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haThayoga m. a kind of forced Yoga or abstract meditation (forcing the mind to withdraw from external objects ; treated of in the Hat2ha-pradi1pika1 by Sva1tma7ra1ma and performed with much self-torture , such as standing on one leg , holding up the arms , inhaling smoke with the head inverted &c.) ; %{-viveka} m. %{-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.




pradIpaka m. (%{ikA}) f. and n. a small lamp , a lamp MBh. ; (ifc.) explanation , commentary Cat.



zrI 3 f. (prob. to be connected with 1. %{zri} and also with 1. %{zrI} in the sense of `" diffusing light or radiance "' [1098,3] ; nom. %{zrI4s} accord. to some also %{zrI}) light , lustre , radiance , splendour , glory , beauty , grace , loveliness (%{zriye4} and %{zriyai4} , `" for splendour or beauty "' , `" beauteously "' , gloriously "' cf. %{zriya4se} ; du. %{zriyau} , `" beauty and prosperity "' ; %{zriya@AtmajAH} , `" sons of beauty "' i.e. horses [cf. %{zrI-putra}] ; %{zriyaH@putrAH} "' , goats with auspicious marks "') RV. &c. &c. ; prosperity , welfare , good fortune , success , auspiciousness , wealth , treasure , riches (%{zriyA} , `" accordсaccording to fortune or wealth "') , high rank , power , might , majesty , royal dignity (or `" Royal dignity "' personified ; %{zriyo@bhAjaH} , `" possessors of dignity "' , `" people of high rank "') AV. &c. &c. ; symbol or insignia of royalty Vikr. iv , 13 ; N. of Lakshmi1 (as goddess of prosperity or beauty and wife of Vishn2u , produced at the churning of the ocean , also as daughter of Bhr2igu and as mother of Darpa) S3Br. &c. &c. ; N. of Sarasvati1 (see %{-paJcamI}) ; of a daughter of king Su-s3arman Katha1s. ; of various metres Col. ; (the following only in L. `" a lotus-flower ; intellect , understanding ; speech ; cloves ; Pinus Longifolia ; Aegle Marmelos ; a kind of drug = %{vRddhi} ; N. of a Buddhist goddess and of the mother of the 17th Arhat "') ; m. N. of the fifth musical Ra1ga (see %{rAga}) Sam2gi1t. ; mfn. diffusing light or radiance , splendid , radiant , beautifying , adorning (ifc. ; see %{agni-} , %{adhvara-} , %{kSatra-} , %{gaNa-} , %{jana-zrI} &c.) RV. iv , 41 , 8. [The word %{zrI} is frequently used as an honorific prefix (= `" sacred "' , `" holy "') to the names of deities (e.g. S3ri-Durga1 , S3ri1-Ra1ma) , and may be repeated two , three , or even four times to express excessive veneration. (e.g. S3ri1-s3ri1-Durga1 &c.) ; it is also used as a respectful title (like `" Reverend "') to the names of eminent persons as well as of celebrated works and sacred objects (e. g. S3ri1-Jayadeva. S3ri1Bha1gavata) , and is often placed at the beginning or back of letters , manuscripts , important documents &c. ; also before the words %{caraNa} and %{pAda} `" feet "' , and even the end of personal names.]




