that of 'Concentration. The ' modifications' are those that are to be described [see § 5]. To be ' in the same form' as these—means to consist of these. The meaning [of the whole] is that when the internal organ [or Mind], through the senses, is affected [or modified] by the form of some object, the soul also [viewing the object through its organ the Mind] is as it were altered into that form, as the moon [reflected] in the moving ripples of the water, looks as if that orb itself were moving*.
b. Well, then:—it was stated that the modifications [of the internal organ] are to be hindered. Of how many kinds, then, are these [modifications], or what are they like ? To this he replies:—

The modifications Aph. 5.—The  Modifications [of the  in... what like are either] painful or not painful.
a, * Modifications';—i. e. various altered states of the internal organ, « Of five kinds,' or of five sorts. ^Painful';—i. e. invadedby vexations which will be defined in the" sequel. ' Not .painful';—«L e. the reverse thereof.? ^V
b. Which are those five Modifications ? With ip%ence to this, he states:—

These Modifications specified - Aph.  6.—[The  modifications of the in ... misconception, fancy, sleep, and memory.
a. [All this is] clear.*
b. He defines these [modifications] in their order.

Right notions. Aph  7—The evidences  [§6J  are Perception, Inference, and Testimony.
a. Here [—it will be observed—] without stating the definition of the several kinds of evidence, this being so familiarly known, he has only divided them. [Lest, however, the reader should require the information, we may remark, in passing, that] the evidence called Perception is that modification of the internal organ which takes the form of assurance in respect of some object not previously apprehended. Inference is the modification of the internal organ produced from a correct notion of a general proposition, &c. [—respecting objects previously apprehended—as explained in the works of the Nyaya]. And the evidence called Testimony is [what produces] that modification of the internal organ which arises from the words of one worthy^ [to be received as an authority].
b. Having thus spoken of the modification of the internal organ which oonsists in evidence [—or, as we should rather say—which oonsists in the correct state of cognition resulting from good evidence—], he mentions that which is in the shape of misconception.§

Misconception Aph 8—Misconception is a wrong notion, not staying in the  [proper] form of that [in respect "whereof the misconception is entertained].
a. [That is to say—] misconception is a notion arising, in respect of something that is not so and so, that it is so and so; as, in the case of mother o'pearl, the notion of silver. 'Not staying in the [proper] form of that';—that is to say, which does not abide in that form which is the form of that thing [in respect of which the notion is entertained],—which amounts to its not revealing the form [or real nature] which belongs to the thing*
b. [To illustrate this language of our author, we may here state the theory of Understanding which he adopts, as we find it laid down in the Veddnta ParibMsM. The internal organ is there compared to water, in respect of its readiness to adapt itself to the form of whatever mould it may enter. " As the water of a reservoir, having issued from an aperture, having ntered, by a channel, the basins [or beds with raised edges formed in the fields that require irrigation—] becomes four-cornered or otherwise shaped just like them; so the manifesting internal organ [or Mind,] having gone, through the sight or other channel, to where there is an object, for instance a jar, beoomes modified by the form of the jar or other object.
It is this altered state [of the internal organ] that is called its modification."+ This 'manifesting internal organ/ whilst it is regarded as moulding itself upon the object, is regarded as at the same time manifesting it—or revealing it as a mirror does. To a considerable extent this theory of the Understanding is analogous to the theory of vision entertained by those wharegard the retina as reflecting to the intelligent principle those visible forms of which the retina itself is uncognisant; whilst the intelligent principle itself is cognisant of things visible only inasmuch as they are reflected to it by the retina. ['The modi¬fications' are akin to Locke's 'ideas']
с. Doubt also—for example whether the objeot be a man or a post—is a wrong notion [§8], inasmuch as the real nature of the object is not thereby revealed.*
d. In order to declare what modification [of the internal organ] is fancy—he says as follows:—

Fanciful notions Aph. 9.—A fancy is [a notion] devoid of defined. a thing [in reality corresponding thereto], following upon knowledge [conveyed] by words.
a. 'Knowldge produced [or conveyed] by words :'— [such is the sense of the compound] 'sdbda-dnydn^ the habit whereof is to follow this [verbal information],' and that is what is so named [viz. fancy]. The meaning is— that a fancy is a conception, without a thingj [corresponding to it].
b. Examples of this are stioh notions as ' The head of Mdhu,' and ' The soul's Thinking/—and ' Something like the horns of a hare,' &o. Even after [discovering] the absurdity [involved in such notions], people yet deal with verbal  knowledge [as if it were striotly receivable] in such senses, [—and it depends upon circumstances whether any serious error would result from this or not.]§
с [As a hare has no horn, the notion of a hare's horn is a fanciful one, * devoid of a thing in rerum natura corresponding *ц: to the notion/ A person hearing the expression 'The head of Rdhu' naturally proceeds to fancy that there is a Rdhu to whom this head belongs;—but Rdhu is all head—being a bodi¬less monster who is held to cause eclipses by swallowing the sun and the moon, which emerge from obscuration when they oome to the end of his dissevered gullet. The notion, therefore, raised by the expression * The head of Rdhu/ that there is any more of him besides the head, is a fancy—equally with that of the hare's horn—* devoid of a thing corresponding to the notion/ So again, a person hearing the expression * The soul's Think¬ing/ naturally proceeds to fancy that there is some Soul to whom this Thinking belongs,—whereas the Soul is nothing besides the Thinking. Although, according to the commenta¬tor, suoh expressions are liable to suggest fancies that have no¬thing in reality corresponding to them, yet the employment of the expressions does not necessarily mislead, if we carefully bear in mind what is the real state of the case. Much on the same principle people in Europe continue to speak of the sun's rising and setting, though, holding the heliocentrio theory, they do not really fancy that the sun either rises or sets]. d. In order to declare what is sleep, he says*—


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