аадинаатхаХа – составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» (??), м.р. «изначальный защитник», аадинаатхаайа – д.п. (кому?)
аадиХи – м.р. «начало»
Adi 1 m. beginning , commencement ; a firstling , first-fruits ; ifc. beginning with , et caetera , and so on (e.g. %{indrA7dayaH@surAH} , the gods beginning with Indra i.e. Indra &c. ; %{gRhA7diyukta} , possessed of houses &c. ; %{evamAdIni@vastUni} , such things and others of the same kind: %{zayyA@khaTvA7dih} [Comm. on Pa1n2. 3-3 , 99] , S3ayya1 means a bed &c. ; often with %{-ka} at the end e.g. %{dAnadharmA7dikam} [Hit.] , liberality , justice , &c.) ; %{Adau} ind. in the beginning , at first.
наатхаХа – м.р. «защитник»
1 nAth cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. ji , 6) %{nA4thate} TS. Ka1t2h. &c. (%{-ti} MBh. Katha1s. ; pf. %{nanAtha} ; aor. %{anAthIt} ; fut. %{nAthiSyati} , or %{nAthitA} Gr. ; inf. %{nAthitum} Katha1s. ; ind. p. %{-nAthya} Prab.) to seek aid , approach with prayers or requests (loc.) TS. Ka1t2h. ; to ask , solicit , beg for (gen. of thing MBh. iii , 126 , 30 ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 55 ; dat. of thсthing Vop. ; with 2 acc. Naish. iii , 25) ; to have power , be master Dha1tup.: Caus. %{nAthayati} , to cause a person to ask for anything i.e. to grant a request (acc.) BhP. (B.) ii , 9 , 25. [Cf. %{nAdh} ; Goth. {nithan} , Old Sax. {gina1tha} , {nASa} ; HGerm. {gena1de} , {gnade}.]
2 nAtha n. refuge , help AV. TBr. ; m. a protector , patron , possessor , owner , lord (often ifc. , esp. in names of gods and men e.g. %{goviGda-} , %{jagan-} &c. ; but also mf[%{A}]n. possessed of occupied by , furnished with cf. %{sa-}) ; a husband (esp. in voc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a rope passed through the nose of a draft ox L. ; N. of sev. authors Cat.




намас – с.р. «поклонение»
namas n. bow , obeisance , reverential salutation , adoration (by gesture or word ; often with dat. e.g. %{rAmAya@namaH} , salutation or glory to Ra1ma , often ind. [g. %{svar-Adi}] ; %{namas-kR} , to utter a salutation , do homage ; ind. p. %{-mas-kR4tya} [AV. TS. &c.] or %{-mas-kRtvA} [MBh. BhP.] ; %{na4mas-kRta} , worshipped , adored) RV. &c. &c. ; food Naigh. ii , 7 ; a thunderbolt , ii , 20 ; gift , donation L. ; m. (?) an inarticulate cry L.
асту – «да будет!», повелит.наклонение глагола ас – (2 класс) «быть»
astu (3. sg. Imper.) , let it be , be it so ; there must be or should be (implying an order).




yena ind. (instr. of 3. %{ya}) by whom or by which , by means of which , by which way RV. &c. &c. ; in which direction , whither , where MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; in which manner Pa1rGr2. Mn. ; on which account , in consequence of which , wherefore MBh. R. Katha1s. ; because , since , as RV. &c. &c. ; that , so that , in order that (with pres. or fut or Pot.)




упадишТаа – (прил.ж.р.) «преподанная, предписанная (наука – видйаа ж.р.)» от упадишь – 1П «указывать»
upadiSTa mfn. specified , particularized ; taught , instructed ; mentioned ; prescribed , commanded &c. ; initiated W. ; (%{am}) n. counsel , advice , (in dram.) a persuasive speech in conformity with the prescribed rules Sa1h. 449 &c.
upadiz 1 P. A1. %{-dizati} , %{-te} , to point out to S3Br. x , 6 , 1 , 11 ; to indicate , specify , explain , inform , instruct , teach S3Br. A1s3vS3r. & Gr2. MBh. Mr2icch. Ragh. &c. ; to advise , admonish BhP. Hit. ; to mention , exhibit , speak of BhP. Mn. Mr2icch. VPra1t. &c. ; to settle , prescribe , command , dictate , govern MBh. Mn. Kum. Pan5cat. &c. ; to name , call MBh. BhP. Mn. &c.: Pass. %{-dizyate} , to be taught , &c.




vidyA f. knowledge (cf. %{kAla-jAta-v-}) , science , learning , scholarship , philosophy RV. &c. &c. (according to some there are four Vidya1s or sciences , 1. %{trayI} , the triple Veda ; 2. %{AnvIkSikI} , logic and metaphysics ; 3. %{daNDa-nIti} , the science of government ; 4. %{vArttA} , practical arts , such as agriculture , commerce , medicine &c. ; and Manu vii , 43 adds a fifth , viz. %{Atma-vidyA} , knowledge of soul or of spiritual truth ; according to others , Vidya1 has fourteen divisions , viz. the four Vedas , the six Veda1n3gas , the Pura1n2as , the Mi1ma1n6sa1. Nya1ya , and Dharma or law [964,1] ; or with the four Upa-vedas , eighteen divisions ; others reckon 33 and even 64 sciences [= %{kalAs} or arts] ; Knowledge is also personified and identified with Durga1 ; she is even said to have composed prayers and magical formulas) ; any knowledge whether true or false (with Pa1s3upatas) Sarvad. ; a spell , incantation MBh. Ragh. Katha1s. ; magical skill MW. ; a kind of magical pill (which placed in the mouth is supposed to give the power of ascending to heaven) W. ; Premna Spinosa L. ; a mystical N. of the letter %{i} Up. ; a small bell L. (cf. %{vidyAmaNi}). 1.




вибхраадж – 1А «воссиять, освещать», вибхрааджатэ – 3 л.ед.ч.наст.вр. «освещает»
vibhrAj 1 A1. %{-bhrAjate} (ep. also P.) , to shine forth , be bright or radiant RV. &c. &c. ; to shine through (acc.) RV. AV. ; Caus. %{-bhrAjayati} , to cause to shine or beam MBh. Hariv. BhP.




pronnata mfn. raised up , elevated , lofty , high Var. Pan5cat. ; superior Pan5cat.
pronnam (%{pra-ud-nam}) , Caus. %{-namayati} , to raise up , erect Sus3r




раджа-йогаХа – м.р. «царь-йога», составное слово типа «кармадхаарайа» (??) по типу хаТха-йогаХа – «сила-йога»
рааджан – м.р. «царь»
rAjan 1 m. (ifc. mostly %{-rAja} , esp. in Tat-purushas ; f. %{-rAjan} , %{-jA} or %{-jJI} ; cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 28 Sch.) a king , sovereign , prince , chief (often applied to gods e.g. to Varun2a and the other A1dityas , to Indra , Yama &c. , but esp. to Soma [also the plant and juice] and the Moon) RV. &c. &c. ; a man of the royal tribe or the military caste , a Kshatriya A1s3vS3r. ChUp. Mn. &c. (cf. %{rAjanya}) ; a Yaksha L. ; N. of one of the 18 attendants on Su1rya (identified with a form of Guha) L. ; of Yudhi-sht2hira MBh. (%{rAjJAm@indra-maho7tsavaH} and %{-rAjJAm} %{pratibodhaH}N. of wks.) [875,1] ; (%{rA4jJI}) f. see s.v. [Cf. Lat. {rex} ; Kelt. {ri7g} , fr. which Old Germ. {ri7k} ; Goth. {reiks} ; Angl. Sax. {ri7ce} ; Eng. {rich}.]




аародхум – инфинитив от аарудх – 7П «восходить»
2 Arodha &c. see %{A-} 2. %{rudh}.
3 Arodhana n. innermost part , secret place [Sa1y.] ; (fr. 1. %{rudh} = %{ruh}) , mounting , ascent [Pischel and NBD.] RV.
4 AroDhavya mfn. to be ascended or mounted MBh. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
ArUDha mfn. mounted , ascended , bestridden (as a horse &c.) MBh. Hariv. BhP. ; risen ; raised up , elevated on high VarBr2S. Pan5cat. Hit. Katha1s. &c. ; undertaken ; reached , brought to (often used in compounds e.g. %{indriyA7rUDha} , brought under the cognizance of the senses , perceived) BhP. ; having reached or attained , come into (a state) BhP. Prab. S3ak. Katha1s. &c. ; (%{am}) n. the mounting , arising.
rudh 2 cl. 7. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxix , 1) %{ruNa4ddhi} , %{runddhe4} (1. pl. %{-rudhmas} AV. ; %{rundhati} , %{-te} Br. &c. ; %{rodhati} MBh. pf. %{rurodha} , %{rurudhe} RV. &c. &c. ; %{rurundhatuH} MBh. ; aor. %{araut} AV. ; %{arautsIt} Br. &c. ; %{rotsIs} Up. ; %{arutsi} , %{aruddha} Br. Up. ; %{arautsi} AitBr. ; %{arodham} RV. ; %{arudhma} MaitrS. ; p. %{rudha4t} cf. 1. %{rudh} ; %{arudhat} RV. &c. &c. ; Prec. %{rudhyAt} Ka1v. ; fut. %{roddhA} Gr. ; %{rotsyati} , %{-te} Br. &c. inf. %{roddhum} or %{rodhitum} MBh. ; %{roddhos} Br. ; ind. p. %{ruddhvA} MBh.&c. ; %{-ru4dhya} RV. &c. &c. ; %{-rundhya} MBh. ; %{-ru4dham} AV. Br. ; %{-ru4ndham} Br. ; %{-ro7dham} ib.) , to obstruct , check , arrest , stop , restrain , prevent , keep back , withhold RV. (always with %{na}) , &c. &c. ; to avert , keep off , repel Bhat2t2. (cf. %{rudhat} under 1. %{rudh}) ; to shut , lock up , confine in (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c. (accord. to Vop. also with double acc.) ; to besiege , blockade , invest Pat. MBh. &c. ; to close , block up (a path) R. ; to cover , conceal , veil , obscure MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to stop up , fill ib. ; to lay (dust) Ragh. ; to touch , move (the heart) Ba1lar. ; to torment , harass R. ; to lose , be deprived of (acc.) TS. S3Br. ; to tear , rend asunder (?) AV. xix , 29 , 3: Caus. %{rodhayati} (ep. also %{-te} and %{rundhayati} [884,2] ; aor. %{arUrudhat} ; Pass. %{rodhyate}) , to stop , arrest MBh. ; to cause to be confined by (acc.) Pan5car. ; to cause to be besieged by (instr.) Ragh. ; to close (with a cover or lid) Bhpr. ; to fetter , enchain , influence BhP. ; to oppress , torment , harass MBh. R.: Desid. %{rorutsate} (Br.) , %{-ti} (MBh.) , to wish to obstruct &c.: Intens. %{rorudhyate} , %{roroddhi} , to obstruct intensely or repeatedly &c. Gr. (only %{rorudhaH} MBh.)




иччхоХ – ед.ч. Abl или Gen м.р. от иччху – (прил.) «жаждущий», здесь Gen так как «лестницеподобие (для) жаждущего подняться»
icchu mfn. wishing , desiring (with acc. or inf.) Ka1tyS3r. Pan5cat. R. Katha1s.
icchA f. wish , desire , inclination , K.: Mn. Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. Ragh. &c. ; (in math.) a question or problem ; (in gram.) the desiderative form APra1t. ; (%{icchayA} ind. according to wish or desire Pan5cat. Hit. Megh. &c. ; %{icchAM@ni-grah} , to suppress one's desire.)




адхирохиНии – ж.р. «лестница»
adhirohin mfn. rising above , ascending , &c. , (%{iNI}) f. a ladder , flight of steps.




ива – (неизм.) «подобно»
iva ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}) , like , in the same manner as (in this sense = %{yathA} , and used correlatively to %{tathA}) ; as it were , as if (e.g. %{pathe7va} , as if on a path) ; in a certain manner , in some measure , a little , perhaps (in qualification or mitigation of a strong assertion) ; nearly , almost , about (e.g. %{muhUrtam@iva} , almost an hour) ; so , just so , just , exactly , indeed , very (especially after words which involve some restriction e.g. %{ISad@iva} , just a little ; %{kiMcid@iva} , just a little bit: and after a negation e.g. %{na@cirAd@iva} , very soon). %{iva} is connected vaguely , and somewhat pleonastically , with an interrogative pronoun or adverb (e.g. %{kim@iva} , what? %{katham@iva} , how could that possibly be? %{kve7va} , where , I should like to know?). In the Pada texts of the R2ig , Yajur , and Atharva-veda , and by native grammarians , %{iva} is considered to be enclitic , and therefore compounded with the word after which it stands RV. AV. &c. &c.



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